Venue: Room 2&3 - County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND. View directions
Contact: Committees Team E-Mail:
Link: video link
No. | Item |
Election of Chair for the 2024-25 Council Year Minutes: The Democratic Services Officer invited the Committee to elect the Chair for the 2023/24 Council Year.
As a result, two nominations for Chair, were received. A nomination for Councillor Snowdon, proposed by Councillor Gawrysiak and seconded by Councillor Fenton. And a second nomination for Councillor Saul which was proposed by Councillor Elphinstone and seconded by Councillor Edosomwan.
A vote was taken, and it was AGREED that Councillor Ian Snowdon be elected as the Chair for the 2024/25 Council Year.
RESOLVED: that Councillor Snowdon was elected Chair for the Council Year 2024/25.
Election of Deputy Chair for the 2024-25 Council Year Minutes: The elected Chair, Councillor Ian Snowdon, invited the Committee to elect the Deputy Chair for the 2024/25 Council Year. As a result of two nominations were received. Councillor Johnston proposed Councillor Gawrysiak and this was seconded by Councillor Bennett. A second nomination was proposed by Councillor Elphinstone and seconded by Councillor Edosomwan for Councillor Saul. After a named vote was taken, it was AGREED that Councillor Gawrysiak be elected as the Deputy Chair for the 2024/25 Council Year.
Resolved: that Councillor Gawrysiak be elected as the Deputy Chair for the 2024/25 Council Year.
Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bloomfield and Fadlalla. Councillor Elphinstone was substituting at the meeting.
Councillor Sibley left the meeting after the Chair and Vice Chair were elected. |
Declarations of Interest - see guidance note below Minutes: Councillor Johnston declared an interest as the application fell partly within his county division. He confirmed that he had not taken part in any discussions and was attending the meeting with an open mind.
Councillor Roberts declared an interest as the application was within her division. She had not expressed any views and was attending the meeting with an open mind.
Councillor Rouane declared that he was a Director of OxLEP and had not been involved in discussions, but it could be seen as a conflict so decided to withdraw from the meeting.
Councillor Rouane left the meeting.
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: Resolved: that the minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2024 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair, subject to the amendment on the first page and removal of the text in the brackets. |
Petitions and Public Address Minutes: There had been no petitions, but the following speakers had registered to address the Committee after the application was introduced:
Patricia Murphy Brian Durham Chris Sugden Tim O’Hara Riki Therivel Tim King Peter Canavan Simon Collings Liz Sawyer Annie Blows Andrew Down Robin Neatherway Anthony O’Rourke Bethia Thomas Anna Railton Jonathan Madden Alistair Butchers John Mastroddi David Radford Martin Dowie Pete Sudbury Sarah Ainsworth Susanna Pressel Claire Wilson Matthew Frohn Nigel Chapman Adrian Porter Jocelyn Wogan-Browne Julia Hammett Debbie Hallett |
A flood alleviation scheme to reduce flood risk in Oxford, comprising: Construction of a new two stage channel from the confluence of the Botley and Seacourt Streams, extending south easterly to north Kennington; Floodwalls to the north of Botley Road, at Seacourt Park and Ride and adjacent to Bullstake Close allotments; Floodgates at Helen Road, Henry Road and Seacourt Park and Ride; Flood defences at New Hinksey between Abingdon Road in the west and the River Thames in the East, Ferry Hinksey Road and north of South Hinksey; Control Structures at Bulstake Stream, Eastwyke Ditch, Hinksey Pond, Redbridge Stream and Cold Harbour; Bridges and culverts to cross highways and footpaths maintaining access routes; Spillways, embankments, low flow control structure, modifications to Seacourt Stream, ford crossings, channel clearance, ditch widening and deepening, removal of weir and installation of telemetry cabinets; Repairs to existing walls along Osney Stream and in Hinksey Park. The creation of new and improved habitat for flora, fauna and fisheries, and change of use of land to provide exchange for existing open space. Works will include extraction of some sand and gravel for reuse on the site and exportation from the site.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Planning Development Manager introduced the application to the Committee explaining that it had been submitted by the Environment Agency. This was the second application submitted. The first application was submitted in April 2018 and withdrawn in March 2020. Two consultations have taken place and all comments submitted during both consultations had been considered by Officers. The Senior Planning Officer presented the presentation and gave detail to the application. The Team Leader Landscape and Nature Recovery gave clarification on some of the landscape points.
The application is for a flood alleviation scheme to reduce flood risk in Oxford through construction of a new two stage channel from the confluence of the Botley and Seacourt Streams, extending south easterly to north Kennington; Floodwalls to the north of Botley Road, at Seacourt Park and Ride and adjacent to Bullstake Close allotments; Floodgates at Helen Road, Henry Road and Seacourt Park and Ride Flood defences at New Hinksey between Abingdon Road in the west and the River Thames in the east, Ferry Hinksey Road and north of South Hinksey; Control structures at Bullstake Stream, Eastwyke Ditch, Hinksey Pond, Redbridge Stream and Cold Harbour; Bridges and culverts to cross highways and footpaths maintaining access routes; Spillways, embankments, low flow control structure, modifications to Seacourt Stream, ford crossings, channel clearance, ditch widening and deepening, removal of weir and installation of telemetry cabinets; repairs to existing walls along Osney Stream and in Hinksey Park. The creation of new and improved habitat for flora, fauna and fisheries, and change of use of land to provide exchange for existing open space. Works will include extraction of some sand and gravel for reuse on the site and exportation from the site.
The Senior Planning Officer, Matthew Case, updated the Committee on the addenda to the reports since the report had been published. Members were informed that three further representations, in objection, had been received, including a response from the Oxford Flood and Environment Group (OFEG). The issues raised in the objections were summarised in the first addendum along with the Officer responses.
The recommendation to the Committee was as follows:
It is RECOMMENDED that planning permission for application no. MW.0027/22 be granted subject to conditions to be determined by the Head of Strategic Planning to include the matters set out in Annex 1 (and any amendments to those conditions as deemed necessary), signing of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the 30 years Habitat Management and Monitoring Plan for offsite BNG and a monitoring fee for both the onsite and offsite Habitat Management and Monitoring Plans (and any amendments as deemed necessary) and the application first being referred to the Secretary of State as it would have a significant impact on the openness of the Green Belt.
Members asked for clarification on a couple of points.
The Committee were addressed by the following registered public speakers: