Meeting documents

Wednesday, 20 June 2007


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Division(s): All






Name of Scheme:           Better Offices Programme – Northern area

Acquisition of site and construction of new office, Banbury


Start Year:                     2007/08


Basis of Estimate:          Site acquisition terms agreed with landowner.  Building construction costs provided by developer. Other cost estimates produced by Mouchel Parkman.


1.                INTRODUCTION


On the 16 January 2007 , the Cabinet authorised implementation of the first phase of the Review of Property Assets (now known as the Better Offices Programme) and resolved to:


Agree the funding required to implement the programme, subject to a project appraisal for the necessary capital expenditure being approved by the Cabinet.


This project appraisal relates to the acquisition of a freehold site in Banbury town centre and procurement of a new office building (of approximately 1798 square metres) to consolidate staff from 10 existing Council offices in Banbury, Bicester, Kidlington and Witney.  The approval of this project appraisal will enable the northern area moves to proceed in accordance with the timescales and financial appraisal of the Better Offices Programme.


The owner of the site has had an offer from another party and is only willing to proceed with a sale to the County Council if contracts are exchanged by the end of June 2007.


2.                DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT


The accommodation in the new Banbury hub office will provide space for approximately 260 operational staff from the CYP&F and S&CS Directorates currently based in 10 Council owned or leased properties - enabling much fuller service integration.   The proposed specification will meet the BREEAM “Very Good” environmental standard and will comply with the Council’s own Environmental Standards.


The preferred site has been introduced to the County Council by a local developer, and the proposal is that the developer will deliver the building to the County Council’s brief.  The site is previously developed land and has planning permission for approximately 2800 square metres of offices.


To summarise the proposed process:


(i)                 The landowner has received another offer for the site and has imposed a deadline of 30 June 2007 for exchange of contracts.  The offer made to the landowner by the developer is subject to the outcome of ground investigations being acceptable, and the County Council and developer have jointly commissioned a ground investigation report.  The findings of this report will be presented orally to the Cabinet.


(ii)               The existing outline planning permission indicates two offices buildings on the site.  The County Council’s need relies upon those buildings being slightly redesigned.  A planning application has been submitted by the developer to resolve this issue and progress with that application will be reported orally to the Cabinet.


(iii)             At the same time as the developer exchanges contracts for the land purchase, it will enter into an agreement with the County Council to ensure that the building meets the Council’s brief. 


(iv)              Following exchange of contracts, the developer’s design team would undertake the detailed design process with a view to achieving detailed planning permission in January 2008, appointment of a contractor by April 2008 (fully tendered process), start on site in August 2008 and completion including fit-out by September 2009. 


Legal Services is currently advising on compliance with the procurement regulations governing County Council contracts. The developer’s initial proposal was potentially non-compliant and Legal Services is taking Counsel’s opinion on the regulations and the options available for working with the developer. Counsel’s opinion will have been received by the date of the Cabinet meeting and an verbal update will be given.


The timetable for delivery of the building is longer than originally envisaged in the approved Business Case because the preferred site has been found to be tenanted.  This change of timetable has been reported to the Better Offices Programme Board and will be monitored through that process.  If the tenant chooses to leave the site early, the programme will be shortened as appropriate.




Provision of suitable office accommodation makes a significant contribution to the provision of high quality services and therefore the project will support the corporate objective of providing Value for Money, and the strategic priority of improving our services.  Improved environmental performance, a town centre location and a reduction in the number of buildings will contribute to the Future First objectives.  The new office will contribute to “Improving the Performance of Our Property” by providing accommodation which will be fully utilised by the adoption of modern workstyles, and by releasing accommodation in existing buildings.  Improved accessibility of buildings will support Disability Equality.

The project aligns with the Property Service Plan objective of Improving the Performance of our Property. This is defined as providing a more efficient and effective property portfolio that secures better value from the assets, and enhances service delivery.  The project also contributes to the Asset Management Plan objective of 90% of property being fit for purpose by 2015.


Provision of this new hub office is also directly linked to the Council’s values (CHOICE), specifically providing a customer focus and assisting with the delivery of more efficient and effective services with greater team integration within and between services.




Creation of a new northern hub office in Banbury is a major component of the Better Offices Programme. The creation of hub offices around the County was approved by the Council’s Executive in 2004 and will contribute significantly to achieving the adopted success criteria for a smaller, but better quality, flexible portfolio that will improve service delivery and is fit for purpose.


Provision of a consolidated office will enable freehold disposal of 3 properties, surrender of 2 leasehold buildings and the release of space within a further 5 County Council buildings to be retained for further use or reviewed for future disposal.  The project should generate a net revenue saving to support the increased costs of other parts of the Better Offices Programme.


The buildings to be sold or surrendered represent generally under-performing buildings in energy and maintenance terms, which have been acquired on a piecemeal basis over many years.




