Meeting documents

The Executive
Tuesday, 14 May 2002


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Minutes of the Meeting commencing at 2.00 pm and finishing at 4.53 pm


Voting Members:  
  Councillor Keith R Mitchell – in the Chair
  Councillor Tony Crabbe
  Councillor John Farrow
  Councillor Neil Fawcett
  Councillor Janet Godden
  Councillor Margaret Godden
  Councillor Anne Purse
  Councillor David Robertson
Other Members in Attendance:  
  Councillor Brian Hodgson (for Agenda Item 7)
  Councillor Julian Cooper (for Agenda Item 11)
  Councillor Shereen Karmali (for Agenda Item 17)
  Councillor Mrs Diana Ludlow (for Agenda Item 18)
  Whole of meeting: Chief Executive, J. Leverton and G. Warrington.


Part of meeting: J. Hydari (Business Support Directorate); D. Dent, D. Lines and M. Stott (Strategy Directorate); M. Brown (Cultural Services); S. Bingham (Education Department); E. Luck and N. Monaghan (Environmental Services); A. Sinclair and N. Welch (Social Services).

The Executive considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting, together with a schedule of addenda tabled at the meeting, and decided as set out below. Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda, reports and schedule, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.


    Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Seale.

    190/02. MINUTES

The Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 17 April 2002 were approved and signed subject to the following amendments:

Minute 171/02 (Social Services Budget 2002/03), paragraph 3 line 2 "Her" to read "He".

Minute 180/02 (Measures to Reduce the Risk to Asthma Sufferers):

    • main heading "SUFFERS" to read "SUFFERERS";
    • line 1 to read "The Council on 2 April 2002 had considered the following motion by Councillor Hodgson, amended and supported it:"
    • paragraph 2, line 1 to read "This Council notes its commitment …".

Minute 171/02 : Social Services Budget 2002/03

The Leader of the Council reported that notice had been given of a call in on the grounds that, in the light of the Chancellor’s announcement of additional resources for personal social services in 2003/04, the decision of the Executive had been premature. He, with the Deputy Leader of the Council, would be considering concerns raised as to whether this use of the call in process was appropriate.

Minute 174/02 : Minor Traffic Scheme Assessment Framework

Mr Leverton reported notice of a call in concerning the role of local members in the assessment process. The matter was expected to be submitted to the Environment Scrutiny Committee in May.


    (Agenda Item 5)

    The Executive considered a report (EX5) which presented the outturn position for 2001/02, updated the Executive on the latest estimated balances on the Committee Carry Forward Reserve and County Fund Balance as at 31 March 2002 and the Capital Programme and Capital Reserve.


    1. to note the report;
    2. that where any future monthly report included substantial variations from the agreed budget in a particular service area the relevant Directors be asked to attend the meeting to explain the reasons for the variation.


(Agenda Item 6)

The Executive on 22 January 2002 had asked the Director for Business Support to report on arrangements for restructuring and refreshing cost centre management, ensuring effective use of the new Management Information System (MIS) and for tightening financial monitoring and control. The Executive now considered a report (EX6) which presented an initial scoping for the project.


    1. to note the report, progress to date, and further action to be taken;
    2. that future monthly budget monitoring reports should include an indication of progress in achieving full IT connectivity for service managers.


    (Agenda Item 7)

    This item had not been included in the Forward Plan; however, it was not considered that the decision being sought amounted to a key decision, and that it was therefore open to the Executive to consider the report and determine the recommendation.

    The Executive considered a report (EX7) which sought approval of a "self-assessment" submission to the Audit Commission as part of the "comprehensive performance assessment" (CPA) process which had been introduced to assess and classify all local authorities. The report set out the background to CPA and outlined the basis on which the self-assessment submission had been drawn up. The Leader of the Council thanked those officers involved in preparing the self-assessment submission within the very tight deadline imposed by the Audit Commission.

    The Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee had considered the draft self-assessment submission and their comments were circulated at the meeting. Ms Dent tabled a revised draft submission which sought so far as possible to reflect the Scrutiny Committee’s comments. Other points agreed by the Executive in the course of discussion are summarised in the Annex to these Minutes.

