Meeting documents

Tuesday, 24 June 2008


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Division(s): Bicester, Bicester South








Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families




1.                  On the 16 October 2007, the Cabinet considered a report (CA8) summarising the findings of a public consultation on the provision of additional Secondary School Places in Bicester. The Cabinet resolved to adopt Option C the proposed 14+ Learning Centre at Bicester as a preferred option.  Officers were charged with reporting back to Cabinet regarding the feasibility study, management, governance and pastoral care for the 14+ learning centre with time and cost implications. This report outlines the progress regarding the above together with recommendations.   


Management and Governance


2.                  A Steering Group has been formed which includes membership of the two head teachers of Bicester Community College and The Cooper School; the Chief Executive of the Oxford & Cherwell Valley College; and  the Headteacher from Bardwell Special School.  The group are developing the curriculum model which will include provision of the new 14-19 diplomas and defining the management / governance arrangements leading to the completion of a Strategy for Change. 


3.                  The Steering Group has considered a variety of Federation models and supports a Soft Governance Federation. Federations are part of the transforming secondary education agenda, which sees diversity and collaboration as the two main vehicles for raising standards and driving improvement in teaching and learning. A summary report on federations, detailing the options and the benefits is attached at Annex1 (download as .doc file). 


4.                  In a Soft Governance Federation each school in the federation has its own governing body, but the federation has a joint governance /strategic committee with delegated powers. This has statutory status using the Collaboration Regulations made under section 26 of the Education Act 2002.  The Education and Inspections Act 2006 and the new collaboration Regulations issued in May 2007 now permit maintained schools to establish a soft governance federation with Further Education (FE) Colleges, independent schools, Academies and City Technology Colleges and other partners. 


5.                  All the schools and colleges would share common goals through a Service Level Agreement (SLA) and protocol making joint decisions concerning the Learning Centre. The committee would hold representatives from the college and the two schools. The committee would appoint a centre manager to manage the learning centre. The committee would hold representatives from the college and the two schools.  The committee would appoint a centre manager who would delegate the management of the learning centre.  Funding would be channelled through Local Management of Schools (LMS) through the two schools to create a learning centre budget.


Time and Cost


6.                  A site for the new provision is being secured under a Section 106 Agreement associated with proposed residential development at south west Bicester. The site has been agreed in principle and the legal agreement is expected to be completed by the end of June 2008. The agreement will provide for flexibility in delivering playing field and sports facilities either with or in advance of the delivery of the secondary education provision.  In a parallel agreement the County Council and Cherwell District Council have agreed in principle terms for joint use arrangements for the sports facilities.


7.                  The funding for the proposal, which was estimated to cost in the region of £17- 25 million would be primarily met from secured and expected developer funding associated with potential housing growth in and around Bicester (including South West Bicester, Upper Heyford & Gavray Drive).


8.                  Given the current economic climate, residential developments may proceed more slowly than previously anticipated. If so that would affect the programming of need, delivery (including the site), funding streams and statutory consultation processes.


9.                  Bicester will be the first project within the Secondary Strategy for Change Building Schools for the Future programme, which is currently scheduled to start in 2010.


10.             The design process will run from July 2009 to September 2010. The construction period is planned to start in September 2010 subject to funding arrangements, with an intended completion date of September 2012.


Next steps


11.             A feasibility study / strategic development plan leading to the strategic brief must be completed by July 2009.  This will be informed by an agreed local strategy for change.


12.             The steering group are researching other projects in England for guidance and some educational learning visits will be made.


13.             The curriculum model is currently being developed but it is intended that the Learning Centre will focus on 8-9 lines of learning with the new diplomas at levels 3 and 4 designed to meet individual student and employer needs.  The lines of learning will include society, health and development, science, humanities, languages, engineering, creative and media, and hairdressing.  These will be underpinned by English, mathematics and ICT.


14.             Facilities and access for Special Educational Needs (SEN)/Learners with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities (LLDD) learning are planned to be developed at the Bardwell Special School as will aspects of mainstream learning within the 14-19 centre.




15.             The Cabinet are RECOMMENDED:


(a)               to approve the continued strategic assessment and development of the strategic brief for  the 14+ learning centre;


(b)              to approve the establishment of Soft Governance Federation, with a Statutory Strategic Committee to manage the 14 + learning centre in Bicester, subject to agreement of the governance protocols and SLA by the Cabinet Member for School Improvement. 




Director for Children, Young People & Families



Contact Officers:                   Irene Kirkman, Assistant Head of Service - School Support Services Raising Achievement Service

Tel (01865) 815141

Alison Thompson, Mouchel - Consultant 


June 2008


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