Meeting documents

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

To Members of the Cabinet
Notice of a Meeting of the Cabinet


Wednesday 20 June 2007 at 2.00 pm


County Hall, Oxford



Tony Cloke

Assistant Head of Service (Democratic)                                                                       June 2007


Contact officer:          Michele Cooke

Tel: 01865 815463









Keith R Mitchell


Leader of the Council

David Robertson


Deputy Leader of the Council & Cabinet Member for Strategic Transport Policy

C.H. Shouler


Cabinet Member for Finance

John Howell


Cabinet Member for Change Management

Louise Chapman


Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families

Michael Waine


Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement

Roger Belson


Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development

Jim Couchman


Cabinet Member for Social & Community Services

Ian Hudspeth


Cabinet Member for Transport Implementation

Mrs J. Heathcoat


Cabinet Member for Community Safety

Decisions taken at the meeting

will become effective at the end of the working day on 28 June 2007

unless called in by that date for review by the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.

Copies of this Notice, Agenda and supporting papers are circulated

to all Members of the County Council.

Date of next meeting: 17 July 2007


If you have any special requirements (such as a large print version of these papers or special access facilities) please contact the officer named on the front page, but please give as much notice as possible before the meeting.



Addenda (download as .doc file)


1.                 Apologies for Absence


2.                 Declarations of Interestsee guidance note

3.                 Minutes


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2007 (CA3) and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.


4.                 Petitions and Public Address


5.                 Provisional 2006/07 Revenue and Capital Outturn

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/98

Contact: Ken Bell, Assistant Head of Finance (Finance Accounting) (01865 815411)


Report by Head of Finance & Procurement (CA5).

(CA5 - download as .doc file)

(CA5 - Annexes 1 - 7 - download as .xls file)
(CA5 - Annexes 8 - download as .xls file)

(CA5 - Annexes 9 -
download as .xls file)


This report presents the provisional outturn for revenue (Part 1) and capital (Part 2) for the 2006/07 financial year. Figures shown in the report reflect those included in the Council’s Statement of Accounts in 2006/07, which is submitted to the Audit Committee on 27 June 2007 , prior to audit. The report includes proposals for the allocation of revenue carry forwards under the Council’s budget management arrangements.


The provisional outturn for the Council shows general balances of £22.933m; an increase of some £7.9m compared to the last report to Members, which was based upon the period to the end of February.  The £22.9m incorporates the receipt of Local Authority Business growth Incentive grant (LABGI), the allocation of which in 2007/08 has been recommended by Cabinet and the receipt of £2.744m of Performance Reward Grant which will be applied in 2007/08.  When these two elements are taken in to consideration the ‘free’ balances taken forward into 2007/08 reduce to £19.224m.


The Directorate carry forward position stands at £3.667m underspend (net of £2.533m overspend on City Schools’ reorganisation).  This compares to a carry forward position of £3.020m (net of City School ’s) at the end of 2005/06 and reflects slippage in a number of projects.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)              note the provisional revenue and capital outturn set out in the report;


(b)              approve the Directorate carry-forwards as set out in annex 2(a), including the virement of carried forward underspends to other budget heads in 2006/07 as set out in annex 2(b);


(c)               approve the use of balances to meet  the overspend of £0.009m on non-domestic rates (paragraph 59);


(d)              approve the use of balances to meet £0.037m overspend on the Coroners Service (paragraph 59);


(e)              agree that the surplus in the On-Street Parking Account at the end of the 2006/07 financial year, so far as not applied to particular eligible purposes in accordance with Section 55(4) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, be carried forward in the account to the 207/08 financial year (paragraph 43); and,


(f)                rescind the approval given to the formation of a £1.0m provision from the Strategic Measures surplus in respect of debt restructuring (paragraph 50).


6.                 Financial Monitoring

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/52

Contact: Stephanie Skivington, Strategic Finance Manager/Mike Petty, Strategic Financial Planning Manager (01865 815426/815622)


Report by Head of Finance & Procurement (CA6).