    Councillor Hodgson raised concerns about the use in Section 1.3 of the draft submission of the word "significant" in relation to the increase in the ethnic minority population; the lack of comment on the Youth Service; the need for targets, such as that relating to reducing exclusions from school, to be specific and timed; and the effects of Council Tax increases on people on modest incomes. The Executive’s responses to these points are included in the Annex.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. agree the amendments set out in the Annex to these minutes;
    2. subject to (a) above, and to any further editorial amendments agreed by the Leader of the Council and Deputy Leader of the Council, approve the submission for despatch to the Audit Commission in line with the 1 May deadline.


    (Agenda Item EX8)

    The Executive considered a report (EX8) which considered the "Priming" arrangement whereby an organisation could transfer its buildings to a private sector company which would then undertake to improve, maintain and manage the buildings for a period of years. The Executive also considered a supplementary report setting out the main points of a presentation by the property consultants CB Hillier Parker who had been commissioned to give advice to the County Council on the options available for priming or other public/private partnership arrangements.

    RESOLVED: that:

    1. the Draft Corporate Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan to be submitted to the Executive in June should include the issues identified in the report EX8;
    2. officers be instructed to report to the Executive in September identifying potential projects and/or packages of property/service areas which might be appropriate for procurement and funding from PFI, Priming and any other potentially available sources and also presenting an integrated strategy for office accommodation, work style, ICT and E-Government based on the needs and priorities of the Council.


    (Agenda Item 9)

    In December 2001 the Executive had considered a proposal for the apportionment between services of the provisional Repair and Maintenance Budget for 2002/2003 and asked Service Departments for their observations on the provisional apportionment.

    The Executive now considered a report (EX9) which presented a revised apportionment of the repair and maintenance budget between services taking account of the transfer of the Councils Homes for Elderly People to Oxford Care Partnership and the observations of service departments on apportionment of the repair and maintenance budget.

    RESOLVED: to:-

    1. agree the revised allocation of the budget for repair and maintenance of County Council buildings set out in Annex 1 to the report EX9;
    2. note that it was unlikely that even the inadequate amount allocated for planned maintenance would be used for that purpose unless a contingency was identified to deal with any unavoidable pressures on urgent works which could not be dealt with from the urgent works allocation.


    (Agenda Item 10)

    The Executive considered a report (EX10) which reviewed the current legislative and institutional position in the economic development field, set out a framework for the implementation of economic development activities by the Council, in the context of the Economic Strategy for Oxfordshire adopted by the Executive in January 2002, and proposed how resources available to the Council through the Economic Development Initiatives budget could be used.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. approve the proposals for the economic development work programme for 2002/03 as set out in the report EX10;
    2. approve the setting up jointly with other partners of the Oxfordshire Economic Partnership as a "local authority influenced company" limited by guarantee to promote the vision set out in the report EX10, and authorise the Director for Strategy and the Solicitor to the Council, in consultation with the Deputy Leader of the Council, to take all necessary action for this purpose;
    3. identify the Oxfordshire Economic Partnership to the Council for approval as a strategic outside body, and nominate the Deputy Leader of the Council to represent the Council on the Board of the company, when created;
    4. note the intention to ask the Democracy & Organisation Committee to nominate representatives to the boards or managing committees (as appropriate) of the Ethnic Minority Business Service, the Unemployed Workers & Claimants Union and Venturefest.


    (Agenda Item 11)

    Following the transfer of the County Council’s Homes for Older People to the Oxfordshire Care Partnership (OCP) the Executive had before it a report (EX11) which considered the best methods and process for achieving the re-provisioning programme.

    Councillor Julian Cooper addressed the Executive. He urged that this programme should be dealt with carefully and within existing local agreements. He referred specifically to Spencer Court, Woodstock and Castle View, Chipping Norton, which were highly valued by their respective communities.

    RESOLVED: to:-

    1. approve the timetable set out in the report for receiving, considering and consulting on the proposed development programme, noting that the Executive Member for Community Care & Health, with the Director of Social Services and other officers, would be a member of the Social Services Board which would oversee the work of the proposed Project Group;
    2. establish a Member/Officer Working Group to advise the Executive on all aspects of a development programme from now up to the completion of the programme, the Group to comprise the same membership as the Homes for Older People Working Group, as far as was possible, together with appropriate Social Services and other officers.


