Venue: Room 2&3 - County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declarations of Interest See guidance below. Minutes: There were none. |
Questions from County Councillors Minutes: There were none. |
Petitions & Public Address Members of the public who wish to speak at this meeting can attend the meeting in person or ‘virtually’ through an online connection.
Requests to speak must be submitted by no later than 9am four working days before the meeting. Requests to speak should be sent to
If you are speaking ‘virtually’, you may submit a written statement of your presentation to ensure that if the technology fails, then your views can still be taken into account. A written copy of your statement can be provided no later than 9 am 2 working days before the meeting. Written submissions should be no longer than 1 A4 sheet. Minutes: Item 5 – School Streets Phase 2 Programme
Item 6 – Market Street, Oxford: Temporary Public Realm Enhancement
Item 7 – Bicester, Proposed Parking Restrictions 2023
Item 8 – Oxford, Howard Street – Proposed Amendment to Resident Parking Place to Accommodate Cycle Access
Item 9 – Cowley Centre East CPZ Amendments 2023
Item 10 – Eynsham – Old Witney Rd – Traffic Calming Scheme
Item 11 – Proposed 20mph Speed Limits – Harwell
Item 12 – Oddington: 20mph Speed Limit Proposals
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2024 to be signed by the Chair as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2024 were agreed and signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
School Streets Phase 2 Programme Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Transport Management Forward Plan Ref: 2024/023 Contact: Caroline Coyne, Project Manager (BPSI Team) (
Report by Corporate Director for Environment and Place (CMDTMT6).
The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:
a) to approve the introduction of Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders (ETROs) to facilitate the introduction of ‘school streets’ for the following schools:
· St Mary and St John Church of England Primary School, Oxford, · Sandhills Community Primary School, Oxford, · Tyndale Community School, Oxford, · New Hinksey Church of England Primary School, Oxford, and · Manor Primary School, Didcot.
Minutes: The Chair welcomed everybody in attendance to the meeting and thanked Sharon Keenlyside, the previous Committee Officer for the meeting, for her support and wished her well for the future.
The Chair invited speakers in turn to address the meeting and responded to their points in turn.
The Chair asked officers about potential issues with the introduction of an ETRO for ‘school streets programmes’, specifically with regard to New Hinksey Church of England Primary School. Officers noted that they were looking at solutions, including adding Lake Street as part of the scheme and stated that engagement was needed with a GP surgery on the road before moving forward. Officers stated that fewer parents are driving to school with their children already.
Officers said that looking at a crossing on Hollow Way would be something that they need to investigate, with regards to Tyndale Community School.
The Chair noted that speakers raised how the scheme for Manor Primary School in Didcot would also affect another school in the area, Didcot Girls School, which was seen as positive.
The Chair reflected that the biggest concern amongst respondents was about traffic and parking displacement. Officers responded that traffic monitoring for Phase 2 schools as part of the scheme, so there would be better understanding of situations at each school. The Chair pointed out that due to the rolling nature of the programme, it would provide an important opportunity to review arrangements regularly.
The Chair expressed that one of the advantages of active travel is that timings become much clearer as traffic is avoided. Moreover, the Chair stated that the School Streets programme does not stop driving to schools entirely; it just stops going right up to the school gates. The scheme intends to manage the environment around the vicinity of the school.
Officers confirmed that the ETRO would be in place for after the Easter holidays.
The Chair thanked all of the speakers on the item and praised officers for their hard work in producing the report. The Chair agreed to the recommendations as amended.
a) to approve the introduction of Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders (ETROs) to facilitate the introduction of ‘school streets’ for the following schools:
· St Mary and St John Church of England Primary School, Oxford, · Sandhills Community Primary School, Oxford, · Tyndale Community School, Oxford, · Manor Primary School, Didcot, and · New Hinksey Church of England Primary School, Oxford, and to instruct officers to continue the review referred to in paragraph 40, with a view of bringing it forward as appropriate.
Market Street, Oxford: temporary public realm enhancement Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Transport Management. Forward Plan Ref: 2023/321 Contact: Craig Rossington, Technical Lead (Transport Planning), (
Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDTMT7).
Ahead of a comprehensive enhancement of the Covered Market, the City Council wants to improve Market Street to make it more welcoming for existing and potential new visitors. The proposal is to create additional space for pedestrians and public realm enhancements (seating, planting etc) by rearranging loading and parking in the street.
The Cabinet Member for Transport Management is RECOMMENDED to:
a) approve the changes to parking and loading on Market Street in Oxford city centre (using an ETRO) to facilitate the introduction of an experimental pedestrian and cycle zone. This will allow operational and public realm enhancements to Market Street.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair invited speakers to address the meeting and responded to their points in turn.
The report sets out the proposal to introduce changes to parking and loading on Market Street in Oxford city centre under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO).
The Chair noted that the scheme struck a balance between pedestrian needs and traders within the Covered Market. The ability for traders within the Covered Market to receive and send out goods was considered in the design of the scheme.