The financial monitoring report covers the period ended 30 April 2007 for both revenue and capital.  As this is the first month of the 2007/08 financial year, it is difficult to forecast the year-end outturn based on a single month’s actuals.  This report has therefore been prepared on an exceptions basis, focusing on key risk areas identified as part of the budget process.


Based on the Provisional Outturn report for 2006/07, the closing balances figure is £22.933m.  Taking in to account the budgeted changes to balances set out in the Medium Term Financial Plan this falls to £22.537m balances at 1 April.  Included in balances is £3.709m (£0.965m relating to Local Authority Business Growth Incentive grant and £2.744m Performance Reward Grant).   The use of the Local Authority Business Growth Incentive (LABGI) grant was approved by Cabinet in April 2007 for recommendation to Council and the Performance Reward Grant funding will be allocated in accordance with the schedule agreed by Council in February 2007.  After adjusting for these two items and a forecast additional interest on balances (£1.0m), the general revenue balances forecast for the year-end shows a balance of £19.676m.


Within Children, Young People & Families the main area of pressure continues to be the Early Years and Family Support Service.  A supplementary estimate is requested to meet the balance brought forward on the Agency Placements budget that has not been offset by the virement of underspends from elsewhere in this Directorate.  High financial risk arising from unresolved Home Office data matching issues for 2006/07 earlier years in the Asylum Seekers budget is taken forward into 2007/08 and Oxfordshire’s special representation claim is due to be submitted to the Home Office in July.


Within the Social & Community Services Directorate a balanced year-end position is anticipated although the overspend of £0.255m carried forward on the Library Service budget will need to be addressed as part of the fundamental review of this service, which if delayed, will impact on the extent of savings realised this year. 


The Directorates for Environment & Economy, Community Safety and Corporate Core have not identified any key risks that could cause a significant variation to budget although based on previous years’ trends, slippage could arise on a number of projects throughout the course of the year.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)              note the report;


(b)              approve the non-repayable supplementary estimate of £0.152m requested by the Director of Children, Young People & Families as detailed in paragraph 6;


(c)               approve the permanent virements from Social & Community Services to Community Safety of £0.046m and from Community Safety to Social & Community Safety of £0.024m (paragraph 22);


(d)              approve the permanent internal virement of £1.376m within Corporate Core (paragraph 23);


(e)              approve the permanent virement of £2.733m from all directorates to Shared Services (paragraph 27);


(f)                approve the permanent virement of £0.335m from all directorates to Corporate HR (paragraph 28);


(g)              approve the temporary virement of £0.255m from Corporate Core to Social & Community Safety (paragraph 29); and


(h)              approve the permanent virement of £0.056m from Social & Community Services to Corporate Core (paragraph 30).


7.                 Performance Management

Cabinet Member: Change Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2006/041

Contact: Paul Edwards, Corporate Performance Manager (01865 815307)


Report by County Council Management Team (CA7).


This quarterly report shows our performance against the key targets contained in the Council's Balanced Scorecard at the end of the fourth quarter of 2006/7. The report identifies performance against each priority target using a traffic light system to show progress within four blocks: customers, finance, process and people.


Performance at the end of the fourth quarter is encouraging, showing green traffic lights for over 75% of indicators where information is available.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the report.


8.                 Establishment Monitoring

Cabinet Member: Change Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/29

Contact: Steve Munn, Head of Human Resources & Organisational Development (01865 815191)


Report by Head of Human Resources & Organisational Development (CA8). (download as .doc file)

(CC8 - tables - download as .xls file)

  This report gives an update on activity since the implementation of the new Establishment Review and associated Recruitment Approval process on 1 August 2005 . It provides detail on the overall objectives of the review and summarises progress made against the targets which were agreed to ensure delivery of those objectives. Details of the agreed establishment figure at 31 March 2007 in terms of Full Time Equivalents is provided, together with the detailed staffing position at 31 March 2007 . These are shown in the report by Directorate and Service area.


The report also provides information on current activity and in addition there is information on grant funded posts and those vacancies which are being covered by agency staff and at what cost.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)              note the report; and


(b)              confirm that the Establishment Review continues to meet requirements in reporting and managing staffing numbers.


