Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management - Thursday, 10 October 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Room 2&3 - County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  email:

Link: video link

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

See guidance below.


There were none.


Questions from County Councillors pdf icon PDF 225 KB

Any county councillor may, by giving notice to the Proper Officer by 9 am two working days before the meeting, ask a question on any matter in respect of the Cabinet Member’s delegated powers.


The number of questions which may be asked by any councillor at any one meeting is limited to two (or one question with notice and a supplementary question at the meeting) and the time for questions will be limited to 30 minutes in total. As with questions at Council, any questions which remain unanswered at the end of this item will receive a written response.


Questions submitted prior to the agenda being despatched are shown below and will be the subject of a response from the appropriate Cabinet Member or such other councillor or officer as is determined by the Cabinet Member, and shall not be the subject of further debate at this meeting. Questions received after the despatch of the agenda, but before the deadline, will be shown on the Schedule of Addenda circulated at the meeting, together with any written response which is available at that time.


There were 2 questions received from County Councillors. Questions and responses can be seen in the Addenda published on the meeting page on the Council’s website.


Petitions and Public Address pdf icon PDF 197 KB

Members of the public who wish to speak at this meeting can attend the meeting in person or ‘virtually’ through an online connection.


Requests to speak must be submitted by no later than 9am four working days before the meeting. Requests to speak should be sent to:


If you are speaking ‘virtually’, you may submit a written statement of your presentation to ensure that if the technology fails, then your views can still be taken into account. A written copy of your statement can be provided no later than 9 am 2 working days before the meeting. Written submissions should be no longer than 1 A4 sheet.

Additional documents:


There were 4 public addresses to the meeting, with some speakers speaking on multiple items. Written statements of some of the addresses are available to view in the Addenda on the meeting page on the Council website.


Item 5:

-       Paul Bonsor.


Item 6:

-       City Cllr Katherine Miles

-       Danny Yee


Item 7:

-       Robin Tucker


Item 8:

-       Danny Yee


Item 9:

-       Robin Tucker (on all 20mph items).




Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 399 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2024 to be signed by the Chair as a correct record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 5 September 2024 were approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Cherwell Bus Service Improvement Scheme pdf icon PDF 322 KB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/287

Contact: Jacqui Cox, Infrastructure Locality Lead – Cherwell & West Oxfordshire ( and Colm McAllister, Senior Transport Planner (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT5).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    Approve in principle the preferred scheme to take forward into the preliminary and detailed design stage for the Cherwell Street Bus Service Improvement Scheme.



Additional documents:


The Chair introduced the item to the meeting, invited public speakers to make their addresses and responded to their points in turn.


Following a question from the Chair, officers explained that the plans accompanying the initial bid to the Department for Transport had been altered slightly due to the benefits not working as expected on the corner of Cherwell Street and George Street.


The Chair confirmed with officers that this was termed as a ‘virtual bus lane’.


Officers noted that the regeneration of Canal Street, to the east of Cherwell Street, would provide further opportunities in this area. The Chair agreed and stated that this scheme had to be seen in the wider traffic management plan for Banbury, rather than in isolation.


The Chair noted that further formal consultation would be undertaken once the design is finalised.


Officers noted different options that had been put forward, but that the ‘virtual bus lane’ approach was the one taken forward and they confirmed that money was not being taken out of the scheme.


The Chair noted support outlined in the report from consultees for the core objectives of the scheme, which was welcomed.


The Chair encouraged residents to keep in touch with the County Council with any concerns they may have.


The Chair thanked officers and speakers and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)    Approve in principle the preferred scheme to take forward into the preliminary and detailed design stage for the Cherwell Street Bus Service Improvement Scheme.




Oxford City Cycle Parking Improvements 2024 pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/257

Contact: Meg Hopkins, Senior Transport Planner (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT6).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


Approve as advertised, the amendment of existing & introduction of new ‘on-carriageway’ cycle parking places within Oxford, as follows:


a)    Brasenose Lane – extend existing & introduce new provision on the north side,


b)    Broad Street – introduce new provision in the central area,


c)    Ship Street – extend existing provision on the south side,


d)    Queens Lane - extend existing provision on the west side,


e)    Leopold Street – introduce new provision on the north & south sides, replacing parts of existing car parking bays,


f)     Observatory Street – introduce new provision on the north side,


g)    South Parade – introduce new provision on the south side, replacing parts of existing car parking bays.


