

To Members of the Executive

Notice of a Meeting of the Executive

Tuesday 1 October 2002 at 2.00 pm

County Hall, Oxford

Chris Impey
Assistant Chief Executive

Contact officer: Deborah Mitchell (Tel: 01865 815463; E-mail)





Keith R Mitchell


Leader of the Council

Margaret Godden


Deputy Leader of the Council

Tony Crabbe


Executive Member for Schools

Neil Fawcett


Executive Member for Learning & Culture

David Robertson


Executive Member for Transport

Anne Purse


Executive Member for Strategic Planning & Waste Management

Janet Godden


Executive Member for Children & Young People

Don Seale


Executive Member for Community Care & Health

John Farrow


Executive Member for Community Safety

The Agenda follows. Decisions taken at the meeting will become effective at the end of the working day on 9 October 2002 unless called in by that date for review by the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.

Copies of this Notice, Agenda and supporting papers are circulated to all Members of the County Council.


  1. Apologies for Absence

  2. Declarations of Interest

  3. Minutes
  4. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2002 (EX3) and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.

  5. Petitions and Public Address

  6. Financial Strategy and Budget Issues

Executive Member: Leader of the Council
Forward Plan Ref: 2002/144A
Contact Officer: Jenny Hydari, Assistant County Treasurer (01865 815401)

Report by Director for Business Support & County Treasurer (EX5).

The report sets out proposals for the budget process and the timetable for the 2003/04 budget. The Medium Term Financial Plan envisages reductions in the Council Tax increase over a three year period – 7% (2003/04), 6% (2004/05) and 5% (2005/06) – following an increase of 9.8% in the current year. This position is, however, under severe threat from two sources: budget pressures to spend beyond the planned figures are very substantial; and the Government is proposing changes to the grant arrangements that will probably result in substantially lower sums for Oxfordshire.

The report proposes rolling forward the base budget for 2002/03 and adding the minimum of expenditure considered to be unavoidable for the purposes of prudent financial management. It is proposed that Directors for the respective programme areas should then be asked to bring forward bids ranked in priority order. The process for preparing the bids needs to be rigorous and criteria need for this process are set out in the report.

These bids, together with the other proposals in this report, the Executive’s draft Budget Strategy, and the capital programme update presented on 17 September, would together comprise the ‘initial proposals’ for consultation with Scrutiny Committees, in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules set out in the Constitution, before finalisation of proposals by the Executive at the meeting in January, and recommendation of a budget, Council Tax and capital programme to the Council in February.

The Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council are preparing a draft Budget Strategy for the Executive’s consideration.

Alongside the report is a Financial Strategy (EX5A), prepared by the Chief Executive and Director for Business Support & County Treasurer in the context of Raising our Performance, implementation of which will require sound financial management and investment. The document sets out a four year financial strategy which will lead to improvements in our financial stability and our capacity to invest and will contribute to a coherent improvement programme for all of our resources. An annual report will review progress against the action points to ensure that the Strategy is achieved.

The Executive is RECOMMENDED to:

    1. approve the basis and process set out in the report for development of the 2003/04 budget and capital programme and authorise consultation with the Scrutiny Committees accordingly;
    2. adopt the Financial Strategy and agree the action points set out in it.
  1. Corporate Parenting
  2. Executive Member: Children & Young People
    Forward Plan Ref: 2002/176
    Contact Officer: Phil Hodgson, Assistant Director, Children & Families (01865 815833)

    Report by Executive Member for Children & Young People (EX6).

    The concept of corporate parenting was introduced with the Government’s Quality Protects initiative in 1997. It is a responsibility placed corporately on all councillors, with regard to children in care, and in particular for optimising the life chances for those children. The inspectors of our children’s services in March mentioned corporate parenting as something to be developed.

