Meeting documents

Tuesday, 16 September 2008



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MINUTES of the meeting held on 15 July 2008 commencing at 2.00 pm and finishing at 4.25 pm.





Voting Members:          Councillor Keith R Mitchell CBE – in the chair


Councillor Roger Belson

Councillor Louise Chapman

Councillor Jim Couchman

Councillor Mrs J. Heathcoat

Councillor Ian Hudspeth

Councillor David Robertson

Councillor C.H. Shouler

Councillor Melinda Tilley

Councillor Michael Waine


Other Members in         Councillor Alan Armitage           (for Agenda Item 5)

Attendance:                   Councillor Jean Fooks               (for Agenda Items 7, 8, 10 &


Councillor Mrs Anda Fitzgerald-O’Connor

                                                      (for Agenda Item 11)

                                          Councillor David Turner  (for Agenda Items 11 & 14)

                                          Councillor Bob Johnston            (for Agenda Item 19)




Whole of meeting:           Chief Executive; S.D. Howell and S. Whitehead (Legal & Democratic Services).

Part of meeting:


Agenda Item

Officer Attending


L. Baxter (Financial Planning)


L. Baxter, D. Ross (Financial Planning)

7. & 12.

Head of Sustainable Development


C. Phillips (Partnership Working)


Director for Children, Young People & Families, I. Kirkman (Raising Achievement Service)


Acting Head of Youth Offending Service


J. Hehir (Corporate Performance)


H. Cox (Planning Implementation)


J. Disley (Road Safety & Travel Plans)


D. Helling (Public Transport Services)


Deputy Chief Fire Officer


L. Noctor (Corporate Performance), C. Phillips (Partnership Working)


County HR Manager, S. James (Strategic HR & HD)



The Cabinet considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting, together with a schedule of addenda tabled at the meeting and decided as set out below.  Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda, reports and schedule, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.





The Cabinet welcomed Melinda Tilley to the meeting in her new role as Cabinet Member for Place.




Councillors Louise Chapman and Ian Hudspeth declared a personal interest in Agenda Item CA12 as members of West Oxfordshire District Council.


Councillor Melinda Tilley declared a personal interest in Agenda Item CA12 as a member of the Vale of White Horse District Council.


69/08         MINUTES


The Minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2008 were approved and signed.



(Agenda Item 5)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA5) that set out the Council’s forecast financial position for the 2008/09 financial year covering  the period up to 31 May 2008. It included projections for revenue, balances, reserves and capital. The report set out explanations where the forecast outturn was significantly different from the budget with action plans to recover the position where appropriate.


Councillor Armitage, speaking as the Cabinet Member for Finance, highlighted the potential increase in street lighting costs and the need for careful monitoring. Councillor Armitage referred to the use of the one off  LABGI allocation to fund staffing costs for partnership working.


In response, officers undertook to respond to Councillor Armitage on the future of posts, but were aware of the issues.



RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          note the report, subject to the revisions set out in Annex 2a and Annex 4, attached to the schedule of addenda;


(b)          approve the virements as set out in the revised Annex 2a, attached to the schedule of addenda;


(c)          approve the changes to the capital programme as set out in paragraphs 55 to 58 and the updated programme at Annex 7; and


(d)          recommend that Council approve the allocation of LABGI grant as set out in Annex 8.



(Agenda Item 6)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA6) that set out the Council’s Treasury Management Outturn financial position for the 2007/08 financial year.


The Cabinet Member for Finance emphasised that security and liquidity of cash had been prioritised over returns and that the Council had adopted a cautious approach to lending to financial institutions, temporarily suspending those on ratings watch negative from the lending list.


RESOLVED:         to note the Council’s treasury management activity carried out in 2007/08.



(Agenda Item 7)


Thames Water Utilities Ltd (RWE Group) is required to produce a Water Resources Management Plan (WRMP), setting out how demand for water will be balanced against supply over the next 25 years.


The Cabinet considered a report (CA7) that set out the key issues highlighted in the WRMP; the Thames Water Preferred Programme, including the preferred option to provide a large reservoir south west of Abingdon; and a proposed response from the Council.


Councillor Fooks, speaking as the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, believed that it did not make sense to build a new reservoir when such a large amount of water was being lost through waste and leakages, particularly considering the negative effect on Oxfordshire in terms of the pollution of the build and additonal traffic in the area. She further suggested that the government invest more in grey water recycling; and suggested that the Council pursue the idea of including a specific benefits allowance to cover water rates.


In response to the request that the Cabinet include the Leader, Deputy Leader of the Opposition and relevant Shadow Cabinet Member when responding to the WRMP, the Leader stated that Cabinet would consider comments from members, but would respond as the Cabinet. Cabinet Members shared Councillor Fooks’ concerns regarding leakages and the effect of the reservoir on the local climate.