Additional documents:


The Chair introduced the item to the meeting, invited speakers to make their addresses and responded to their points in turn.


The Chair read out a written statement submitted by Mr Michael Jelly, Director of Grape Minds, which was a wine shop on South Parade.


Following a question from the Chair surrounding the loss of a resident parking space, officers confirmed it would continue to be monitored and if genuine need was demonstrated, further consultation would be needed to repurpose another parking space.


Officers confirmed that for loading and unloading, it was possible to do this on double-yellow lines, resident bays or short-stay bays.


It was noted that different times of the day have differing levels of demand for cycle parking spaces.


The Chair noted alternative parking options available to those near South Parade.


The Chair noted that the decisions on width and distance between the bike racks were a balance, based on sufficient space and more bicycles being able to park. Officers confirmed that spacing could be revisited if required.


There was further discussion about the design of the cycling parking spaces.


The Chair noted comments from Thames Valley Police about crime prevention, and that CCTV was outside the scope of this report.


The Chair referenced several of the consultation responses.


Officers stated that they would consult with the local County Councillor before the introduction of cycle parking on Observatory Street.


The Chair thanked officers for their work, thanked speakers for their contributions and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




Approve as advertised, the amendment of existing & introduction of new ‘on[1]carriageway’ cycle parking places within Oxford, as follows:


a) Brasenose Lane – extend existing & introduce new provision on the north side,


b) Broad Street – introduce new provision in the central area,


c) Ship Street – extend existing provision on the south side,


d) Queens Lane - extend existing provision on the west side,


e) Leopold Street – introduce new provision on the north & south sides, replacing parts of existing car parking bays,


f) Observatory Street – introduce new provision on the north side,


g) South Parade – introduce new provision on the south side, replacing parts of existing car parking bays.


Proposed Zebra Crossing - Faringdon Road, Abingdon pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/284

Contact: Jankin Arsalan, Senior Officer – Traffic and Road Safety (


Report by Director for Environment and Highways (CMDTMT7).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    Approve the construction of a Zebra crossing on Faringdon Road in Abingdon, as advertised.





The Chair introduced the item to the meeting, invited speakers to make their addresses and responded to their points in turn.


The Chair noted the high level of support for the scheme and stated that the priority was the safety of school children.


Officers confirmed that the bus stop referenced in the report would be relocated as part of the scheme.


The Chair thanked officers for their work, speakers for their contributions and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)    Approve the construction of a Zebra crossing on Faringdon Road in Abingdon, as advertised.




A420 Faringdon and Shrivenham Bypasses - Proposed 50mph Speed Limit pdf icon PDF 3 MB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/250

Contact: Anthony Kirkwood, Vision Zero Team Leader (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT8).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


Approve the following speed limit changes, as advertised:


A.   50mph speed limits:

a)    A420 (Shrivenham) from the existing 50mph speed limit at Bourton, north-eastwards to the existing 50mph speed limit terminal northeast of the Watchfield roundabout,


b)    A420 (Faringdon) – from the existing 50mph speed limit at Great/Little Coxwell, north-eastwards to the existing 50mph speed limit terminal at Wadley Lodge/Manor at Littleworth,


c)    Faringdon Road (Watchfield) from its roundabout junction with the A420 Oxford Road, south-westwards for a distance of 25 metres,


d)    Fernham Road (Little Coxwell) – from its junction with the A420, southwards to a point 30 metres south of its junction with Bridleway No.278/2/10,


e)    Park Road (Faringdon) – from its junction with the A420, north-westwards for a distance of 34 metres,


f)     London Street (Faringdon) – from its junction with the A420, westwards for a distance of 60 metres; and


g)    A417 Stanford Road (Faringdon) – from its junction with the A420, south-eastwards to the current 50mph speed limit, a distance of approx. 105 metres.


