
Decisions published

21/06/2022 - EXEMPT ITEMS ref: 9345    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 21/06/2022


It was agreed that there was no need to go into private session.


21/06/2022 - Vision Zero ref: 9343    Recommendations Approved

Approve the County Council Vision Zero commitment.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 30/06/2022


Recommendations agreed


Lead officer: Paul Fermer, Caroline Coyne

21/06/2022 - Forward Plan and Future Business ref: 9348    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 21/06/2022



21/06/2022 - Petitions and Public Address ref: 9331    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 21/06/2022


10. Report from the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee

Cllr Jane Hanna


11. SEND top-up funding for schools

Carole Thomson


13. Local Transport and Connectivity Plan

Cllr Charlie Hicks

Graham Smith

John Center

Deborah Glass Woodin

Danny Yee


14. Vision Zero

Alison Hill

Peter Barnett

Danny Yee

Cllr Dan Levy


15. National Bus Strategy – Enhanced Partnership

Danny Yee


17. HIF1 Grant Determination Agreement

Greg O’Broin

Chris Hancock

Richard Harding

Cllr Robin Bennett

Cllr Charlie Hicks

Cllr Ian Middleton


21/06/2022 - Questions from County Councillors ref: 9335    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 21/06/2022


See Annex


21/06/2022 - Minutes ref: 9334    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 21/06/2022



21/06/2022 - Declarations of Interest ref: 9333    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 21/06/2022



21/06/2022 - Apologies for Absence ref: 9332    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 21/06/2022



21/06/2022 - HIF 2 Smart Corridor – Amendment of Grant determination Agreement / Deed of Variation ref: 9347    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval for GDA amendment / Deed of Variation.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 30/06/2022


Recommendations agreed


Lead officer: Hannah Battye

21/06/2022 - Treasury Management Annual Performance Report ref: 9338    Recommendations Approved

Cabinet is asked to note the report and recommend Council to note the council’s treasury management activity in 2021/22.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 30/06/2022


Recommendations agreed


Lead officer: Tim Chapple

21/06/2022 - Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP) ref: 9342    Recommendations Approved

To seek agreement of the LTCP document and supporting strategies for adoption by full Council in July 2022.


Joint Responsibilities:

Cabinet Member for Highway Management and Cabinet Member for Travel & Development Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 30/06/2022


Amended recommendations were agreed as follows:


a) Approve the content of the LTCP document, and the supporting strategies subject to consideration of the recommendations from the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee, for adoption by the County Council on 12th July 2022, and


b) Delegate the decision on the final LTCP document, including consideration of the recommendations from the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee and graphical format to the Corporate Director for Environment and Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Travel and Development Strategy.


Lead officer: Melissa Goodacre, Joseph Kay

21/06/2022 - Provisional Capital Outturn 2021/22 ref: 9337    Recommendations Approved

To note the performance against the capital programme for 2021/22 as set out in the report.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 30/06/2022


Recommendations agreed


Lead officer: Kathy Wilcox

21/06/2022 - Workforce Report and Staffing Data - Quarter 4 - January-March 2022 ref: 9339    Recommendations Approved

Quarterly staffing report providing details of key people numbers and analysis of main changes since the previous report.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 30/06/2022


Recommendations agreed


Lead officer: Karen Edwards

21/06/2022 - National Bus Strategy - Enhanced Partnership ref: 9344    Recommendations Approved

To seek approval of the Enhanced Partnership.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 30/06/2022


An amendment was agreed to Annex A of Oxfordshire Enhanced Partnership Plan & Scheme:


On page 667 in the row headed “Bus Lanes” it currently states under “Timescale”: “Existing facilities to be retained at least at current hours of operation”.


Append “ – bus lanes will only be removed if modelling can show that alternative bus priority measures would improve bus journey times and cycle and pedestrian safety.”


Recommendations agreed with the amendment above.


Lead officer: John Disley

21/06/2022 - Annual Performance Report 2021-2022 and Provisional Revenue Outturn 2021/22 ref: 9336    Recommendations Approved

To note the report.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 30/06/2022


Recommendations agreed


Lead officer: Louise Tustian, Kathy Wilcox

21/06/2022 - Cabinet response to Transgender Motion from Council ref: 9341    Recommendations Approved

To agree the recommendations set out in the paper.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 30/06/2022


Recommendations agreed


Lead officer: Emily Schofield

21/06/2022 - SEND top-up funding for Schools ref: 9340    Recommendations Approved

To update on the SEND Review:right support, right place, right time and to agree the SEND top-up funding for Schools.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 30/06/2022


Recommendations agreed


Lead officer: Kate Bradley

21/06/2022 - HIF1 Grant Determination Agreement ref: 9346    Recommendations Approved

GDA presented to Cabinet for consideration and approval.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 21/06/2022 - Cabinet

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 30/06/2022


Recommendation agreed


Lead officer: Hannah Battye

23/03/2022 - Data Protection Policy ref: 9350    Recommendations Approved

Oxfordshire County Council collects, processes, stores and disposes of personal data in accordance with the requirements of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) and any other relevant legislation that governs the use of personal data e.g. the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR).

