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Report by the Director for Business Support & County Treasurer

  1. This Review was considered initially by the Best Value Committee on 27 March 2002 and subsequently by the Scrutiny Committees. Their comments were drawn together and reported to the Best Value Committee on 11 September, together with certain additional information which the Committee had requested and a revised version of the Corporate Charging Policy which had been presented in draft with the original Review document. The Committee agreed to :

    1. endorse the further work on the Charging Policies Review and Action Plan and ask officers to continue their work to further electronic charging opportunities within the Council;
    2. recommend the Review and Action Plan to the Executive;
    3. recommend the Executive to approve the Corporate Charging Policy for adoption; and
    4. instruct officers to report to the Committee on the changes in the 2002/03 budget as a consequence of the outcomes of the BV review work.

  2. The original Review document was circulated with the 27 March Best Value agenda, and members are asked to bring their copies to the meeting. The document is in the Members’ Resource Centre and is available for public inspection.
  3. Scrutiny Committees’ comments

  4. The Review and Corporate Charging Policy was considered by all Scrutiny Committees during their meetings in May - July. Their comments are summarised in Annex 1, together with officer comments.
  5. Corporate Charging Policy

  6. A draft Corporate Charging Policy was included as Appendix 1 to the original Review report. Following initial consideration by the Best Value Committee it was sent to Legal Services for consideration. Amendments have been made and the revised draft is attached at Annex 2.

  8. The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:
          1. note the comments of the Scrutiny Committees and the current position with regard to each of the points raised as noted under "officer comments";
          2. agree the Charging Policies Review and Action Plan; and
          3. adopt the Corporate Charging Policy set out at Annex 2..

Director for Business Support and County Treasurer

Background Papers: Nil

Contact Officer: David Wilkins, Consultancy Services Manager Tel: 01865 815441

September 2002

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