Options considered for the northern hub office included:


(a)               Improve Calthorpe House and acquire a second office building in Banbury:

Rejected as the objectives and benefits of the programme would not be achieved – the staff would still be separated and it would be difficult to bring Calthorpe House up to the standard required


(b)               Acquire an existing building in Banbury:

Rejected as none of the existing buildings met the Council’s objectives in terms of location, size and environmental standards


(c)               Procure a new building on the County Council’s land at Orchard Lodge:

Retained as a fallback option, but this would be relatively expensive as Orchard Lodge is likely to achieve a residential planning permission.  The site is larger than needed and it would be important to include other activities to justify use of this area.  There is no existing planning permission for offices and applying for permission could delay the programme.


(d)               Procure a new building in an out-of-town location:

As yet the County Council does not wish to compromise its intention to locate the office in a more sustainable town centre location


Since commencement of the project, two other potential sites have been brought to Officers’ attention.  These do not have planning permission, so there is less certainty about the practicality and/or timing of delivery.  These two sites could also be counted as fallback options if necessary.




The Better Offices Programme is identified as a Key Objective in the Asset Management Plan & Capital Strategy.  The new hub office in Banbury is an integral part of that Programme and meets all its objectives. 


7.                FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Please see (exempt) Resource Appraisal


Exempt Information:  The Annex contains information considered to be exempt within Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person, including the authority holding that information), namely, the estimated value of property in respect of which a sale is in contemplation; and it is further considered that in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, in that otherwise the position of the Council in negotiations in respect of that sale would be likely to be prejudiced.


It is recommended on those grounds that the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the resource appraisal since it is likely that if they were present during those items there would be a disclosure of that exempt information.


The financial case for the overall Better Offices Programme was reported to and approved by the Cabinet in January:


(a)               Approval related to the overall financial case for the Programme rather than the financial performance of one aspect.  Thus, one element of the strategy can be varied provided that it is matched by equivalent variations elsewhere in the strategy.


(b)               Capital receipts from disposals are pooled within the financial planning for the overall programme, and are not allocated to individual projects.


(c)               A contingency figure of 10% of all capital expenditure has been included in the Programme Business Case, which will be managed across the programme.


(d)       A whole life costing approach has been applied to the Better Offices Programme.  That means the total costs of the Programme have been assessed over a 29 years period, i.e. 25 years after completion of the moves and the final phase of borrowing.


The figures in the Business Case for the Banbury hub office were as follows:


(a)       Estimated capital costs - £5,352,062


(b)               Estimated on-going annual revenue cost of £141,900 from 2013/14, with fluctuations prior to that as properties are disposed of and staff relocation costs are incurred. The current revenue cost attached to the buildings to be released is approximately £199,900 per annum. Thus, there should be a revenue cost saving of £58,000 per annum within the northern area project, which will support other parts of the Programme.


(c)        A whole life costing approach is being applied to the Banbury project, particularly as the County Council is acquiring a freehold building the decisions taken now will have a long term effect.  Thus, the specification is not simply related to current capital expenditure but takes account of the likely future maintenance and running costs.  The building layout is also designed to permit flexibility in the mode of occupation


The detailed capital cost estimates are set out in the attached (exempt) Annex.  


The total estimated cost of provision exceeds the figure in the Business Case as shown in the (exempt) annex.  This is primarily due to an increased cost of construction.  The original estimate used for the Business Case was provided by the developer but related to his usual “speculative office” specification and December 2006 building costs.  The County Council’s requirement for a BREEAM Very Good standard and compliance with its own environmental standards has resulted in a higher initial cost, and the building costs have been projected forward to the start on site date in August 2008.  The construction cost estimate includes a 10% contingency.


The latest cost estimate provided by the developer has been reviewed by Atkins – who are acting for the County Council on the Banbury project.  The Atkins Project Manager is satisfied that the overall cost does represent value for money when compared with the cost of acquiring other new office buildings currently available in the Banbury area, and that procurement of a building in the way proposed represents better value for money than leasing a completed building (because the County Council will not be paying anything for developer’s risk).


The delay in incurring major items of capital expenditure has the effect of slightly tempering borrowing costs.  It reduces borrowing in the period 2007/08 to 2009/10 and spreads the cost over the remaining 25 years of borrowing.  However, this alone is not sufficient to deal with the likely shortfall.  Therefore it will be necessary to:


(i)                 review each element of the cost plan and specification to ensure that best value is being achieved and check whether savings can be made, and


(ii)               ensure that the benefits of the BREEAM Very Good standard and the Council’s environmental standards result in savings in running costs over and above those assumed in the business case, resulting in a revenue saving to compensate for the increased capital cost. 


Officers’ preliminary work suggests that sufficient savings can be made and further work will be carried out to ensure that the overall financial case remains in balance before a commitment is entered into.




NEIL MONAGHAN                                        SUE SCANE

Head of Property                                           Head of Finance & Procurement

Environment & Economy



Director for Environment & Economy


Contact Officer:         Mark Tailby, Team Leader, Strategic Asset Management, Property Services, Tel: (01865) 816012


June 2007

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