9.                 Oxfordshire Local Area Agreement Annual Review

Cabinet Member: Leader of the Council

Forward Plan Ref: 2006/182

Contact: Paul James, Head of Partnership Working, (01865 816031)


Report by Chief Executive (CA9).

(CA9 - Annex 1 - download as .doc file)

(CA9 - Annex 2 - download as .doc file)


Oxfordshire's Local Area Agreement (LAA) was signed in March 2006 for delivery from April 2006 to March 2009. The Public Service Board manages the LAA for the Oxfordshire Partnership and has been monitoring performance against the targets on a quarterly basis. Oxfordshire County Council is the accountable body for the Local Area Agreement on behalf of the Oxfordshire Partnership and Councillor David Robertson chairs the Public Service Board.


The Local Area Agreement contains 12 ‘stretch’ outcomes, achievement of which if met, will bring £16m in reward grant to the Partnership and 25 non-stretch outcomes and associated targets. Targets are shared across the five blocks of the LAA; Children & Young People; Economic Development and Enterprise ; Safer Communities; Stronger Communities; Healthier Communities and Older People and Environment. Progress is generally good with notable successes on the stretch targets. However there remains further work to develop non-stretch projects and ensure data is robust. The review meeting with the Government Office for the South East (GOSE) is intended to be an open and constructive discussion on our progress and areas for further work in 2007/08.


Risk profiles have been developed to help each LAA “block” assess where some of the performance risks are higher for some targets than others. For example, whether there are dependencies between targets or where there is no previous performance data for the target. This has helped to focus where closer performance monitoring is required or where there are gaps that need to be addressed. LAA Programme and governance arrangements are in place. The GOSE 12 month review (June 2007) will identify strengths and weaknesses which could impact on CPA Corporate assessment score. (Risk register reference CC PU7).


GOSE requires that there is a report on the Council’s LAA every six months. The first six month review adopted a light touch approach but the first annual review provides the opportunity to evaluate the Council’s performance, focusing on its successes, weaknesses and the added value of the LAA. The self assessment report has been prepared to inform our discussion with the Government Office. The review meeting will take place on 21st June. As the accountable body for the Local Area Agreement, Oxfordshire County Council is responsible for managing the programme and co-ordinating the review process.


A working draft of the Annual Report text for consideration by Cabinet is attached. The Public Service Board meets on 12 June to agree the Annual Review Self Assessment Report. The report is then submitted to the Government Office in advance of the review meeting. The final draft is available as part of the Cabinet addenda available at the meeting.


It is intended to report to Cabinet on 17 July on the outcomes of the annual review meeting.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to endorse the Local Area Agreement self assessment report and note progress against outcomes in the first year of delivery.


10.             Annual Audit & Inspection Letter 2005/06

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/43

Contact: Sue Scane, Head of Finance & Procurement (01865 816399)


Report by Head of Finance & Procurement (CA10) (download as .doc file).


The Audit Commission has issued the Annual Audit & Inspection Letter 2005/06.  The letter represents a summary of the Auditors’ work and key findings relating to the financial year 2005/06.  The timing of the letter is later this year than previously due to a review of the Fire Service Use of Resources assessment.  However, the financial aspects of the letter have already been considered in a separate report from KPMG LLP which was considered by the Audit Committee at its meeting on 10 January 2007 .  Copies of the letter have been placed in the Members’ Resource Centre and on public deposit.


The Council needs to consider the issues and recommendations arising from the letter, and this role is carried out for the Council by the Audit Committee, who will be considering it at their 27 June 2007 meeting.  They would normally refer any issues relating to the Cabinet or to other areas of Council to appropriate bodies.  Given the delay it was felt appropriate to bring the report directly to Cabinet for its consideration. 


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)              receive the Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2005/06;


(b)              consider whether there are any matters/recommendations for Cabinet action arising from the Annual Audit & Inspection Letter 2005/06;


(c)               invite individual Cabinet Members to pursue with the appropriate Directors the respective Recommendations in the Letter; and,


(d)              note that the Audit Committee on 27 June 2007 will be recommended to:


(i)                 receive the Letter and note any comments from the Audit Commission/KPMG;


(ii)               refer sections of the letter to scrutiny committees as appropriate; and,


(iii)             refer the Letter to the Scrutiny Co-ordinating Group to help develop work planning for 2007/08 onwards.


