Meeting documents

Tuesday, 19 February 2008


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MINUTES of the meeting held on 15 January 2008 commencing at 2.00 pm and finishing at 4:45 pm.




Voting Members:          Councillor Keith R Mitchell – in the chair


Councillor Roger Belson

Councillor Louise Chapman

Councillor Jim Couchman

Councillor Mrs J. Heathcoat

Councillor John Howell

Councillor Ian Hudspeth

Councillor David Robertson

Councillor C.H. Shouler

Councillor Michael Waine


Other Members in         Councillor David Turner (for Agenda Item 7E)

Attendance:                   Councillor John Sanders (for Agenda Item 7E)

                                          Councillor Anne Purse (for Agenda Item 8E)

                                          Councillor Olive McIntosh-Stedman (for Agenda Item 8E & 10)

                                          Councillor Terry Joslin (for Agenda Item 8E)

                                          Councillor Jean Fooks (for Agenda Item 9)

                                          Councillor Lesley Legge (for Agenda Item 9)

                                          Councillor Zoé Patrick (for Agenda Item 10)




Whole of meeting:           A.R. Cloke and S.D. Howell (Legal & Democratic Services).


Part of meeting:


Agenda Item

Officer Attending


L. Baxter (Finance & Procurement)


S. Scane (Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer), L. Baxter (Finance & Procurement)


S. Moore (Raising Achievement), N. Cunning (Property Services)


R. Dudding (Director for Environment & Economy), A. Pau & F. Upton (Sustainable Development)


S. Adams (Children & Young People Service)


A. Harper-Smith (Partnerships Team)


P. Edwards (Corporate Performance)



The Cabinet considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting, together with a schedule of addenda tabled at the meeting and decided as set out below.  Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda, reports and schedule, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.



1/08             MINUTES


The Minutes of the meeting held on 18 December 2007 were approved and signed.




The following requests to address the meeting had been agreed:-


Request from

Agenda Item


Ms. Ruth Wilkinson

7.E – Oxford Academy – Business Case



(Agenda item 5)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA5) which set out the Council’s forecast financial position for the 2007/08 financial year based on actuals to the end of November 2007.


Ms. Baxter reported that the Children’s Centre capital mentioned in paragraph 45 of the report could be carried forward.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)         note the report;


(b)         approve the virements as set out in Annex 2a;


(c)         approve the supplementary estimates totalling £0.029m as set out in Annex 2c; and


(d)         approve the changes to the capital programme as set out in paragraphs 43 to 54.


4/08             SERVICE & RESOURCE PLANNING 2008/09 – 2012/13

(Agenda item 6)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA6) which set out the Service and Resource Planning process for 2008/09 to 2012/13, providing information on budget issues for 2008/09 and the medium term. It was the final report to Cabinet before Council considered the budget on 12 February 2008.


The Cabinet Member for Finance had prepared a separate report, which set out the basis for the Cabinet’s budget proposals to Council and Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) for 2008/09 to 2012/13, taking into consideration proposals from individual Scrutiny Committees and the public consultation on the budget that had been undertaken in December 2007. The Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer had also prepared a report, issued as part of the schedule of addenda, detailing updated information since the publication of the original report.


An error was noted on pages 1 and 2 of Annex 7a, where the ‘Authorised limit for External Debt’ in table 5 should have read ‘439.478’ rather than ‘429.478’; and the ‘Operational limit for External Debt’ should have read ‘429.478’ rather than ‘439.478’.


Councillor Shouler highlighted the difficulties presented by the late announcement of the Comprehensive Spending Review and the real-terms reduction in funding for floor authorities. He set out the three priorities in the budget proposals as being Adult Social Care; ICT; and replacement and refurbishment of the Council’s buildings.


The Cabinet confirmed its commitment to fund the Victoria County History project to the end of its current phase of work; applauded the new investment in young people; and noted that a number of schools in Oxfordshire would suffer as a result of the Dedicated Schools Grant set by the Government. The Cabinet praised the Finance team for all their work on the budget.


