Meeting documents

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

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Division(s): Didcot South




Report by Interim Director of Children, Young People & Families


1.                  The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement authorised officers to undertake a formal consultation with a wide range of stakeholders about the proposal to replace Greenmere Primary School with a ‘Fresh Start’ school supported by additional funding from the Department for Education and Skills (DfES).

2.                  A consultation document was circulated to the following parties:

·        Staff and governors of Greenmere School

·        Local town, District and County Councillors

·        The local Member of Parliament

·        Local town & District Councils

·        Headteachers of local schools

·        Governing bodies of local schools

·        Local residents

3.                  In addition to this, two meetings were held at Greenmere primary school: one for staff and their Union representatives on 14 March 2007 and a second for the public on 19 March 2007.

Consultation Outcomes

4.                  The meeting with staff and Union representatives updated them on the consultation process and the employment implications of proceeding with the ‘Fresh Start’ programme. A statement outlining the programme is attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file). Although concerns were expressed about the uncertainty associated with not knowing the outcome of the consultation until after Easter, none of the staff or their representatives spoke out in opposition to the ‘Fresh Start’ proposal.

5.                  The public meeting held on 19 March 2007 attracted approximately 30 people, the majority of whom were parents of pupils currently attending Greenmere Primary School. Questions were asked about class sizes, provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs, composition of the shadow governing body, possible staff turnover, whether the school would have a new name and the colour/logo for a new school uniform.

6.                  As well as questions, attendees were invited to comment upon the ‘Fresh Start’ proposal. Everyone who spoke was positive and in support. Among the benefits referred to were:

·        the need for changes at Greenmere Primary School to improve outcomes for children extra resources in classrooms

·        additional staffing

·        creation of a ‘nurture group’

·        an opportunity to challenge the perception that Greenmere Primary School is not for more able pupils.

There were no responses when the meeting was asked whether anyone was against ‘Fresh Start’ for Greenmere Primary School.

7.                  A summary of written and e-mailed responses received by the 13 April deadline will be reported to the Cabinet meeting.

Financial and Staff Implications

8.                  As previously reported the DfES has confirmed £175,000 additional revenue funding to support the ‘Fresh Start’. It is possible to bid for further funding upon submission of satisfactory reports of progress. Officers will work closely with the Headteacher to secure this. In addition a new ‘Fresh Start’ school would receive a c.£60,000 start-up grant under the County Council’s school funding scheme.

9.                  Apart from the post of Headteacher, which must be advertised nationally, all posts in the ‘Fresh Start’ school will initially be advertised internally to Greenmere School staff. The appointment of the new Headteacher would be the responsibility of the shadow governing body (currently being assembled), while the new Headteacher with the support of governors would appoint all other staff.

10.             Although it is anticipated that the majority of current Greenmere School staff would, if they applied for a post in the new school, secure employment, it is possible that a very small number might not. In such cases the County Council, as employer, is legally obliged to seek to find suitable alternative employment for any affected staff. Headteachers of neighbouring partnership schools have already indicated their willingness to work with officers to try to find placements for displaced staff, including through formal redeployment.

11.             Human Resources are considering extending the Job Finder service from centrally employed staff affected by the move to the creation of a Shared Services Centre. This would enable officers to explore with affected staff a wider range of potentially suitable alternative employment opportunities across the whole Council.

12.             Any staff who did not secure employment in the new school and for whom no suitable alternative employment could be found, would be subject to dismissal and would, in most cases, be entitled to a redundancy payment. The size of redundancy payments are dependent upon salary and length of reckonable service as laid down in the Council's agreed policy on redundancy payments. In certain circumstances Premature Retirement Compensation in line with the Premature Retirement Compensation Scheme may be appropriate.

13.             Until such time as the new Headteacher has been appointed and the internal appointments process is complete it will not be possible to quantify costs associated with redundancy. Officers will use their best endeavours to ensure that any such costs are minimised.


14.             The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:

(a)               consider the outcome of the formal consultation; and,

(b)               determine whether to proceed with the publication of statutory notices for the closure of Greenmere Primary School and its replacement by a new Fresh Start school in the existing new school buildings.

Interim Director for Children, Young People & Families

Background papers:             Nil.

Contact Officer:                     Roy Leach, Senior Adviser Educational Achievement & Service Monitoring, Tel: (01865) 42 8117

April 2007

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