The Cabinet noted the need to minimise the effect on Oxfordshire if the reservoir was required; the amendments to the report listed in the schedule of addenda; and


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          delegate responsibility to finalise a response to the consultation on the Thames Water Resources Management Plan to the Head of Sustainable Development in consultation with the Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development, to take account of the Environment Agency response when available; and


(b)          agree that the response should take account of the points made in this report, and in particular question the basis for Thames Water's view that DEFRA's recommended target of 130l/head/day is unattainable.



(Agenda item 8)


The Cabinet considered a summary report (CA8) on the 2008/09 draft legislative programme announced by Government in May. It set out proposed legislation for the next session of parliament, to be announced in the Queen’s speech in the autumn. The government had asked for comments to be received by 6 August 2008.


Councillor Fooks, speaking as the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, suggested that the Education & Skills Bill appeared to add more duties without the resources and raised concerns regarding the focus of the proposed changes to educational attainment.


The Cabinet noted that they were happy to consider comments from members but would respond as the Cabinet.


The Cabinet shared concerns regarding funding of new duties; were unconvinced of the value for money aspect of replacing the Learning Skills Council; and welcomed earlier intervention in educational attainment.


Cabinet members further commented: that local businesses would not welcome a supplementary business rate and this should not be supported; expressing concern at the effect of participatory budgeting on the fairness of service allocation and concern at the resource implications of the draft Floods and Water Bill.

RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          note the report; and


(b)          delegate responsibility to the Leader of the Council to write a letter in response to the consultation on behalf of Oxfordshire County Council.



(Agenda Item 9)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA9) that outlined the need to plan the provision of more secondary education in Didcot, given its expansion in population size and the need for more technical and scientific skills. It covered the issues surrounding the provision; including the requirement for mixed provision that will enable the delivery of 14-19 diplomas and the need for a competition with the county council acting as decision-maker. The risks, funding implications, timescales and next steps were set out in the report.


The Cabinet noted that the requirement for mixed provision effectively ruled out alternatives involving expanding the existing single sex schools and


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          approve the proposal to open a competition for the provision of a new secondary facility in Didcot;


(b)          instruct officers to prepare a specification of the new secondary facility during autumn 2008, for consultation with all stakeholders prior to holding the competition; and


(c)          agree that the Cabinet approve the specification when appropriate.



(Agenda item 10)


The Cabinet considered the Youth Justice (Capacity & Capability) Plan 2008/09 (CA10) that highlighted positive outcomes for young people in Oxfordshire, in particular in relation to reductions in re-offending and in new entrants into the youth justice system.


Councillor Fooks, speaking as the Shadow Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families, congratulated the service; raised concerns regarding office accommodation; and suggested that the Diversion Scheme be funded on a permanent basis.


The Cabinet noted the excellent partnership working in this area; the benefits of the integration of the service in the Children, Young People & Families Directorate; and that funding priorities would be examined through the Star Chamber process. The Cabinet thanked those involved in the service and

RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          RECOMMEND that Council approve the Youth Justice (Capacity and Capability) Plan for 08/09; and.


(b)          note the budget pressure for the Diversion Scheme from April 2009.



(Agenda Item 11)


The Cabinet considered the Scrutiny Review (Executive Summary at CA11). The final report set out the key themes, areas of evidence, analysis and recommendations.


The Lead Members presented the review to the Cabinet, remarking that they had been impressed with the carers and the job that they did.


The Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families presented her response, attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file) to these minutes, and additionally responded that the authority had limited influence in encouraging schools to introduce special procedures.


RESOLVED:         to respond to the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee, revised as set out in Annex 1 to the minutes, as per the response to the recommendations tabled by the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People & Families and attached as Annex 1 to these minutes.



(Agenda item 12)


On 16 January 2007, the Cabinet approved governance and financial arrangements for the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership. At that time, it was reported that the financial arrangements needed further detailed development.


The Cabinet considered a report (CA12) that recommended approving a revised legal agreement, resulting from the new financial arrangements for the Oxfordshire Waste Partnership.


Councillor Fooks, speaking as the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, welcomed the arrangements and emphasised the need to reduce waste. She registered her disappointment at the delay in the food waste management scheme.


The Cabinet was aware of comments concerning the delay and werenot off targetand highlighted the achievement of developing innovative new arrangements.



RESOLVED:         to agree that Oxfordshire County Council should formally sign the attached legal agreement, subject to any minor drafting changes to be approved by the Head of Sustainable Development following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development.



(Agenda Item 13)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA13) that presented a summary of the developer contributions secured through the planning process for 2007/08, identifying the financial contributions negotiated, received and spent throughout the year.


The Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development noted the large amount of work that went into securing the financial arrangements relating to developer contributions.He noted that the report tracking the results of the Scrutiny Review into Developer Contributions would be considered by the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee in September.


RESOLVED:         to note the information reported on the developer contributions negotiated and received through the planning process in 2007/08.



(Agenda Item 14)


On 18 March 2008, the Cabinet approved a draft Sustainable School Travel Strategy (SSTS) for consultation, which was undertaken during May and June 2008.