    The report proposes the setting up of a member/officer panel (3 from each group), to ensure that the Council is fulfilling its responsibilities for the children in its care, including participating in inspections of Children’ Homes. It would receive regular reports on a range of issues relating to children in care and care leavers, and would have the authority to make suggestions for improvement of existing systems that would be taken back to the relevant departments and acted upon. Major recommendations would be the subject of a report to the Executive.

    The Executive is asked to agree to the establishment of a Children’s Panel in accordance with paragraphs 5 to 11 of the report.

  3. Homeless Families - Social Services Responsibilities

Executive Member: Children & Young People
Forward Plan Ref: 2002/159
Contact Officer: Phil Hodgson, Assistant Director, Children & Families (01865 815833)

Report by Director of Social Services (EX7).

The purpose of this report is:

    • to provide an update on the legislation in respect of homeless families
    • to highlight the implications of such legislation for the Children’s Division of Oxfordshire Social Services Department.
    • to set out a significant unfunded budget pressure

Under current housing legislation, housing authorities have no statutory duty to offer accommodation to applicants who are found to be "intentionally homeless" or who are ineligible due to their immigration status. Such families are advised to contact Social Services for assistance if they are unable to find accommodation for themselves, and the relatively high numbers of families who fall in this category, particularly in Oxford City, have resulted in an increasing demand on the Children’s Division of the Social Services Department.

Parents who are homeless are unlikely to be able to adequately meet the needs of their children and the Social Services have a clear duty to assist such families. The particular circumstances of the majority of these families, combined with the high cost of accommodation in Oxford, makes it difficult for them to obtain, and/or retain, housing in the private sector. The combined pressures of legal obligation, evident need and budget constraints place the social services in a difficult position.

The Homelessness Act 2002 provides an opportunity and impetus for housing authorities and Social Services to work co-operatively with other agencies to reduce the number of, and provide services to, homeless families.

The Executive is RECOMMENDED to:

          1. note the unfunded budget pressure and associated risks;
          2. request the lead Service Manager to liaise with local housing agencies with a view to contributing to inter-agency response to the problems posed, and faced, by families who are, or are at risk of, homelessness;
          3. ask the Director to be proactive in exploring potential for developing a scheme to provide accommodation for homeless vulnerable families to be funded in main by Housing Benefit and Supporting People grant, but recognising that such a scheme cannot be provided at nil cost.
  1. Allowances for Children Living Away From Home

Executive Member: Children & Young People
Forward Plan Ref: 2002/158
Contact Officer: Phil Hodgson, Assistant Director, Children & Families (01865 815833)

Report by Director of Social Services (EX8).

This report identifies the need to raise the maintenance allowance for foster carers to bring these up to the agreed National Fostering Network recommended rates, and also outlines the current system of Adoption and Residence Order Allowances and their implications in terms of the benefits for the children and the cost to the Authority.

For those children that remain in the looked after system 70% live in foster homes. With increasing demands placed upon foster carers to raise standards of care, with the children concerned presenting increasing levels of difficulty, and with private independent fostering agencies (IFAs) offering considerably higher levels of payment, many foster carers see themselves as offering a service for which an element of remuneration is appropriate. Oxfordshire’s position is that it now pays less than the National Fostering Network’s recommended rates to its carers.

For children to leave the looked after system to become adopted or subject to a Residence Order operates in their best interests, given that such an outcome will only be sought where the local authority has judged it meets the needs of the individual child. The costs of meeting these children’s needs through a supported Adoption or Residence Order placement are significantly less than the ongoing costs of maintaining the child in the looked after system. The costs therefore represent a better situation than if the children were to remain looked after. It is anticipated that this will be an ongoing pressure on the budget, and given the small numbers of older children currently receiving Adoption and Residence Order Allowances, this will continue to be a pressure for some years to come.

The Executive is RECOMMENDED to:

          1. note the contents of the report;
          2. endorse the strategy currently followed by the Social Services Department with regard to the support of children in families;
          3. note that the findings pressures in this area exceed the current level of budget provision.
  1. The Supporting People Programme

Executive Member: Community Care & Health; Children & Young People
Forward Plan Ref: 2002/160
Contact Officer: Nick Welch, Assistant Director (01865 815714)

Report by Director of Social Services (EX9).

