Meeting documents

County Council
Tuesday, 9 September 2008



To All Members of the County Council


Notice of a Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 9 September 2008 at 10.00 am


County Hall, Oxford


Joanna Simons

Chief Executive                                                                                               

29 August 2008


Contact officer:          Sue Whitehead

                                (Tel: 01865 810262; E-mail:


In order to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, notice is given that Items 3, 7 and 13 will be recorded.  The purpose of recording proceedings is to provide an aide-memoire to assist the clerk of the meeting in the drafting of minutes.




 (Schedule of Business) (download as .doc file)


1.                 Minutes


To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2008 (CC1) and to receive for information any matters arising therefrom.


2.                 Apologies for Absence


3.                 Declarations of Interest – see guidance note

Members are reminded that they must declare their interests orally at the meeting and specify (a) the nature of the interest and (b) which items on the agenda are the relevant items.  This applies also to items where members have interests by virtue of their membership of a district council in Oxfordshire.


4.                 Official Communications


5.                 Appointments


(a)       To appoint Councillor Peter Skolar, on the nomination of the Conservative Group, to the vacancy on the following:

Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee – 1 vacancy


(b)               To make any other changes in membership of the Cabinet, scrutiny and other committees on the nomination of political groups.


6.                 Petitions And Public Address


7.                 Questions with Notice from Members of the Public


8.                 The Youth Justice (Capacity & Capability) Plan 2008/09


The Cabinet has considered a report on the Youth Justice (Capacity & Capability) Plan 2008/09. The Plan (CC8) highlighted positive outcomes for young people in Oxfordshire.


The report noted that the performance of the service was significantly better than the national trend in all major indicators relating to reducing new entrants, re-offending rates and overall offence levels. There was a clear link between early intervention and longer-term positive outcomes. The report also highlighted the success and benefits of the Diversion Scheme and the budgetary pressures for the scheme.


The Youth Justice Plan is listed as a Policy & Framework Document in the Constitution and thus requires approval by the Council.

The Cabinet has noted the budget pressure for the Diversion Scheme from April 2009 and RECOMMENDS Council to approve the Youth Justice (Capacity & Capability) Plan for 2008/09, at Annex 1 to this report.


9.                 Review of Bus Strategy (Chapter 3)


The Cabinet has considered a report on proposals to change many details of the way in which bus services are reviewed and subsidised. The revised Strategy would retain the existing broad structure of service review on an area by area basis, with decisions guided by the subsidy cost per passenger while considering each case on its merits.


Workshops with stakeholders, followed by consideration by the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee, led to publication of a consultation draft in April 2008. Some detailed amendments were made and the Cabinet was asked to consider the revised text as a new statement of the Council's policies. The Cabinet asked officers to consult operators on contract length and (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport) adopt the length that would offer best value for money for the county council.


As a statutory document and a Policy & Framework Document listed in the Constitution, the Council must take the final decision on the revised proposed replacement for Chapter 3 of the current Bus Strategy (CC9)(download as .doc file).

The Cabinet RECOMMENDS Council to Adopt the attached revised Chapter 3 to replace the extisting Chapter 3 in the adopted Bus Stragegy



10.             Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Strategies


The Crime & Disorder Act 1998 (and subsequent amendments) requires the county council (including the Fire & Rescue Service) to work with district councils, the police, police authority and primary care trusts as "responsible authorities" to work in partnership to reduce crime and disorder in their local area.


The Cabinet has considered a report that presented the three-year rolling strategies to tackle crime and disorder for each of the five Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnerships (Cherwell, Oxford City, South Oxfordshire, Vale of White Horse and West Oxfordshire).


The Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Strategies (CC10 a-e) are listed as Policy & Framework Documents in the Constitution and thus require approval by the Council.

(CC10 - CDRP Strategies Overview 2008-11 - download as .doc file)

(CC10a - download as .pdf file)
(CC10a - Annex 1 - download as .pdf file)

(CC10b - download as .pdf file)

(CC10c - download as .doc file)

(CC10d - download as .doc file)

(CC10e - download as .pdf file)

The Cabinet RECOMMENDS Council to Approve the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership strategies.