The Cabinet considered a report (CA14) that contained a summary of the comments received on the draft Strategy; identified the changes made to the document as a results; and identified changes to the Strategy made as a result of other developments since the draft was approved.


Councillor Turner, speaking as the Shadow Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement, queried transport funding and contributions from the government; the geographical limits of free transport facilities; and raised issues regarding mixing adults and children on buses. He further welcomed the inclusion of independent schools in the strategy.


The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement responded that some funding would be available resulting from the proposals around 14-19 provision; and that schools partnerships did not necessarily involve children moving across the county, as the use of modern I.T. and virtual communications methods were being investigated.


The Cabinet highlighted the attempt to make the change to sustainable transport to school; that state schools were showing good reductions in unsustainable travel; and the aim to tailor each plan to the individual school for the best results.


RESOLVED:         to approve the final Sustainable School Travel Strategy for publication.



(Agenda Item 15)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA15) on proposals to change many details of the way in which bus services are reviewed and subsidised. The revised Strategy would retain the existing broad structure of service review on an area by area basis, with decisions guided by the subsidy cost per passenger whilst considering each case on its merits. The Cabinet were asked to consider the revised text as a new statement of the Council's policies.


The Cabinet Member for Transport highlighted the focus on good value and the focus on investigating higher cost per journey subsidies.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          RECOMMEND that Council adopt Annex 2 to replace the existing Chapter 3 in the adopted Bus Strategy; and


(b)          ask officers to consult operators on contract length and to authorise the Head of Transport (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport) to adopt the length which would offer best value for money for the county council, subject to (i) compliance with legal requirements; and (ii) there being no contract longer than five years which is not subject to intermediate review.



(Agenda Item 16)


The Crime & Disorder Act 1998 (and subsequent amendments) requires the county council (including Fire & Rescue Services) to work with district councils, the police, police authority and primary care trusts as "responsible authorities" to work in partnership to reduce crime and disorder in their local area.


The Cabinet considered a report (CA16) that presented the three year rolling strategies to tackle crime and disorder for each of the five Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnerships (Vale of White Horse, South Oxfordshire, Cherwell, Oxford City and West Oxfordshire).


It was noted that the Community Safety Scrutiny Committee considered the strategies on 2 July 2008 but did not see the need to offer any advice to the Cabinet, as substantial activity to address crime and disorder was clearly underway.


RESOLVED:         to note the views expressed by Members and the Community Safety Scrutiny Committee in particular, and RECOMMEND the Council to approve the CDRP strategies.



(Agenda item 17)


The Cabinet considered the analysis of the Retained Duty System (CA17), which had been carried out to provide a detailed platform for future reviews. The report highlighted that the ideal solution had not been identified and future options must be developed and budget implications brought before a future meeting of the Cabinet.


The Cabinet noted that this was a more analytical view than the Scrutiny Review into the topic considered at the 24 June meeting of the Cabinet; and thanked the crews and retained recruitment officer in particular. The Cabinet again wished the Deputy Chief Fire Officer, Mike Smyth, well in his retirement.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          commend the Retained Firefighters, their Officers and the Retained Recruitment Officer for their dedicated service to the Communities of Oxfordshire; and


(b)          ask the Director of Community Safety & Shared Services and Chief Fire Officer to report to Cabinet the outcomes of the IRMP project examining the Retained Duty System and the options for improving emergency cover within Oxfordshire.



(Agenda Item 18)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA18) detailing the progress on Local Area Agreement targets during the second year of delivery, 2007/08. The report highlighted that performance in the second year was promising, with most stretch targets on track to achieve a reward grant.


The Cabinet wished Laura Noctor, Senior Policy Officer, well in leaving the Council.


RESOLVED:         to note the report.



(Agenda Item 19)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA19) that gave an update on activity since the implementation of the Establishment Review and associated Recruitment Approval process on 1 August 2005. Details of the agreed establishment figure at 31 March 2008 in terms of Full Time Equivalents was provided, together with the detailed staffing position at 31 March 2008.


Councillor Johnson, speaking as Shadow Cabinet Member for Change Management, welcomed the reduction in the overall number of vacancies and in the use of agency staff; raised concern regarding the relatively small establishment in the Environment & Economy Directorate compared to other authorities and noted the high vacancy rate in that directorate.


The Cabinet responded that Oxfordshire Highways was allocated the resource and responsibility for highways maintainance. Further, the Cabinet noted that the rising establishment figures in schools, particularly in the numbers of Teaching Assistants, was beyond the control of the Council.


RESOLVED:          to:


(a)          note the report; and


(b)          confirm that the Establishment Review continues to meet requirements in reporting and managing staffing numbers.



(Agenda Item 20)


The Cabinet considered a list of items (CA20) for the immediately forthcoming meetings of the Cabinet and the amended forward plan as detailed in the schedule of addenda.


RESOLVED:         to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.


................................................................................... in the Chair


Date of signing.................................................................. 2008


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