The Chair noted supportive responses in the consultation from Thames Valley Police.
An objection from the Royal Mail was discussed by officers and it was made clear that the changes would not impact their ability to provide a universal postal service.
The Chair thanked officers for their work and agreed to the recommendations within the report.
a) Agree changes to parking and loading on Market Street in Oxford city centre (using an ETRO) to facilitate the introduction of an experimental pedestrian and cycle zone. This will allow operational and public realm enhancements to Market Street. |
Bicester - Proposed Parking Restrictions 2023 Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Transport Management Forward Plan Ref: 2024/015 Contact: David Catling, Technical Officer – Traffic and Road Safety (
Report by Corporate Director for Environment and Place (CMDTMT8).
The Cabinet Member for Transport Management is RECOMMENDED to approve the following:
a) the introduction of new & amendment of existing ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) parking prohibitions on the following roads: Beckdale Close, Wansbeck Drive, Brashfield Road, Bunyan Road, Wordsworth Close, Bucknell Road, Hudson Street, Cemetery Road, Arkwright Road, Churchill Road, Cranesbill Drive, Graham Road, Medina Gardens, Tay Gardens, Victoria Road, and Victoria Court as advertised,
b) proceed with amended ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) parking prohibitions on Browning Drive, and
c) not proceed with the proposed ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) parking prohibitions for Kipling Close.
Minutes: The Chair invited speakers to address the meeting and responded to their points in turn.
The Chair addressed each individual road with proposed parking restrictions, with Browning Drive and Cranesbill Drive having more substantial areas of concern.
The Chair noted that the schemes are kept under review and residents were strongly encouraged to get in touch with their concerns.
Officers made the point that knock-on effects from the schemes are monitored.
It was stated that the responses to the section of the report on Browning Drive were written to an earlier proposal of the scheme, with significant changes being made afterwards. Officers stated that the measurements included in the agenda show a drastic reduction in the size of the proposals.
The Chair agreed with officer suggestions that a site visit to Cranesbill Drive with the local County Councillor would be beneficial in understanding any issues more thoroughly.
The Chair thanked officers for their work on the report and thanked speakers on this item.
The Chair agreed to the recommendations in the report as amended.
a) Agree the introduction of new & amendment of existing ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) parking prohibitions on the following roads: Beckdale Close, Wansbeck Drive, Brashfield Road, Bunyan Road, Wordsworth Close, with the exception of Bucknell Road, where officers should explore the issue of parking in Stoneburge Crescent, Hudson Street, Cemetery Road, Arkwright Road, with the exception of Churchill Road, where there should be a 6- month review following implementation, and with the exception of Cranesbill Drive, where officers should explore informal markings and review proposals for ‘No Waiting At Any Time’ lines (double yellow lines) 6 months after implementation or at their discretion, Graham Road, Medina Gardens, Tay Gardens, Victoria Road, and Victoria Court.
b) Proceed with amended ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) parking prohibitions on Browning Drive, and
c) Not proceed with the proposed ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) parking prohibitions for Kipling Close.
Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Transport Management. Forward Plan Ref: 2024/006 Contact: Anthony Kirkwood, Team Leader (Vision Zero)
Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDTMT9).
The Cabinet Member for Transport Management is RECOMMENDED to approve the following proposals as advertised:
a) New ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) parking restrictions on Howard Street in place of existing ‘Permit Holders only’ parking places,
b) the removal of the existing pedestrian guard railing adjacent to the dropped kerb by Flower Lane, with appropriate measures (including signing & lining) introduced to help mitigate the risk of conflicts between pedestrians and pedal cyclists, and a dropped kerb to be installed on the north side of Howard Street in line with the one on the south side, and
c) new ‘on-carriageway’ cycle parking places on the northeast side of Silver Road, by its junction with Barnet Street.
Minutes: The Chair invited speakers to address the meeting and responded to their points in turn.
Officers clarified that Howard Street is one-way, except for cyclists.
Officers stated that removing the barrier did represent risks, but that the scheme was balanced between the mitigation of risks and provision for cyclists. It was noted that staggered bollards would help to prevent cyclists cycling through at great speed.
The Chair voiced his concerns about the risks of higher-speed cycling through Flower Lane onto Howard Street, which could pose risks to pedestrians.
The Chair noted that there was well-argued and consistent opposition to the proposals by residents of Howard Street.
The Chair agreed to recommendation c) but deferred recommendations a) and b), asking officers to come back with solutions with mitigation around the loss of parking.
a) New ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) parking restrictions on Howard Street in place of existing ‘Permit Holders only’ parking places – DEFERRED.
b) The removal of the existing pedestrian guard railing adjacent to the dropped kerb by Flower Lane, with appropriate measures (including signing & lining) introduced to help mitigate the risk of conflicts between pedestrians and pedal cyclists, and a dropped kerb to be installed on the north side of Howard Street in line with the one on the south side, and – DEFERRED.
c) Approve new ‘on-carriageway’ cycle parking places on the northeast side of Silver Road, by its junction with Barnet Street. |
Cowley Centre East CPZ amendments - 2023 Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Transport Management Forward Plan Ref: 2023/341 Contact: Vicki Neville, Senior Officer - Schemes and TROs
Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDTMT10).
