Meeting documents

Tuesday, 21 November 2006




To Members of the Cabinet

Notice of a Meeting of the Cabinet

Tuesday 21 November 2006 at 2.00 pm County Hall, Oxford

Derek Bishop
Head of Democratic Services

November 2006

Contact officer: Matt Bayliss Tel: 01865 815384 E-mail





Keith R Mitchell


Leader of the Council

David Robertson


Deputy Leader of the Council

C.H. Shouler


Cabinet Member for Finance

John Howell


Cabinet Member for Change Management

Jim Couchman


Cabinet Member for Social Care & Policy Coordination

David Robertson


Cabinet Member for Transport

Roger Belson


Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development

Louise Chapman


Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families

Michael Waine


Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement

Don Seale


Cabinet Member for Adult Learning & Cultural Services

Ray Jelf


Cabinet Member for Community Safety

Decisions taken at the meeting will become effective at the end of the working day on 29 November 2006 unless called in by that date for review by the appropriate Scrutiny Committee.

Copies of this Notice, Agenda and supporting papers are circulated to all Members of the County Council.

If you have any special requirements (such as a large print version of these papers or special access facilities) please contact the officer named on the front page, but please give as much notice as possible before the meeting.


  1. Apologies for Absence

  2. Declarations of Interest

    – see guidance note

  3. Minutes
  4. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 October 2006 (CA3) and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.

  5. Petitions and Public Address

  6. Financial Monitoring

Cabinet Member: Finance
Forward Plan Ref: 2006/074
Contact: Stephanie Skivington, Strategic Finance Manager/Mike Petty, Strategic Financial Planning Manager (01865 815426/815622)

Report by Head of Finance & Procurement (CA5).

The financial monitoring report covers the period ended 30 September 2006 for both revenue and capital.  Changes to the forecast revenue outturn are reported against the position at the end of August 2006.

The consolidated revenue forecast for the year-end shows a balance of £12.931m. This is made up of £15.285m general balances and a forecast directorate overspend of £2.354m (net of City Schools and after allowing for the proposed additional contribution to the Older People's Pooled Budget).

Within Children, Young People and Families a supplementary estimate of £0.800m is sought for the agency placement budget in Early Years and Family Support to address the pressures identified. Within Social and Community Services income shortfalls continue to create pressures relating to the underachievement of income targets across the Directorate. The Capital Programme monitoring is attached in Annex 7-7f to the report.

The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:

                1. note the report;
                2. approve the £0.317m virement within Children, Young People & Families to move Disabilities service agreements to Childrens Services (paragraph 20);
                3. approve the £0.800m supplementary estimate to Agency Placements (paragraph 23);
                4. confirm that any underspend arising on the Joint Use budget in 2006/07 (paragraph 34) is not required to be contributed to the capital cost of redeveloping the Cherwell centres; and,
                5. approve the changes to the Capital Programme as set out in paragraphs 90 to 97 of the report.

  1. Service and Resource Planning 2007/08 – 2011/12

Cabinet Member: Finance
Forward Plan Ref: 2006/075
Contact: Lorna Baxter, Principal Financial Planning Manager (01865 816087), Paul Edwards, Corporate Performance Manager (01865 815307)

Report by Chief Executive, Director for Resources and Head of Finance & Procurement (CA6) (download as .doc file).

This report is the second in a series informing members on the service and resource planning process and budget issues for 2007/08 and the medium term and provides information that will lead to the Council agreeing a budget requirement and council tax for 2007/08 in February 2007.

The report sets the latest information on the Council's financial position including an update of the sum available to allocate to Council priorities for both revenue and capital, plus a review of Council balances. The report also sets out the major pressures for 2007/08, which have already been highlighted through the Financial Monitoring reports and includes a provisional allocation of some of the available resources towards meeting them.

The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:

                1. note the report; and
                2. refer the identified budget pressures in the respective service areas and how these could be funded, to the appropriate Scrutiny Committees for consideration and advice, on the basis of schedules to be drawn up and presented to the committees by the Head of Finance & Procurement with the relevant service officers, following consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Members.

