Title: Cabinet Member for Transport Management
Party: Liberal Democrat Group
Division: Wolvercote & Summertown
Correspondence address:
c/o County Hall
New Road
Mobile: 07545 122560
Email: andrew.gant@oxfordshire.gov.uk
Download Councillor Andrew Gant contact details as VCard
Studied at Cambridge, Royal Academy of Music, and Goldsmith’s College. Professional background in Church Music, holding posts at Westminster Abbey, the Royal Military Chapel, Selwyn College, Cambridge and Worcester College, Oxford. Organist, Choirmaster and composer at Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal, 2000-2013. Composer and author of several books on musical subjects. Stipendiary Lecturer in Music, St Peter’s College, Oxford.
Elected to Oxford City Council 2014, re-elected 2016 and 2021. Leader of the Opposition 2016 – present.