B.   40mph speed limit:

h)    London Street (Faringdon) – from a point 60 metres west of the A420, to the 20mph speed limit east of its junction with Sudbury Court.

Additional documents:


The Chair introduced the item to the meeting, asked speakers to make their address and responded to their points in turn.


The Democratic Services Officer read out two written statements from Vale of the White Horse District Councillor for Faringdon, Lucy Edwards and from Oxfordshire County Council Honorary Aldermen, Judith Heathcoat.


Officers noted that the Great Coxwell Turb was not within the scope of the Vision Zero scheme.


The Director of Environment and Highways made the point that improvements that could not be made as part of this scheme could be picked up as part of wider improvements in the A420 corridor, forming part of LTCP Part 2.


The Chair asked for noise maps referenced in the public address to be added to the record of the meeting.


Officers noted that all A & B rural network roads would be reviewed as part of a Vision Zero review.


The Chair noted there was not an object from the bus companies but asked for the introduction of measures to minimise impact on bus services. Officers stated that the majority of bus routes avoid these particular sections of road.


The Chair and officers noted ongoing discussions with Thames Valley Police about the enforcement of speed limits on the A420 and elsewhere.


The Chair referenced several consultation responses and noted the support of local Councillors.


The Chair noted an objection from another local Councillor, but referenced the accident statistics and pointed out that the scheme was to try and improve safety on these sections of roads.


The Chair thanked officers for their work, thanked speakers for their contributions and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




Approve the following speed limit changes, as advertised:


50mph speed limits:


a) A420 (Shrivenham) – from the existing 50mph speed limit at Bourton, north-eastwards to the existing 50mph speed limit terminal northeast of the Watchfield roundabout,


b) A420 (Faringdon) – from the existing 50mph speed limit at Great/Little Coxwell, north-eastwards to the existing 50mph speed limit terminal at Wadley Lodge/Manor at Littleworth,


c) Faringdon Road (Watchfield) – from its roundabout junction with the A420 Oxford Road, south-westwards for a distance of 25 metres,


d) Fernham Road (Little Coxwell) – from its junction with the A420, southwards to a point 30 metres south of its junction with Bridleway No.278/2/10,


e) Park Road (Faringdon) – from its junction with the A420, north westwards for a distance of 34 metres,


f) London Street (Faringdon) – from its junction with the A420, westwards for a distance of 60 metres; and


g) A417 Stanford Road (Faringdon) – from its junction with the A420, south-eastwards to the current 50mph speed limit, a distance of approx. 105 metres.


40mph speed limit:


h) London Street (Faringdon) – from a point 60 metres west of the A420, to the 20mph speed limit east of its junction with Sudbury Court.







Cholsey: Proposed 20mph Speed Limits pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/191

Contact: Anthony Kirkwood, Vision Zero Team Leader (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT9).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    Approve the proposed introduction of 20mph, 30mph and 40mph speed limits in Cholsey as advertised.




The Chair introduced the item to the meeting, invited speakers to make their addresses and responded to their points in turn.


The Chair welcomed the high level of consultation responses.


The Chair noted the higher level of support for the residential speed limit reduction in the village.


The Chair noted the consultation response from the bus companies.


Following a question from the Chair about parking in Cholsey village, officers confirmed that this is kept under review. The Chair asked for residents to stay in touch with specific issues that can be looked at.


The Chair referred to several of the consultation responses.


The Chair thanked officers for their work, speakers for their contributions and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)    Approve the proposed introduction of 20mph, 30mph and 40mph speed limits in Cholsey as advertised.


Drayton (Banbury): Proposed 20mph Speed Limits pdf icon PDF 513 KB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/180

Contact: Anthony Kirkwood, Vision Zero Team Leader (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT10).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    Approve the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limits in Drayton, as advertised.




The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.


The Chair noted responses from the bus companies.


Officers noted that elements of the Department for Transport guidance was not being followed, but that was made clear in the report that went to Cabinet.


The Chair welcomed the detailed response from Cherwell District Council and officers confirmed they concluded that due to crossings, the 20mph limit being extended further eastwards was appropriate.