    (Agenda Item 12)

    The Executive considered the Review and Action Plan (EX12), which the Best Value Committee had recommended to the Executive as an interim statement, together with the comments of the Social & Health Care Scrutiny Committee.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. note the outcomes of the Review and the comments of the Scrutiny Committee thereon and approve the identified actions for service improvement;
    2. give priority to the financial recommendations and the full implementation of an information management system;


    (Agenda Item 13)

    The Executive had before them a project appraisal (EX13) for the installation of a high quality 80-seat education facility in the Coach House at the rear of the Fletcher’s House site and the removal of the existing museum workshop to the Oxfordshire Museum Store at Standlake.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. approve the project appraisal, on the basis of the allocation of £35,000 from the 2002/03 Minor Works annual programme towards the funding for the project;
    2. instruct officers to proceed to develop the project for implementation, subject to confirmation of external capital funding for the project as described in the project appraisal EX13.


    (Agenda Item 14)

    The Executive considered a report (EX14) which detailed the Oxfordshire, West Berkshire and Wokingham New Models Project which had begun in February 2001 to look at options for the future delivery of LEA services that would have potential gains and benefits for school improvement.

    RESOLVED: to note the report and authorise officers to take forward the necessary development work to explore the feasibility of operational pilots during 2002/2003.


    (Agenda Item 15)

    The Executive considered a report (EX15) which detailed the responses to consultation on a package of measures devised to assist cyclists and pedestrians, reduce speed and improve safety in Hollow Way Oxford. The proposed scheme formed part of the B4495 corridor study that was considering integrating facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport into general improvements of the road network.

    RESOLVED: to approve:

    1. the implementation of the Hollow Way cycle and pedestrian facilities as shown in Annex 1 to the report EX15 subject to safety audit and detailed design being determined by the Director of Environmental Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Transport and the Local Member;
    2. the conversion (under Section 65 and 66 of the Highways Act 1980) of the footway in Hollow Way between Barracks Lane and The Slade to shared cycle/pedestrian usage.


    (Agenda Item 16)

    The Executive considered a report (EX16) which detailed the results of a public consultation carried out in February 2002 on plans for traffic calming in Ferry Hinksey Road, Oxford.

    RESOLVED: to authorise the formal steps necessary for the promotion of Option 1 described in the report, subject to:

    1. consideration of any representations or objections by the Director of Environmental Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Transport and the Local Member;
    2. the Executive Member for Transport reviewing the content of the proposals prior to consultation, together with the local members for West Oxford and (regarding the possible implications for Botley Road rush-hour traffic) Hinksey.


    The Executive considered a report (EX17) which set out proposals to prohibit vehicles driving in both directions at the point where Freelands Road met Radcliffe Road, with exemptions for cycles and emergency vehicles. The report reviewed the comments received during the public consultation on the proposed closure.

    Councillor Shereen Karmali referred to the strong local support for this measure and to a recent injury accident involving a child.

    RESOLVED: to authorise the making and implementation of the Order as advertised.


    (Agenda Item 18)

    The Executive considered a report (EX18) which outlined a proposal to introduce a new cycle link between Thame (Oxon) and Haddenham and Thame Parkway railway station (Bucks). The cycle link crossed the county boundary and would require joint funding on a 50/50 basis with Buckinghamshire County Council.

    Councillor Mrs Diana Ludlow addressed the Executive. She was not convinced that local people supported the link and questioned whether the scheme represented good value for money.

    RESOLVED: to:-

    1. agree to the development of a jointly funded scheme (as shown in Annex 1 to the report EX18) with Buckinghamshire County Council on a 50/50 basis sufficient to mount a joint public consultation with Buckinghamshire County Council; and
    2. note that a further report would be brought forward to the Executive following that consultation, prior to seeking approval for implementation of the scheme.


(Agenda Item 19)

The Executive considered a list of items from the Forward Plan for the next two meetings (EX19).

It was noted that the Executive Members for Transport and Strategic Planning & Waste Management would be attending a Major Transport Conference on 25 June 2002 and that it would be desirable to avoid business relating to their responsibilities on the Agenda for the Executive meeting on that day.

RESOLVED: to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings, subject to the deferment of:

    1. Social Services Leaving Care (115/2001);
    2. Education Capital Projects (Various Schemes) (84/2002);
    3. North Oxford and Thornhill Park & Ride Car Parks (64/2002)

in the Chair

Date of signing 2002

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