This report summarises the key elements of the Supporting People Reforms; identifies a range of service and other issues for the County Council’s Social Services Department the Council as the Administering Authority for Supporting People Reforms; and proposes a process for enabling the Council to agree to the Shadow Strategy that the Government requires to be submitted by the end of October.

The Supporting People Reforms are often complex in their implementation, and the report summarises the key issues and challenges for the County Council. There are particular concerns regarding the level of resources for implementation in Oxfordshire as well are longer term concerns over allocation of resources for the provision of services.

The Executive is RECOMMENDED to:

          1. note the scale and complexity of the Supporting People Reforms and in particular the impact on the County Council as administering authority and as a Social Services Authority and additional costs that the Council will have to carry;
          2. authorise the Executive Member for Community Care & Health to decide on behalf of the Council any matter relating to the approval and submission of the Supporting People Strategy, in consultation (so far as he may think necessary) with other relevant Members of the Executive.
  1. Draft Care Homes Redevelopment Strategy
  2. Executive Member: Community Care & Health
    Forward Plan Ref: 2002/188
    Contact Officer: Nick Welch, Assistant Director, (01865 815714)

    Report by Director of Social Services (EX10).

    The County Council transferred 19 operational residential care homes with 797 elderly residents and 784 staff to the Oxfordshire Care Partnership (OCP) in December 2001. Of the 19 homes, 10 did not meet, and could not effectively be made to meet, the new National Minimum Standards for Care Homes due to the size of resident bedrooms and the high proportion of shared double rooms. A key strategic objective of the County Council in transferring the care homes to a not for profit charitable trust was to improve the physical environment of the care homes such that they could better meet the changing and future needs of older people.

    By undertaking this redevelopment programme the new homes will make a significant contribution to the social services purchasing strategy of increasing the availability of nursing and high dependency residential care beds, whilst also removing the requirement for a significant number of residents to share double rooms (currently 172 beds in OCP homes). These objectives cannot be achieved in the 10 existing homes where small room sizes restrict resident care and fail to meet not only the new National Minimum Standards but also the preceding regulations enacted in 1984.

    The contract between the County Council and OCP contains requirements to produce a jointly agreed redevelopment strategy for the 10 homes subject to full, public consultation. Since April a group of senior County Council and OCP officers have examined proposals to redevelop the homes within an overall affordability framework so that they best meet local and county needs now and in the future. This report summarises their joint recommendations for the redevelopment of each home.

    The Executive is RECOMMENDED to authorise consultation on the proposed Redevelopment Strategy and Programme as outlined in this report, with the outcome reported to the Executive in December 2002.

  3. Integrated Community Equipment Service

Executive Member: Community Care & Health
Forward Plan Ref: 2002/151
Contact Officer: Alan Sinclair, Head of Service Disabilities, (01865 810298)

Report by Director of Social Services (EX11).

This report outlines the objectives of the "Guide to Integrating Community Equipment Services" issued by the Department of Health in March 2001 and the action taken in Oxfordshire so far, and recommends an action plan for approval before being sent to the Department of Health. It also describes the current services.

A draft Action Plan was produced in June 2002 in partnership with a stakeholder group and has been circulated for comments. A final action plan is to be produced by October 2002. The draft plan covers: co-terminosity issues and how they might be resolved; how a single point of contact might be achieved alongside other initiatives such as single assessment; reporting systems for adverse incidents; working towards a pooled budget with joint eligibility criteria and a single inventory; proposals for a new equipment service and contract by 2004; setting of clear priorities for the use of funding and improved management of demand and resources; and how to ensure that the integrated community equipment service for Oxfordshire is in line with Department of Health guidance.

The report is also being presented to the Social & Health Care Scrutiny Committee on 25 September and any comments on their part will be reported to the meeting.

