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Tuesday, 15 April 2008


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Future First Action Plan and Carbon Management Programme: Progress Report and

Draft Action Plan 2008/09


Report by Head of Sustainable Development




1.                  The Future First Programme was set up in 2004/05 following the recommendations of the Audit Commission and the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee report ‘Future First’. The aim of Future First is to reduce the impact of the Council’s own activities on the environment (our direct environmental footprint) and make our contribution to minimising the long-term effects of climate change. In addition to wider environmental benefits, this can achieve operational efficiencies, highlighting Future First’s contribution to achieving the Council’s priorities: real choice, lower taxes and value for money.


2.                  Future First is overseen by a cross-directorate Programme Board; currently chaired by Richard Dudding and includes the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development and a representative from the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Anne Purse. The Board draws up annual Action Plans of Future First objectives and activities for the coming year. Progress with the plan is monitored every six months. The Programme is supported by the Future First team in Environment & Economy.


3.                  The remit of Future First covers all environmental impacts, but particular focus is being given to the Council’s Carbon Management Programme, which aims to reduce Oxfordshire County Council’s carbon emissions by 18% between 2007 and 2012. This is set out in the Strategy and Implementation Plan agreed by Cabinet on 17 April 2007; and was launched by David Cameron in June 2007. Under the Local Area Agreement (LAA2), we will have a new collective target with district councils to reduce CO2 emissions and it is anticipated that the council’s own plan will place it in a strong position to make its own contribution towards it.


4.                  This report reviews progress on implementation of the Future First Programme, the Local Authority Carbon Management Programme during 2007/8, and proposes actions for 2008/09, as set out in the following annexes:


Annex 1 – Future First Progress Report 2007/08 (download as .doc file)

Annex 2 – Carbon Management Programme Progress Summary Report (download as .pdf file)

Annex 3 – Draft Future First Action Plan 2008/09 (download as .doc file)


Progress on Future First Action Plan 2007/08


5.                  Good progress has been made this year to increase staff awareness of and participation in the Future First programme. A number of corporate poster campaigns and internal publicity as well as the production of staff information packs and publicity materials have worked well to increase awareness of the Future First ‘brand’. The Future First Programme also coordinates a ‘Champions Network’ made up of staff who wish to reduce the environmental impact of their work place and contribute to the success of the programme. Champions are recruited from all directorates and offered support through training, visits, on-line resources and an on-line forum. There are now over 110 champions.


6.                  However, progress has been slower on implementation of some Future First targets and actions across the organisation, such as the roll-out of waste reduction and recycling across the organisation. The Future First Programme Board will seek to address this as a priority in next year’s action plan (see Annex 3).


Progress on the Carbon Management Programme


7.                  CO2 emissions in 2006/07 were a fraction under 4% down on the baseline for 2005/2006. A single year’s figures should be taken with caution, particularly as the first year is likely to include some of the easier reductions, but the rate of reduction, if sustained, would be sufficient to meet our 18% target by 2012. Figures for emissions reductions for 2007/08 will be available by June, when a detailed report of savings achieved through the carbon management programme will be produced.


8.                  Despite initially slow uptake of the Salix and Prudential funds for carbon reduction measures in buildings, progress has now improved, with measures ranging from lighting upgrades to a swimming pool heat recovery unit. Projects funded from the carbon management capital fund are summarised in Annex 2.


9.                  Street lighting is an area of risk due to greater demand from increased development; even with energy efficiency measures in new developments, CO2 emissions are likely to increase. The Carbon Programme Board is therefore currently investigating the potential for increased efficiencies from other sources of CO2 emissions.


2008/09 Action Plan


10.             A draft of the Future First 2008-09 Action Plan is attached at Annex 3. The main areas of action are to:


·          reduce energy consumption from existing buildings and minimise increase in energy use from new buildings;

·          reduce energy use from street lighting;

·          reduce energy use from ICT;

·          reduce business mileage and produce travel plans;

·          increase recycling facilities within Oxfordshire County Council through complete roll out of the current recycling scheme;

·          reduce water usage from Oxfordshire County Council activities;

·          ensure contracts and policies are in place for sustainable procurement;

·          work more closely with mangers to ‘embed’ sustainable practices; and

·          continue to increase the number of Eco Schools in the County.


11.             In 2008-09 milestones have been introduced to support directorates in achieving actions throughout the year.




12.             The Future First Programme Board provides the overall governance structure for the delivery of the Future First Programme and Action Plan. The Carbon Management Programme Board, chaired by Neil Monaghan, Head of Property, reports to the Future First Programme Board. The Carbon Management Programme Board comprises officers from property management, street lighting, fleet management, schools and finance, and the Cabinet member for Sustainable Development. The Board is supported by the Carbon Programme Manager and reports to the Future First Programme Board and the Capital Steering Group every six months, and to Cabinet annually.


Financial & Staff Implications


13.             Annex 2 reports on expenditure of the budget approved by Cabinet on 17 April 2007 for implementation of the Carbon Management Programme. This consisted in 2007/08 of a capital fund of £200,000 for implementation of carbon reduction projects, £250,000 to match fund the external Salix grant and £200,000 for carbon reduction projects that sit outside of the scope defined by Salix. Other funds such as Prudential Energy and street lighting capital budget are also used.


14.             Temporary additional staffing for the Future First and Property teams to manage the increased workload has been resourced from existing funds within the Environment and Economy Directorate.




15.             The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the draft Future First Action Plan 2008/09.



Head of Sustainable Development

Environment & Economy


Background papers              Nil


Contact Officer:                     Hannah Moser, Tel 01865 815801


April 2008


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