11.             Provision of Additional Secondary Pupil

Places in Wantage, Grove and Surrounding Villages

Cabinet Member: Schools Improvement

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/07

Contact: Michael Mill, Strategic Manager (01865 816458)


Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families (CA11) (download as .doc file).


This report summarises the findings from the public consultation in Wantage and Grove which concluded in January 2007 and recommends a way forward to meet the future demand for secondary school places in the area.


The key drivers for undertaking the consultation were:


·                    Need for 700 additional secondary pupil places in the Grove area – 150 by 2011 and a further 550 by 2026.

·                    Need for the Council to negotiate with the developer to secure a site in Grove for additional provision.

·                    Desire from King Alfred’s Community and Sports College to re-organise from 3 to 2 sites.


The area currently has one secondary school: King Alfred’s Community and Sports College . The current capacity of the school is for 2,100 pupils and there are 1,800 pupils on roll at present.  There are 300 places within the school’s overall accommodation that are in temporary classrooms Consultation had previously been undertaken in 2003 and earlier in 2006. The December 2006 consultation documents have been available in the Members’ Resource Centre. The Consultation focused on three options:


A) Two schools each with 1,250 pupils;

B) One school on two sites with 2,500 pupils; and,

C) New 600 place 11-16 school for Grove and retain King Alfred’s as existing.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)              consider the Options as set out in this paper and decide to:


(1)              proceed with Option A and propose 2 schools each with 1,250 pupil places; or


(2)              proceed with Option B and expand King Alfred’s Sports and Community College to 2,500 pupil places; or


(3)              proceed with Option C and provide a new 600 place 11-16 schools for Grove and retain King Alfred’s Sports and Community College under the existing arrangement; and


(b)              authorise Officers to complete negotiations with developers to secure a sufficient and appropriate site to meet the needs of the selected option and any possible future expansion and report back on the potential  implications in terms of timeline and cost of the preferred option.


12.             Healthy School Scrutiny Review

Cabinet Member: Schools Improvement

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/106

Contact: Julian Hehir, Scrutiny Review Officer (01865 816673)


Report by Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee (CA12).

RCA12 - Scrutiny Review of Healthy Schools – Executive Summary
- download as .doc file)

RCA12 - Scrutiny Review of Healthy Schools - download as .doc file)


On 27 September last year, the Children's Services Scrutiny Committee agreed as part of its work programme to undertake a scrutiny review of Healthy Schools and appointed Councillors Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor, Keith Stone and Jean Fooks to the Lead Member Review Group. Having collected a wide variety of evidence, the Committee now presents its findings in this report, for Cabinet's consideration.


The Review itself involved interviewing expert witnesses, visiting schools and other local authorities and secondary research.  These provided evidence to support the conclusions reached.


The Review Group was impressed by the effectiveness with which the overall programme was being delivered and implemented in schools, the numbers of schools achieving the Healthy School Standard (HSS), and the commitment of everyone involved. But, there were areas of concern:


·                    the long term sustainability of and ongoing financial support for “Healthy Schools”;

·                    external agencies’ support for schools at acute times;

·                    the difficulty in obtaining tangible evidence to indicate the long term health and achievement benefits for pupils and schools;

·                    access to and commitment from schools who did not wish to register for the Standard;

·                    inadequate dining and lavatory facilities;

·                    perhaps, over-emphasis in some instances on the Healthy Eating theme of Healthy Schools.

However, the overall impression was very positive and there have been significant achievements around “Healthy Schools”.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to consider the Scrutiny Review Report and communicate to the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee its response to the Review’s recommendations.


13.             A Review of the First Year of Delegating

the Statementing Budget

Cabinet Member: Schools Improvement

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/109

Contact: Janet Johnson, SEN Service Manager – SEN Lead (01865 815129)


Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families (CA13).