11.             Financial Monitoring


The Cabinet has considered, as part of the Financial Monitoring report, the allocation of Local Authority Business Growth Incentive grant. The total sum that Oxfordshire will receive is £0.981m. The County Council Management Team has considered bids for use of some of the funding and recommended bids totalling £0.672m to the Cabinet, set out in an annex (CC11) (download as .xls file) to the report to Cabinet. The remaining allocation will be held in balances pending further agreement on use of the funding.

The Cabinet RECOMMENDS Council to approve the allocation of Local Authority Business Growth Incentive grant, set out in the annex to the Cabinet report


12.     Reports of the Cabinet


(a)                Report of the Cabinet meetings on  24 June and 15 July 2008


(b)                  Report on Partnership Working in Oxfordshire (CC12(b))


13.       Questions with Notice from Members of the Council

Motions with Notice from Members of the Council




14.             Motion from Councillor Jean Fooks


“Council was dismayed to read in the recent Joint Area Review of Children’s Services that:  ‘Strategic planning for 14-19 provision across Oxfordshire is inadequate. Progress on the recommendations of the 14-19 area-wide inspection in 2003 has been slow. While outcomes are satisfactory overall with good participation rates post-16, the range of provision and quality of impartial advice 14-19 have not improved sufficiently.’


As one of this Council’s key aims is to improve the quality of education in Oxfordshire and in particular it recognizes the need for a better skilled workforce to meet the needs of local employers, Council is very disappointed in this judgment. It therefore asks the Cabinet to publish its Action Plan to extend the curriculum for 14-19 year-olds, including more work-based learning, as a matter of urgency.


Council asks the Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement to report on progress to the next Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee in July and to Council in September. Council thinks Oxfordshire’s young people deserve better.”



15.             Motion from Councillor Larry Sanders


“It is reported that the Secretary of State for Health has required that Oxfordshire PCT establish a 'polyclinic' in Oxfordshire and that the PCT has identified a site in the Banbury area. This creates the possibility that a commercial company will replace existing NHS GP services.


The British Medical Association has urged the Government "to halt its plans to promote the use of commercial companies in general practice because this risks destabilising our local surgeries and threatens the comprehensive, high quality care we receive from our GPs."


The provision of County Council Community Care services would be made more difficult and more expensive should GP surgeries in the Banbury area and the Horton Hospital be destabilised.


This Council asks the Oxfordshire Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee to consider the proposal for a ‘polyclinic’ in Oxfordshire at its next meeting.”


16.             Motion from Councillor Surinder Dhesi


"This Council asks the Cabinet to consider a moratorium on the placing of any new mobile telephone masts on any land or building owned by the Authority in the vicinity of schools or residential accommodation pending further research on the possible health risks, especially for children, the elderly and other vulnerable people.”


17.             Motion from Councillor Liz Brighouse


"This Council:


(a)                expresses grave disappointment at the criticisms in the Joint Area Review of the strategy for 14-19 provision and the lack of progress in raising educational attainment;

(b)               notes that the Council was told in June 2007 that the issue of educational attainment of the most economically deprived children would be included on the agenda for the Children’s Services Scrutiny committee “to enable the Committee to consider whether to include the issue in its work programme”;

(c)                asks that a scrutiny review on this issue should take place as a matter of urgency so that another group of children do not go through Oxfordshire schools without reaching their full potential.”


18.             Motion from Councillor John Sanders


"This Council:


(a)               notes that there are sometimes good reasons for the Council to subsidise an infrequent bus service where the subsidy per passenger is very high but the overall subsidy is low;

(b)               agrees that the acceptable level of subsidy per passenger should be determined on a case by case basis rather than fixed in advance;

(c)               therefore urges the Cabinet to reaffirm in the revised Bus Strategy the Council’s existing policy of having “no fixed upper limit on subsidy per passenger”.


19.             Motion from Councillor Norman Bolster


Does this Council agree that, following the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts Report of "The cancellation of Bicester Accommodation Centre", there is absolutely nothing to show for the £29m taxpayers money that was wasted? This council also regrets that the money paid by Environment & Economy Directorate for Counsel to represent them at the enquiry was a waste of taxpayers money.

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