Meeting documents

Tuesday, 19 February 2008


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Report by Director for Social & Community Services





1.                  Each year, the Commission for Social Care Inspection provides an annual report on how each council serves the people in their area who use adult social care. The 2006/7 report for Oxfordshire is attached as Annex 1 (download as .doc file).


Position in Oxfordshire


2.                  Oxfordshire is rated a 2 star authority, delivering good outcomes and with promising prospects. This rating is based on a four point scale from zero to three stars. A 2-star rating is described as ‘good’. To ensure integrity in their judgment, the Commission for Social Care Inspection quality assure and moderate each rating. Within this process the Regional Director of the Commission concluded that ‘Oxfordshire … remains a strong 2 star council’.


3.                  The report is structured around seven key outcomes, which are used to evaluate how well the council currently serves people, and two further criteria that are used to describe the future prospects for the council. The council was described as good on each individual outcome. The outcomes are improved health and emotional well–being; improved quality of life; making a positive contribution; increased choice and control; freedom from discrimination or harassment; economic well-being; and maintaining personal dignity and respect.


4.                  Two further criteria are used to assess the future prospects for the council. These are an assessment of the leadership within the council and the way it commissions services and uses resources. The Commission for Social Care Inspection assessed Oxfordshire as having excellent leadership and promising prospects for commissioning and use of resources. The council needs to increase its rating on just one of the nine standards ‘commissioning and use of resources’ to achieve the top overall rating of three stars.


5.                  Within the report the Commission identified over 40 distinct key strengths. The areas of strength covered comments on individual service areas and also described examples of strong leadership and management that are delivering modern and innovative services in partnership with other agencies. Service planning is based on strong commissioning strategies, with good user and carer involvement that focus on developing independence. There are appropriate standards and guidance in place; performance management is effective; and people know how to comment or complain about services.


6.                  The report highlights 10 areas for developments. The council meets routinely with the Commission for Social Care Inspection throughout the year. For each area of development an action plan was shared with the Commission and agreed as an appropriate response at the last routine meeting on 19 December 2007.  The Commission will monitor these plans through their routine meetings with officers. The key areas for development will be picked up in the directorate plan for 2008/9 and will be included within the directorate balanced scorecard.




7.                  The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


(a)               receive the report; and


(b)              review progress on the areas for development through the quarterly monitoring of the directorate balanced scorecard.



Director for Social & Community Services


Background papers:            Nil


Contact Officer:                     Steve Thomas, Performance Information Manager

Tel: (01865) 815577


February 2008


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