This report reviews the first year on implementing the scheme of SEN delegation introduced in April 2006.  In December 2005 the then Executive agreed:


(a)        the introduction of a scheme of delegation from April 2006 using the SEN Index formula, on the following basis:


(1)               all of the statementing budget for secondary schools should be delegated;

(2)               for primary schools, funding equivalent to the first 15 hours of provision should be delegated;

(3)               introduction should be phased over two year;

(4)               exceptional arrangements should be made for the hundred primary schools with the smallest whole school budgets and other exceptional circumstances, on a basis agreed by the Director for Children, Young People & Families;

(5)               a contingency fund should be retained for exceptional arrangements, ring-fenced within the school’s block so that any surplus is re-distributed to schools at the end of the year;


(b)               the Director for Children, Young People & Families be asked to:


(1)               review the implementation within the first year for consideration by the Schools Forum and Cabinet;

(2)               produce a full review of the scheme within the first two years, in time for any changes to be made for April 2008;

(3)               report to the Cabinet in Summer 2007 on the use of “additional funding” and any proposals for its redistribution from 2008;

(4)               work on extending the scope of ‘School Action Plus’ in the hundred primary schools with the smallest whole school budgets to enable, where appropriate, further centrally agreed funding for specified pupils.


The introduction of the new scheme has been phased over two years. A further detailed report will be submitted to the Cabinet in autumn 2007 to allow decisions to be made in advance of the April 2008 budget cycle.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)              endorse the continued implementation of the delegation scheme as described within the report;


(b)              seek the views of the Schools Forum on the scheme as monitored hitherto;


(c)               request a further report to Cabinet in the autumn, in time for any changes for April 2008; and


(d)              instruct the Director for Children, Young People & Families to re-distribute savings from central SEN staffing to schools.


14.             Better Offices Programme –  Northern Area

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/36

Contact: Mark Tailby – Property Services (01865 816012)


Report by Head of Property Services and Head of Finance & Procurement (CA14).


This project appraisal relates to acquisition of a freehold site in Banbury town centre and procurement of a new office building to consolidate staff from 10 existing Council offices. 

The report describes the proposals in terms of location, size of building, environmental standards and benefits of service integration; the main risks which relate to ground conditions, planning, procurement and the timetable and how the proposal meets County Council objectives.


Providing a consolidated office in Banbury is a major component of the Better Offices Programme and will contribute significantly to achieving a smaller, better quality, flexible portfolio to improve service delivery.  It will allow freehold disposal of 3 properties, surrender of 2 leasehold buildings and will release space within a further 5 County Council buildings.  The new offices will be fit for purpose, whereas those to be released are generally under-performing in energy and maintenance terms, having been acquired on a piecemeal basis over many years.


The report lists the other options considered and sets out the financial implications for the preferred option.  Initial estimates suggest that the cost of construction may not fall within the previously approved Business Case for the Better Offices Programme and the report explains the further work which will be carried out before legal commitment to ensure that the overall financial case remains in balance.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the Detailed Project Appraisal R2.


15.             Better Offices Programme – East Oxford

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/37

Contact: Mark Tailby – Property Services (01865 816012)


Report by Head of Property Services and Head of Finance & Procurement (CA15).


The Business Case for the Better Offices Programme requires the identification of suitable premises for an “East Oxford Hub”.  An opportunity to lease a suitable office building in Temple Cowley , East Oxford has arisen.  Terms have been agreed to lease a 23,000 sq.ft building for 15 years without break.  The building, presently known as BD House, will be refurbished by the landlord to provide modern open plan offices for up to 393 staff. 


This refurbished office building will form the "East Oxford Hub" enabling Service Directorates to share office accommodation, encouraging team working, and facilitating the disposal of various older less suitable office buildings.  This all goes towards meeting the Corporate Objectives of providing value for money and assisting with the objective of “Improving the Performance of our Property.”


