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Feedback from Scrutiny Committees

Scrutiny Committee

Scrutiny Observations

Officer Comments

Learning & Culture

(7 May & 16 July)

  1. Use of Smartcards should be investigated if there is scope for savings and greater efficiency.
  2. Charges should not be increased so much that they impinged on people who could not afford them.

1. Included in the Action Plan. Bid to the Innovation Fund is being prepared

2. The Policy recommends that charges be reviewed in annual plans and the rationale for their level and any concessions justified

Community Safety

(13 May & 8 July)

  1. Requested further information (including the Corporate Charging Policy – which had not been circulated at the first meeting).
  2. Consideration should be given to :
  1. inclusion of carers within target groups for concessions;
  2. including the agreed Social Services policy for exclusion of urban/rural differentials in charging for travelling expenses for home support staff.

1. Subsequently considered and no further comment made by the Committee

2. There is flexibility in the Policy to enable the addition of further groups if justified. However the Review recommends the groups as defined, as being the most generally applicable

Corporate Governance

(16 May)

  1. Recognised the important contribution which the Audit Commission publication "The Price is Right" had made to informing this review.
  1. Noted that all services would have freedom to set their own policies and detailed practices regarding the application of concessions under the Corporate Charging Policy.

1. This is acknowledged. The Best Value Committee has asked for some feedback on whether there have been shifts in charging strategies(after the 2003/04 Budget charging schedules are agreed.)

2. Strictly, there is only freedom to vary from the policy guidelines and concession groups as defined, if this can be justified. Service management teams should monitor all the implications of managing concessions.


(22 May)

  1. Age should not be the only determining factor when applying concessions.
  2. It was doubtful whether consistency could or should be sought across all services in setting policies and detailed practices either on charges or the application of concessions under the Corporate Charging Policy.
  1. This was a misunderstanding – age is not the only factor

2. The Policy sets broad standards and guidelines. There should be enough flexibility for services to accommodate the requirements of the many and varied departmental charges

Social & Health Care

(29 May)

  1. Urge the Executive to remove the references to "People outside the normal working age" in order to avoid the possibility of age discrimination.
  2. Draw the Executive’s attention to the need for concessionary factors which take into account rural isolation.
  1. Urge the Executive to ensure that the wording of the preliminary standard letter sent out during the process of debt recovery was viewed to ensure that the Council displayed an awareness to the possible difficulties a client may be having.

1. This has been done in the current (annexed) version of the Corporate Charging Policy


2. As comments re Community Safety item 2 above


3. Reminder letters have been reviewed and wording used set as appropriate for the type and potential circumstances of the debtor

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