  1. Taking Forward the Change Agenda
  2. Cabinet Member: Change Management
    Forward Plan Ref: 2006/148
    Contact: Hilary Simpson, Corporate Change Manager (01865 815487)

    Report by Chief Executive (CA7)

    The Cabinet considered a report entitled "Taking Forward the Change Agenda" at its meeting on 15 November 2005 and formally adopted revised objectives and values. At the same time the Cabinet confirmed the setting up of the Change Management Board as the body responsible for overseeing the coordination of change management within the authority and agreed its terms of reference. The Cabinet also requested a further report outlining a new organisational development programme. The Change Management Board are responding to this request through the submission of a first Annual Report outlining its work over the past year.

    The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to receive the first Annual Report of the Change Management Board and agree the Board’s priorities for its second year of operation, subject to any changes that the Cabinet Member for Change Management would wish to make in light of any comments by the Cabinet.

  3. External Review of Children’s Social Care

Cabinet Member: Children, Young People & Families
Forward Plan Ref: 2006/171
Contact: Andy Couldrick, Head of Service for Early Years and Family Support (01865 815833)

Report by Head of Early Years & Family Support (CA8).

An external review of the Children’s Social Care Service (since realignment of the Early Years and Family Support Service), was commissioned by the Director for Children, Young People and Families, in May 2006. The review was commissioned to examine and make recommendations regarding:

    • The budget and spend issues in children’s social care, a service with repeated overspends in previous years.
    • The service strategy, including a review of the "Placement Matters" strategy adopted by the Council in 2005.
    • Benchmark and comparator data relating to performance, activity and expenditure.

The review was conducted by Tom Jones, an independent consultant with considerable experience, including as a former Head of Children’s Services. The report sets out the recommendations and proposed actions arising from the external review of Children's Social Care services, for endorsement by Cabinet, which will support the modernisation of the service and improved outcomes for vulnerable children and families.

The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:

                1. endorse the strategy and service modernisation recommendations emerging from the external review, enabling the Directorate to take these forward;
                2. endorse the policy shift towards the development of services and decision-making models that mandate family-based decision-making strategy and practice; and
                3. endorse the Action Plan as outlined in Annex 1 to the report.

  1. Education Project Appraisal – East Oxford Primary School
  2. Cabinet Member: Children, Young People & Families, Adult Learning & Cultural Services
    Forward Plan Ref: 2006/131
    Contact: John Phipps, Service Manager, Property & Assets (01865 816455) Sue Ryde, Property Services Manager, Social & Community Services (01865 862529)

    Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families, Director for Social & Community Services (CA9).

    ( DETAILED PROJECT APPRAISAL APPRAISAL NO. ED 667 - download as .doc file)
    (RESOURCE APPRAISAL - download as .doc file)

    The joint report by the Director for Children, Young people and Families and the Director for Social and Community Services is in respect of a Detailed Project Appraisal (ED667) for a New Children's Centre and Adult & Community Learning Centre at East Oxford Primary School site.

    The project will provide a new 2-storey building and the conversion of the existing building to provide adult learning classrooms, specialist classrooms, meeting rooms and a children's centre including a family room, creche and kitchen together with storage, staff and toilet facilities.

    The project is the result of a major capital bid to the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) to provide Adult Learning Services from the East Oxford site and a major Department for Education and Skills (DfES) grant to provide new children's centres that are easily accessible by families living in the most disadvantaged communities.

    The joint provision for adult learning and the planned children's centre recognises the synergy that exists between the two services together with the willingness and agreement of the current users of the site namely, East Oxford Primary School, the Council's Youth Service and Adult Learning Service.

    The Cabinet is RECCOMENDED to approve the detailed project appraisal ED 667.

  3. Disability Equality Scheme

Cabinet Member: Social Care & Policy Co-ordination
Forward Plan Ref: 2006/114
Contact: Adrian Harper-Smith, Corporate Strategies Manager (01865 810179)

Report by Head of Partnership Working (CA10).

On 7 June 2005, Cabinet noted the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 2005; agreed to the development of a Disability Equality Scheme by the statutory deadline once determined; and noted that implementation of the Council’s Comprehensive Equality Policy and Corporate Equality Plan will ensure that the Council’s existing commitment to the promotion of disability equality is implemented effectively.

The key elements of the draft Disability Equality Scheme are:

    • The involvement of disabled people;
    • The implementation of the impact assessment process;
    • Encouraging positive attitudes towards disabled people; and
    • Promoting and monitoring equal opportunities in employment for disabled people.

The scheme must also include a statement of the ways in which disabled people have been involved in its development and the Council's process for implementing impact assessments. A draft Disability Equality Scheme is attached as Annex 1 to the report.