The Business Case for the Better Office Programme sets out a timescale for developing several Hubs, including East Oxford .  To keep to the Programme the building needs to be legally secured (by way of Agreement to Lease) by the end of June 2007.  This will then enable the landlord to commence the refurbishment and fitting out works by late Autumn 2007.  The Council can then take possession to fit out and furnish the building ready for occupation in Spring 2008.  In turn this will enable older less suitable office properties to be disposed of.


This is a key opportunity to secure a suitable modern office building in an accessible location in East Oxford . Approval is needed for both the capital expenditure that will be incurred in fitting out the offices, and also for the revenue expenditure to cover the rent and other outgoings of occupying the office building.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the Detailed Project Appraisal – R1/1.


16.             Better Offices Programme – Southern Area

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/38

Contact: Mark Tailby – Property Services (01865 816012)


Report by Head of Property Services and Head of Finance & Procurement (CA16).


On the 16 January 2007 , the Cabinet approved the business case for the Review of Property Assets (now the Better Offices Programme) and the Cabinet resolved to:


(a)               agree the funding required to implement the programme, subject to a project appraisal for the necessary capital expenditure being approved by the Cabinet;


(b)               authorise officers to pursue negotiations for the acquisition of additional office space in the South.


This report sets out the proposals and financial implications of acquiring this additional accommodation. This project appraisal relates to the acquisition of 2 units at Foxcombe Court , in order to consolidate 3 existing Council offices in Abingdon and Wallingford with the existing County Council offices at Foxcombe Court . The project involves entering into an Agreement for lease to take Units 1–16 Foxcombe Court .  The lease for the existing County Council offices will be surrendered (unexpired term of 7 years) and a new lease taken on the whole building for a term of 15 years. This relies on the landlord being able to agree satisfactory terms with the existing tenant for relocation. Part of the southern area proposals include temporarily leasing offices in Wallingford whilst the Youth Centre is being redeveloped.  The staff moving into these temporary offices will then relocate to the new Youth Centre.  This lease will be dealt with by a separate project appraisal.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the Detailed Project Appraisal R3.


17.             Examination of The Oxfordshire Partnership

and LAA Scrutiny Review

Cabinet Member: Leader of the Council and Deputy Leader of the Council

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/108

Contact: Matt Bramall, Scrutiny Review Officer (01865 810822)


Report by Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee (CA17). (download as .doc file)

(CA17 - Summary - download as .doc file)

On 5 October 2006, the Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee agreed as part of its work programme to undertake a select committee style investigation of the Oxfordshire Partnership and Local Area Agreement (LAA) and appointed Councillors Brighouse, Bryden and Wilmshurst to undertake background research to ensure that the public meeting was well planned and focused. The public meeting took place on 27 March 2007 . Having collected a variety of evidence, the Committee now presents its findings in this report, for Cabinet's consideration.


The Committee recognised it was still early days for the development of the Partnership. That said, there are already examples of excellent practice; including the joint PCT and County Council appointment of a Director of Public Health. Also the strong levels of commitment observable in the leaders of key organisations were recognised and their belief in the desirability of succeeding at defining some shared priorities.  But, there were areas of concern, including:


·                    The fact that major decisions were being taken by a forum in which elected members were in the minority.

·                    The lack of a complete list of contacts and members that is updated on a regular basis.

·                    There is a subtle difference between working genuinely together in a sense of shared purpose to solve a set of agreed common problems, and simply working on one’s own issues and ‘badging’ the contribution this makes to shared agendas.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to consider the Scrutiny Review Report and communicate to the Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee its response to the Review’s recommendations.


18.             Forward Plan and Future Business

Cabinet Member: All

Contact Officer: Tony Cloke, Assistant Head of Service (Democratic) (01865 815314)


The Cabinet Procedure Rules provide that the business of each meeting at the Cabinet is to include “updating of the Forward Plan and proposals for business to be conducted at the following meeting”.  Items from the Forward Plan for the immediately forthcoming meetings of the Cabinet appear in the Schedule at CA18.  This includes any updated information relating to the business for those meetings that has already been identified for inclusion in the next Forward Plan update.


The Schedule is for noting, but Cabinet Members may also wish to take this opportunity to identify any further changes they would wish to be incorporated in the next Forward Plan update.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.

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