Decision Maker: Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer

Decision published: 22/06/2022

Effective from: 23/03/2022


Adoption of the Data Protection Policy following its annual review and approval by the Information Governance Board.

17/05/2022 - Committee Dates 2022/23 ref: 9297    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


Council noted the schedule of dates of committees in 2022/23 subject to the following amendments:-

a)    The start time of Council meetings to be 10.30am

b)    The start time of Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee to be 10.00am


17/05/2022 - Committees and Review of Political Balance ref: 9293    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


Recommendations Agreed (nem con).


See Annex 3 attached. Where the Committees appointed Chairs and Deputy Chairs these are marked by Ch and D-Ch.

17/05/2022 - Cabinet Membership and Delegation of Cabinet Functions ref: 9294    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


a)    Agreed (nem con) to note the names of the people appointed to the Cabinet by the Leader of the Council for the coming year and their respective portfolios (shown below);


Leader – Cllr Liz Leffman

Deputy Leader – Liz Brighouse

Cabinet Member for: Corporate Services – Glynis Phillips

Community Services and Safety – Jenny Hannaby

Climate Change Delivery and Environment – Pete Sudbury

Travel and Development Strategy – Duncan Enright

Highways Management – Andrew Gant

Finance – Calum Miller

Adult Social Care – Tim Bearder

Public Health & Equalities – Mark Lygo


b)    Agreed to note Councillor Eddie Reeves as Leader of the Opposition


c)    Agreed to note that Councillor Donna Ford had been given responsibility for both the Corporate Services and Community Services and Safety portfolios in the Shadow Cabinet

17/05/2022 - Dispensations ref: 9298    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


Recommendations agreed (nem con) subject to an amendment (moved by Cllr Liz Brighouse and seconded by Cllr John Howson) to add school meals and school transport to the list of dispensations

17/05/2022 - Report of the Cabinet ref: 9296    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


Council received the report of the Cabinet


In relation to a questions from Cllr Bob Johnston, Cllr Pete Sudbury said that the Tree Policy does include climate resilience and UK grown trees.  Trees needed to provide food, timber or natural habitats


In relation to a question from Cllr Charlie Hicks,  Cllr Sudbury confirmed that the next policy to be considered would be for verges and footpaths.


Cllr Sudbury then updated members on the Council’s response to the current position regarding climate change


In relation to questions from Cllr John Howson and Cllr Nick Field-Johnson, Cllr Enright said that a list of which organisations is to be included in the Highways Work Bonds would need to be considered and Cllr Bearder explained the current position on the parishes being considered of 20 mph schemes.  The request for a full schedule of parishes would be considered.





17/05/2022 - Audit and Governance Annual Report ref: 9292    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


Recommendations agreed (nem con).

17/05/2022 - Election of Vice-Chair for the 2022/23 Council Year ref: 9287    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


Councillor Felix Bloomfield was elected Vice-Chair for the 2022/23 Civic Year.

17/05/2022 - Election of Chair for the 2022/23 Council Year ref: 9286    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


Councillor Susanna Pressel was elected as Chair for the 2022/23 Council Year.

17/05/2022 - Petitions and Public Address ref: 9291    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


There were none.

17/05/2022 - Official Communications ref: 9290    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


There were none.

17/05/2022 - Declarations of Interest - see guidance note ref: 9289    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


There were none

17/05/2022 - Apologies for Absence ref: 9288    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Banfield, Corkin, Haywood, Levy, Murphy and Rooke

17/05/2022 - Minutes ref: 9295    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 17/05/2022 - County Council

Decision published: 16/06/2022

Effective from: 17/05/2022


The minutes of the meeting held on 5 April 2022 were amended as follows:-


7/22 Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council Section 113 Agreement


The minute to record the rebuttal made by Cllr Corkin to the statement by Cllr Leffman that Cherwell District Council had decided to cease the Section 113 agreement.


19/22 Questions with Notice from Members of the Council


In relation to question 2 (Cllr Eddie Reeves to Cllr Liz Leffman) Cllr Leffman reiterated that the 4 complaints against the Cabinet member for Highways Management were all on the same issue which had been resolved


In relation to question 12 (Cllr Stefan Gawrysiak to Cllr Calum Miller), Cllr Miller said that officers were in the process of providing a full overview of the assets of the County Council and undertook to provide a further written answer on the plans for the repair of various council properties once this review is completed later this year


and signed as a correct record.