The Executive is RECOMMENDED to:

          1. note progress to date summarised in the report and that a further report is planned in April 2003;
          2. agree the Action Plan for Integrating Community Equipment Services as set out in the draft annexed to the report.
  1. GTE for Oxfordshire

Executive Member: Transport
Forward Plan Ref: 2002/108
Contact Officer: John Disley (01865 810460)

Report by Director of Environmental Services (EX12).

The purpose of this report is to update the Executive on progress made on GTE, set out the timetable for further work on the project to be completed by the end of 2002/03 and, subsequent to this, the work programme for delivering the project. The report also identifies the funding requirements for this work and to bid for further County Council funding support for GTE.

The report confirms that significant progress has been made on the GTE project. The alignment has been refined and costs updated, a detailed Environmental Study is well underway, the Business Case is being updated and a General Manager has been appointed to spearhead the project locally. GTE is still very much viewed as viable.

Work Programmes have been identified for taking GTE forward in the short term (2002/03) and medium term (2003-08) and the funding requirements of these specified. Beyond the current financial year, the funding commitments required to deliver the project are very significant and, should the County Council agree to bear all or most of these, would require a significant funding commitment from either revenue or Single Capital Pot funds.

To deliver GTE, a holistic approach is required for the north-south rail corridor through Oxford in particular. The opportunity exists for this corridor to be comprehensively redeveloped to the benefit of both rail and GTE whilst maximising integration and minimising costs.

The Executive is RECOMMENDED to:

    1. agree in principle that the County Council will fund GTE work through to the end of the project authorisation phase in 2005/06;
    2. ask the Director of Environmental Services to include the sum of £800,000 in 2003/04 for GTE Project Development and Authorisation in the review of the Transport Capital Programme to take place on 15 October and identify the appropriate budgetary provision for GTE in 2004/05 and 2005/06;
    3. approve the creation of an additional post within Transport Development to manage GTE and other public transport development projects, funded from the capital programme.
  1. Three Counties Local Biological Records Centre

Executive Member: Learning & Culture
Forward Plan Ref: 2002/149
Contact: Craig Blackwell, County Ecologist, (01865 810469)

Report by Director of Cultural Services and Director of Environmental Services (EX13).

English Nature has offered to commit £60,000 per year for three years to establish a Berkshire Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Biological Records Centre, uniting the work of the three counties, improving standards of documentation and data and the quality of services and information provided to the planning authorities on biodiversity matters. Following a report by external consultants and negotiation within the three counties English Nature has agreed that the best location for the new centre is the Oxfordshire Museum, Woodstock. The report describes the background to the development of Biological Records Centres and the implications of this proposal.

The Executive is RECOMMENDED to:

          1. agree, in principle, the establishment of a new Local Records Centre Unit to service Biodiversity Action Planning. requirements in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire;
          2. agree, subject to appropriate legal arrangements, the location of the new unit at the Oxfordshire Museum;
          3. agree the principle of joint-funding for the project by all the Local Authorities in Oxfordshire over a 3 year period (April 2003-2006);
  1. Charging Policies Best Value Review

Executive Member: Leader of the Council
Forward Plan Ref: 2002/90
Contact Officer: Adrian Sell, Performance Review Advisor (01865 816031)

Report by Director for Strategy (EX14).

This Review was considered initially by the Best Value Committee on 27 March 2002 and subsequently by the Scrutiny Committees. Their comments were drawn together and reported to the Best Value Committee on 11 September, together with certain additional information which the Committee had requested, and a revised version of the Corporate Charging Policy which had been presented in draft with the original Review document. The Committee recommend the Review and Action Plan to the Executive, together with the revised draft Corporate Charging Policy.

The Review and Corporate Charging Policy was considered by all Scrutiny Committees during their meetings in May - July. Their comments are summarised in the report, together with officer comments.

