Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

To Members of the Cabinet
Notice of a Meeting of the Cabinet


Tuesday 15 April 2008 at 2.00 pm


County Hall, Oxford



Joanna Simons

Chief Executive                                                                                                                                  

April 2008


Contact officer:          Steven Howell

Tel: 01865 815463









Keith R Mitchell CBE


Leader of the Council

David Robertson


Deputy Leader of the Council

C.H. Shouler


Cabinet Member for Finance

John Howell OBE


Cabinet Member for Change Management

Louise Chapman


Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families

Michael Waine


Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement

Roger Belson


Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development

Jim Couchman


Cabinet Member for Social & Community Services

Ian Hudspeth


Cabinet Member for Transport

Mrs J. Heathcoat


Cabinet Member for Community Safety

The Agenda is attached.  Decisions taken at the meeting

will become effective at the end of the working day on 23 April 2008

unless called in by that date for review by the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.

Copies of this Notice, Agenda and supporting papers are circulated

to all Members of the County Council.

Date of next meeting: 20 May 2008

If you have any special requirements (such as a large print version of these papers or special access facilities) please contact the officer named on the front page, but please give as much notice as possible before the meeting.




1.                 Apologies for Absence


2.                 Declarations of Interestsee guidance note

3.                 Minutes

(See also Addenda)


To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2008 (CA3) and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.


4.                 Petitions and Public Address

(See Addenda)


5.                 Financial Monitoring

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2007/262

Contact: Lorna Baxter, Strategic Financial Planning Manager  (01865 816087)


Report by Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Office (CA5)


(CA5 - download as .doc file)
(CA5 - Annexes 1 - 5 - download as .xls file)
(CA5 - Annex 6 - download as .xls file)
(CA5 - Annex 7 - download as .xls file)
(CA5 - Annex 8 - download as .xls file)


The report sets out the Council’s forecast financial position for the 2007/08 financial year based on actuals to 29 February 2008.


The in-year underspend for the Directorates is forecast to be -£2.770m, compared to an underspend of -£1.098m reported last month, a change of -£1.672m. This forecast excludes the City Schools reorganisation overspend of £1.957m (repayment planned over a number of years) and the Schools Transport days variation of -£0.320m. An underspend is also reported on the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) of -£1.244m.


Supplementary estimates totalling £0.046m are requested in the report associated with costs incurred as a result of the July 2007 floods.  When added to the supplementary estimates agreed previously, the cost to this Council of the floods stands at £1.219m.


Taking into account the supplementary estimate of £0.046m for flood related expenditure the forecast in-year underspend becomes -£2.816m, which is -0.9% of the total Directorates’ budget. 


After accounting for all known changes, general balances are forecast to be £21.342m at the end of February.  This gives an overall consolidated balances forecast for the year-end of £24.478m.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               note the report;


(b)              approve the virements as set out in Annex 2a;



(c)               approve the supplementary estimates totalling £0.046m as set out in Annex 2c;


(d)              approve the amended detailed budget for 2008/09 as set out in Annex 7; and


(e)               approve the virements for 2008/09 as set out in Annex 8.


6.                 Supplementary Outline Project Appraisal for Delivery of the Oxford Academy

Cabinet Member: Schools Improvement

Forward Plan Ref: 2008/064

Contact: Shannon Moore, Assistant Head, Raising Achievement Service (01865 428084); Nigel Cunning, Team Leader, Project Delivery, Property Services (01865 810457)


Report by Head of Property, Director for Children Young People and Families and Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer (CA6).


The report relates to the construction of the new Oxford Academy on the Peers School site in Littlemore.


Following concern from the Partnership for Schools regarding the reliance of the Council upon the disposal of land, work has been done to provide an alternative model which demonstrates that a viable solution is still possible should the land sale not proceed.


If revised, the Outline Project Approval for the scheme would: exclude the sale of land and increase SEN provision for 16-19 age groups.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve as amendments to recommendations (a) and (g) approved at the meeting on 15 January 2008:


(a)              the transfer of the full site area of the existing Peers School to the Oxford Academy; and


(b)              the Council’s additional capital contribution to the Oxford Academy outlined in the report.


7.                 Director of Public Health for Oxfordshire – Annual Report

Cabinet Member: Leader of the Council

Forward Plan Ref: 2008/032

Contact: Ruth Fenning, Public Health Business Manager, Oxon PCT (01865 336726)


Report by Director of Public Health (CA7) (download as .pdf file).


This is the second Annual Report by a Director of Public Health for Oxfordshire (jointly appointed by the NHS and the County Council). The recommendations are made for all organisations in Oxfordshire and for the public.


The report details progress made in the last year; set out challenges for the next year; and aims to further galvanise action on five main threats to the future health, wellbeing and prosperity of Oxfordshire. These main long-term threats are:


·          breaking the cycle of deprivation;

·          an ageing population – the “demographic time bomb”;

·          mental health and wellbeing: avoiding a Cinderella service (newly added this year);

·          preventing obesity: a major cause of chronic disease; and

·          fighting killer infections.


The report is designed to summarise the major health and wellbeing needs for Oxfordshire's residents so as to influence the planning of public services, including Oxfordshire County Council's, during 2008/9.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to recommend the Council to receive the report and note in particular the general recommendations therein.


8.                 Future First Action Plan and Carbon Management Programme

Cabinet Member: Sustainable Development

Forward Plan Ref: 2008/023

Contact: Hannah Moser, Future First Programme Manager (01865 815801)


Report by Head of Sustainable Development (CA8).


The report demonstrates progress made to date on the Future First Programme, including the Carbon Management Programme. Progress has been measured against the Future First Action Plan 2007/08 in the Future First Progress report (Annex 1). Progress is measured against the Carbon Management Strategic Implementation Plan for the Carbon Management Summary Report (Annex 2).


A positive decision is needed regarding the Future First Action Plan (Annex 3) in order to allow implementation to commence at the start of the financial year 2008/09.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the draft Future First Action Plan 2008/09.


9.                 Forward Plan and Future Business

(See also Addenda)

Cabinet Member: All

Contact Officer: Tony Cloke, Assistant Head of Legal & Democratic Services (01865 815314)


The Cabinet Procedure Rules provide that the business of each meeting at the Cabinet is to include “updating of the Forward Plan and proposals for business to be conducted at the following meeting”. Items from the Forward Plan for the immediately forthcoming meetings of the Cabinet appear in the Schedule at CA9. This includes any updated information relating to the business for those meetings that has already been identified for inclusion in the next Forward Plan update.


The Schedule is for noting, but Cabinet Members may also wish to take this opportunity to identify any further changes they would wish to be incorporated in the next Forward Plan update.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.


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