The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:

                1. agree the Disability Equality Scheme as set out at Annex 1 to this report; and
                2. agree that annual progress reports should be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Social Care & Policy Co-ordination for consideration under Delegated Decisions.

  1. Minerals and Waste Development Framework: Core Strategy

Cabinet Member: Sustainable Development
Forward Plan Ref: 2006/138
Contact: Peter Day, Minerals and Waste Policy Team Leader (01865 815544)

Report by Head of Sustainable Development (CA11).

The Core Strategy will be a key development plan document forming part of the Minerals and Waste Development Framework. It will set out the Council’s vision, spatial strategy and core policies for minerals and waste development in Oxfordshire over the next 20 years. A Minerals and Waste Issues and Options Consultation Paper was published in June 2006. This set out for consultation the strategic aims and objectives for minerals and waste planning in Oxfordshire; the main spatial issues that need to be addressed; and possible options for addressing these issues. 130 responses were received. The Issues and Options have also been considered by the Minerals and Waste Forum stakeholder group.

The Council must now prepare Preferred Options for the Minerals and Waste Core Strategy and publish these for consultation. A set of preferred options for the Core Strategy has been drawn up taking into account the responses to consultation on the Issues and Options Paper, the views of the Minerals and Waste Forum and the conclusions from sustainability appraisal of options. A Core Strategy Preferred Options document has been drafted, with a view to consultation on preferred options being carried out in January and February 2007. A sustainability appraisal of the preferred options has been carried out. A summary of this appraisal has been prepared and a full sustainability appraisal report is being prepared for publication alongside the Preferred Options document.

The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:

                1. approve the Aims, Objectives and Preferred Options for the Minerals and Waste Core Strategy set out at Annex 3 to the report and approve in principal the supporting text of the Preferred Options document as set out at Annex 4 and referred to in paragraph 9 of this report;
                2. authorise the Head of Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development, to finalise the Core Strategy Preferred Options document for publication and consultation in accordance with Regulation 26 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004;
                3. authorise the Head of Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development, to prepare and publish the Sustainability Appraisal report to accompany the Core Strategy Preferred Options document; and
                4. authorise the Head of Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development, to finalise arrangements for consultation on the Core Strategy Preferred Options document.

  1. Gifted Children Scrutiny Review
  2. Cabinet Member: Schools Improvement
    Forward Plan Ref: 2006/057
    Contact: Julian Hehir, Scrutiny Review Officer (01865 815673)

    Report by Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee (CA12) (download as .pdf file).

    The Children's Services Committee agreed, in its Work Programme, to undertake a scrutiny review of Gifted Children and appointed Councillor Deborah Glass-Woodin, Hilary Hibbert-Biles, Val Smith and Melinda Tilley to the Lead Member Review Group. Having collected a wide variety of evidence the review group has presented its findings and recommendations to the Committee. These have been adopted in their entirety. The review report is now before the Cabinet for consideration of the Committee's recommendations.

    The report argues for a specific programme to be implemented in Oxfordshire's schools for academically gifted children. There is evidence that attention to the needs of these children will help them to achieve their maximum potential, less among them will "slip through the net" and the attainment levels of peer group pupils across the board will be raised. Gifted children have not been regarded as having special needs to the extent that other groups of pupils have and the Review suggests that this position should change.

    Central local authority resources, in the form of Co-ordinators for gifted (and talented) pupils have been demonstrated to work well elsewhere and the case is made for a similar role and supporting lead teachers in Oxfordshire. Elsewhere, the Review refers to best practice with regard to gifted children and the authority, schools and governing bodies are encouraged to adopt these.

    The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to consider the Scrutiny Review Report and communicate to the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee its response to the Review's Recommendations.

  3. Forward Plan and Future Business

Cabinet Member: All
Contact Officer: Tony Cloke, Council Business Manager (01865 815314)

The Cabinet Procedure Rules provide that the business of each meeting at the Cabinet is to include "updating of the Forward Plan and proposals for business to be conducted at the following meeting". Items from the Forward Plan for the immediately forthcoming meetings of the Cabinet appear in the Schedule at CA13. This includes any updated information relating to the business for those meetings that has already been identified for inclusion in the next Forward Plan update.

The Schedule is for noting, but Cabinet Members may also wish to take this opportunity to identify any further changes they would wish to be incorporated in the next Forward Plan update.

The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.

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