The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:

          1. note the comments of the Scrutiny Committees and the current position with regard to each of the points raised as noted under "officer comments";
          2. agree the Charging Policies Review and Action Plan; and
          3. adopt the Corporate Charging Policy set out at Annex 2..
  1. Delegation Arrangements

Executive Member: Leader of the Council
Forward Plan Ref: 2002/141
Contact Officer: John Leverton, Head of Committee Services (01865 815314)

Report by Assistant Chief Executive, Director of Environmental Services and Acting Chief Education Officer (EX15).

The Executive has indicated that it would wish to pursue arrangements for delegation in respect of certain operational matters in order to concentrate more on its strategic priorities. This report sets out proposals for bringing this about in the areas identified by the Executive as suitable for such delegation, ie:

  • individual highway and traffic schemes;
  • bus subsidy decisions;
  • early years proposals.

The report favours creation of a committee of the Executive to deal with individual highway and traffic schemes and bus subsidy matters. This would clearly relieve the full Executive of a substantial amount of non-strategic business – although at the expense of an additional burden on the members concerned. There would be full accessibility for members of the public and councillors (subject to the exempt status of moist bus subsidy matters.)

Early years proposals are likely to arise much less frequently, as individual "one-off" issues. An arrangement whereby the appropriate officers would decide individual proposals in consultation with the relevant Executive Members (in this context, Children & Young People and Schools would seem appropriate) and local members.

The Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee considered the report on 19 September. Individual Members expressed a range of views about the delegation proposals but the Committee reached no general conclusion on the overall principles. The Committee did however agree that, if the Executive decide to adopt the proposals, it should do so subject to the following amendments:

  • in paragraph 10, 6th point, ‘and any relevant local member’ should be added after ‘committee’;
  • notwithstanding the local member notification arrangements mentioned in the 4th point in paragraph 10, a specific requirement should be included in recommendation (a)(i) as at recommendation (d)(i);
  • ‘and relevant scrutiny committee’ should be added at the end of recommendation (e).

The Executive is RECOMMENDED, subject to consideration of the comments of the Scrutiny Committee, to:

          1. create a Transport Implementation Committee, comprising the Executive Members for Transport and Strategic Planning & Waste Management, to consider and determine:

      1. individual local highway, traffic and parking matters, including the promotion and implementation of schemes within the ambit of the transport capital programme and the consideration of responses to consultation; and
      2. support for individual public transport services, including the conduct of area reviews and the authorisation of the making, variation or termination of service subsidy agreements;

          1. adopt the rules and conventions set out in the report for the operation of the Committee;
          2. confirm the powers of the Director of Environmental Services to take action in relation to highway, traffic and parking matters where there are no material objections or representations which fall to be considered in relation to that matter;
          3. authorise the Acting Chief Education Officer (or Director for Education when appointed), in consultation with the Executive Members for Children & Young People and Schools, to consider and determine individual proposals for the making or alteration of early years provision, including the promotion and implementation of schemes within the ambit of the relevant programmes and the consideration of responses to consultation, subject to:

      1. positive notification to the local member(s) for each division directly affected by the schemes to be considered under this procedure to enable them to make their views known to both officers and Executive Members; and
      2. a right on the part of either Executive Member to require the delegation to be remitted to the full Executive in any case where he/she feels this to be warranted on the basis of concerns expressed by consultees.

          1. review these arrangements after 12 months of operation, or earlier if appearing to the Executive Members concerned to be expedient to do so.

  1. Forward Plan and Future Business

Executive Member: All
Contact Officer: John Leverton (01865 815314)

The Executive Procedure Rules provide that the business of each meeting of the Executive is to include "updating of the Forward Plan and proposals for business to be conducted at the following meeting".

The publication date of the next Forward Plan, for the period November – February 2002, is 18 October 2002. It will be necessary to determine its content at the meeting on 15 October, but members may wish at the present meeting to identify any changes they would wish to have incorporated in the next update.

In the meantime, a list of items from the Forward Plan for the next two meetings is attached (EX16).

The Executive is RECOMMENDED, subject to any changes and/or additional items it would wish to see incorporated in the next Forward Plan, to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.

October 2002

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