To seek approval for minor changes to the permit scheme implemented in 2021.
The Cabinet Member for Transport Management is RECOMMENDED to approve the following as advertised:
a) On Barns Road introduce new ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ parking restrictions (double yellow lines),
b) on Boswell Road introduce a new two-hour permitted waiting parking bay ‘Monday to Saturday 8am-6.30pm with no return within two hours’,
c) and additional ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ parking restrictions,
d) on Frederick Road introduce new ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ parking restrictions
e) on Bailey Road introduce new ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ parking restrictions, and
f) on St Lukes Roadchange the existing one-hour parking bays on either side of the carriageway (adjacent to the Telephone Exchange) to become shared-use ‘Permit holders’ or ‘two-hour, no return within two hours’ Monday to Saturday 8am-6.30pm, and new sections of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ parking restrictions.
Minutes: The Chair invited the speakers to address the meeting and responded to their points.
The Chair alluded to the divided responses concerned about loss of parking against the amenities for cyclists.
Officers noted that the areas with proposed double yellow-lines were the areas with the biggest issue of motorists parking in cycle lanes.
The Chair made reference to the fact that the local County Councillor supported the proposals.
It was pointed out by the Chair that these proposals were a good example of keeping schemes under review.
The Chair thanked the officers for their work on the report and also thanked the speakers for their contributions. The Chair agreed to the recommendations outlined in the report.
a) On Barns Road introduce new ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ parking restrictions (double yellow lines),
b) On Boswell Road introduce a new two-hour permitted waiting parking bay ‘Monday to Saturday 8am-6.30pm with no return within two hours’,
c) And additional ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ parking restrictions,
d) On Frederick Road introduce new ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ parking restrictions
e) On Bailey Road introduce new ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ parking restrictions, and
f) On St Lukes Road change the existing one-hour parking bays on either side of the carriageway (adjacent to the Telephone Exchange) to become shared-use ‘Permit holders’ or ‘two-hour, no return within two hours’ Monday to Saturday 8am-6.30pm, and new sections of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ parking restrictions.
Eynsham - Old Witney Road - Traffic Calming Scheme Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Transport Management Forward Plan Ref: 2024/016 Contact: James Wright, Senior Officer (Traffic and Road Safety) (
Report by Corporate Director for Environment and Place (CMDTMT11).
The Cabinet Member for Transport Management is RECOMMENDED to:
a) approve the traffic calming speed cushions along the Old Witney Road in Eynsham, as advertised.
Minutes: The Chair invited the speakers to address the meeting and responded to their points in turn.
The Chair thanked the respondents to the consultation for expressing their views.
The Chair noted support for the scheme from the local County Councillor and the local Parish Council.
The Chair raised the issue of traffic passing through the Evenlode Pub onto the A40. Officers responded that the Parish Council was in contact with the Evenlode Pub to try to resolve this situation.
The Chair thanked officers for their work and agreed to the recommendation in the report.
a) approve the traffic calming speed cushions along the Old Witney Road in Eynsham, as advertised. |
Proposed 20mph Speed Limits - Harwell Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Transport Management Forward Plan Ref: 2024/010 Contact: Ryan Moore, Lead TDM Engineer (
Report by Corporate Director for Environment and Place (CMDTMT12).
The Cabinet Member for Transport Management is RECOMMENDED to:
a) approve as advertised the proposed 20mph speed limit zone in Harwell.
Minutes: The Chair invited speakers to address the meeting and responded to their points in turn.
The Chair agreed with the speakers that it was important for engagement with the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner.
The Chair also pointed out that one of the respondents stated that the scheme was a waste of taxpayer money, when in fact the funding came from the developers of Great Western Park.
The Chair thanked all of the speakers and praised officers for their work on the report. The Chair agreed to the recommendation in the report.
a) Approve as advertised the proposed 20mph speed limit zone in Harwell. |
Oddington: 20mph Speed Limit Proposals Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Transport Management Forward Plan Ref: 2024/012 Contact: Geoff Barrell, 20 Limits Project Manager (
Report by Corporate Director for Environment and Place (CMDTMT13).
The Cabinet Member for Transport Management is RECOMMENDED to:
a) approve the introduction of 20mph speed limits in Oddington as advertised.
Minutes: The Chair invited speakers to address the meeting and responded to their points in turn.
Officers noted that Oddington was not a popular cut-through area for drivers and thus, the bulk of drivers around the village are local.
The Chair thanked officers and speakers and was happy to approve the recommendations outlined in the report.
The Chair thanked Geoff Barrell for his tireless work on 20mph schemes and wished him well in all of his future endeavours.
a) Approve the introduction of 20mph speed limits in Oddington as advertised. |