Meeting documents

Tuesday, 20 May 2008


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CABINET – 20 MAY 2008




Report by Assistant Head of Legal & Democratic Services


1.                  Under Section H of the Constitution the Cabinet is responsible for appointments to those outside bodies which have been identified by the Cabinet as "strategic” and “noted as such on a list of all relevant offices and bodies from time to time presented to and endorsed by the Council" (the Democracy & Organisation Committee has responsibility for appointments to other outside bodies). 


2.                  The bodies currently designated as “strategic” are listed in Annex 1 (download as .doc file), which also identifies the councillors who have been appointed by the Cabinet to the respective bodies as at 1 May 2008. The Cabinet reviews annually the existing appointments in order to make any changes which are considered appropriate.  The proposed changes are shown in Annex 1 by strike through and bold print; any subsequent proposals will be reported at the meeting. 


3.                  GTE for Oxfordshire remains on the appointments list even though the scheme on which it had been working is not currently being pursued. However the company is currently being wound up and some further actions may be required. It is therefore considered that the existing appointments to the company should be maintained for the time being.


4.                  The Oxfordshire Public Service Board has been included following the Cabinet’s decision on 19 December 2006


5.                  Champion’ Roles: The ‘Member Champion’ role plays an important part in helping the Council to achieve its aims, objectives and values. The role has not been designated by the Cabinet (or endorsed by the Council) as being strategic and therefore under the Constitution is the responsibility of the Democracy & Organisation Committee. 


The Committee has designated three Champions: 

·        Older People’s Champion – Councillor Peter Skolar

(appointed in September 2004);

·        Member Champion for Cycling – Cabinet Member for Transport; and

·        Healthy Schools Champion – Councillor Pete Handley

(both appointed in April 2008). 


Each appointment has a person profile/role description and, in some cases, a reporting process. 


In addition, the Audit Committee has agreed that its Chairman should fulfil the role of Member Champion for Risk Management in support of a CPA Key Line of Enquiry. 


6.                  The Cabinet may wish to consider the development of a broad, overall approach to the Member Champion role in order to achieve a consistent strategic approach to such appointments.  This could include for example the qualities, particular interests or expertise which it may be desirable for Member Champions to possess in order to fulfil adequately the role, the Council’s hopes and expectations from the engagement of the individual Member with the community and a consistent approach for Member Champions to report back to other councillors on the activities which have been undertaken. 




7.                  The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED:


(a)               to make the revised appointments as shown at Annex 1 and in the light of nominations made by the date of the meeting; and


(b)              (if the Cabinet supports a consistent strategic approach to the Member Champion role) to ask the Assistant Head of Legal & Democratic Services to develop for consideration by the Cabinet at a future meeting draft guidance in relation to the role of ‘Member Champion’, to include a person specification / role description and reporting framework. 




Assistant Head of Legal & Democratic Services

Corporate Core



Background Papers:            Nil.


Contact Officer:                     Geoff Malcolm, Principal Committee Officer

Tel (01865) 815904.


May 2008


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