The Chair thanked officers and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)    Approve the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limits in Drayton, as advertised.




Drayton St Leonard: Proposed 20mph Speed Limits pdf icon PDF 910 KB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/189

Contact: Anthony Kirkwood, Vision Zero Team Leader (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT11).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    Approve the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limits in Drayton St Leonard, as advertised.




The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.


The Chair noted that there were no bus routes through Drayton St Leonard.


The Chair noted the high level of support for the scheme.


The Chair referenced the consultation responses which referenced the lack of pavements in the village, which demonstrated the necessity for 20mph limits.


The Chair thanked officers and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)    Approve the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limits in Drayton St Leonard, as advertised.


Duns Tew: Proposed 20mph Speed Limits pdf icon PDF 843 KB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/183

Contact: Anthony Kirkwood, Vision Zero Team Leader (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT12).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    Approve the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limits in Duns Tew, as advertised.




The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.


The Chair noted the high level of support for the scheme in the consultation responses.


The Chair asked for residents to stay in touch with the County Council with any issues that arise.


The Chair thanked officers and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)    Approve the proposed introduction of 20mph and 30mph speed limits in Langford, as advertised.




Langford: Proposed 20mph & 30mph Speed Limits pdf icon PDF 845 KB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/259

Contact: Anthony Kirkwood, Vision Zero Team Leader (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT13).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    Approve the proposed introduction of 20mph and 30mph speed limits in Langford, as advertised.




The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.


The Chair noted the support from the local parish meeting.


The Chair thanked officers and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)    Approve the proposed introduction of 20mph and 30mph speed limits in Langford, as advertised.


Bus Services Contracts - March 2025 pdf icon PDF 314 KB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/249

Contact: Dave Harrison, Public Transport Team Leader (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDTMT14).


The information in this case is exempt in that it falls within the following prescribed categories:


3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


and since it is considered that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


The annex containing exempt information under the above paragraph is attached.


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)           Approve a procurement process to secure new and continued bus service provision following the expiry of 17 existing contracts, 3 of which require a Key Decision;


(b)           Approve use of surplus ENCTS and LABSG for new contracts as detailed in Exempt Annex A;


(c)           Approve the business case for the spend set out in this Report and to delegate authority to the Director of Environment & Highways in consultation with the Head of Legal & Deputy Monitoring Officer and the Head of Procurement & Contract Management to:


Commence procurement processes to secure the services outlined below;


Carry out the selection of the winning tenderers in accordance with the selection criteria set out in any procurement documentation and within the budget envelope for the respective services, and award the contracts to those providers;


Negotiate and conclude the terms of any contractual arrangements required to deliver the services including entering into all necessary legal documentation; and


Take any further steps necessary to ensure that continuity of services can be achieved should any further commercial routes be withdrawn or reduced.



Additional documents:


The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.


The Chair noted the exempt information in the annex, confirmed he was happy with the contents and noted that he did not feel the need to go into private session to discuss it.


The Chair paid tribute to the close collaboration between officers and the bus companies to deliver high quality bus services.


The Chair noted that this was a good example of partnership working.


The Chair thanked officers for their work and agreed to the recommendations.




(a)  Approve a procurement process to secure new and continued bus service provision following the expiry of 17 existing contracts, 3 of which require a Key Decision;


(b)  Approve use of surplus ENCTS and LABSG for new contracts as detailed in Exempt Annex A;


(c)  Approve the business case for the spend set out in this Report and to delegate authority to the Director of Environment & Highways in consultation with the Head of Legal & Deputy Monitoring Officer and the Head of Procurement & Contract Management to:


Commence procurement processes to secure the services outlined below;


Carry out the selection of the winning tenderers in accordance with the selection criteria set out in any procurement documentation and within the budget envelope for the respective services, and award the contracts to those providers;


Negotiate and conclude the terms of any contractual arrangements required to deliver the services including entering into all necessary legal documentation; and


Take any further steps necessary to ensure that continuity of services can be achieved should any further commercial routes be withdrawn or reduced.