RESOLVED:          to:


(a)         (in respect of revenue) to RECOMMEND Council to approve:


(1)               a budget for 2008/09 and a medium term plan to 2012/13, based on the proposals set out by the Cabinet Member for Finance;

(2)               a budget requirement for 2008/09;

(3)               a precept for 2008/09;

(4)               a Council Tax for band D equivalent properties;

(5)               virement arrangements to operate within the approved budget;


(b)         (in respect of treasury management) to RECOMMEND Council to approve:


(1)               the Prudential Indicators set out in Annex 7a;

(2)               the continued use of Lender Option/Borrower Option loans restricted to 20% of the debt portfolio;

(3)               the continued use of forward borrowing limited to £10m in 2008/09;

(4)               the increased credit limits shown on the proposed matrix in Annex 7a;

(5)               the continued use of the services of SWIP and Investec;

(6)               the Treasury Management Strategy Statement;


(c)         (in respect of capital) to RECOMMEND Council to approve:


(1)               the updated Corporate Asset Management Plan

(2)               that the Schools forward programme should be included in the Capital Programme for submission to Council in February 2008;

(3)               a Capital Programme for 2008/09 to 2010/11;and

(4)               Prudential Indicators from April 2008.



(Agenda Item 7E)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA7E) relating to the construction of the new Oxford Academy on the Peers School site in Littlemore. It gave an outline of the project and sought Outline Project Approval for the scheme that included other non-Academy provisions currently existing on the site such as the Mabel Prichard School, Adult Education facilities and a Public Library. The full Outline Business Case was circulated as a separate document.


Ms. Wilkinson felt that an improvement was needed in amenities for the Rose Hill and Littlemore areas, especially considering the extensive house-building programme over the next 4-5 years, with Peers Leisure Centre being the only facility within walking distance. She believed that the lack of provision for wet facilities in the Outline Business Case was based on flawed information from Oxford City Council. This information had been passed on to Academy representatives. Speaking as an experienced librarian, she also considered the proposed size of the library facilities to be wholly inadequate.


Ms. Wilkinson asked the Cabinet to continue to negotiate with the City Council and the Academy sponsors for continued provision of wet and dry sports facilities on the Peers site once the Academy was established, including the possibility of sponsorship from a major local employer.


If community access to the facilities continued after the summer of 2008, Ms. Wilkinson requested that the Champion Way gate be re-opened to allow easier and safer access to the site for Rose Hill residents. She also suggested that the number of Rose Hill Primary School students continuing on to Peers had significantly fallen since the closure of the gate in June 2006 and requested confirmation of this.


Councillor Turner also spoke in favour of the provision of facilities on the Peers site. He believed that the Council should be funding such provisions regardless of whether an Academy was built on the site or not.


Councillor Sanders highlighted accessibility and traffic issues with the proposed building programme in the Rose Hill area; the need for increased amenities; and warned against building on playing fields and related flooding concerns. He also requested that the Cabinet carefully examine the funding proposals and any subsequent amendments before giving final approval for the project.


Councillor Waine replied that he would answer questions from the speakers in writing if he had missed any points during the speeches. He responded that the Council wished to improve the quality of life for Rose Hill and Littlemore residents and would pass on the points made to Oxford City Council. The sale of land was heavily restricted and regulated and thus Council interests were well protected. He highlighted that the residual provision in the Outline Business Case was more than adequate for the expected size of the school and that the Outline Business Case was not a detailed and final proposal. The Academy sponsors were actively looking at the needs of the community as provided through the Academy on an unbiased basis. The provisional governing body would comprise of representatives of staff and parents, plus a Local Authority appointee, the Principal and main sponsors. This body would aim to look at these outstanding issues. The quoted area for the proposed library consisted of the Council funded area only, there would also be additional space funded by the Academy. He finally thanked officers for their work on the project.


The Cabinet further attempted to explain the situation of negotiations with Oxford City Council, including communications between the Leader of the County Council and officers with Oxford City Councillors and its officers, included as part of the schedule of addenda. Councillor Mitchell undertook to send a further letter to the Deputy Leader of Oxford City Council asking for clarification of the City Council’s position. Until the withdrawl of funding for the facilities was removed from the City Council’s budget, Oxfordshire County Council could not commit to subsidising wet facilities on the Peers site.


In answer to a question from the Cabinet, Councillor Waine confirmed that any funding gap resulting from lower than expected reciepts from the sale of land would be funded from the Schools Capital Budget.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          approve the Outline Project Appraisal & Outline Business Case, subject to recommendation (g);


(b)          declare permanently surplus the entire Peers School site at closure on 31 August 2008;


(c)          approve the disposal on a 125 year lease at a peppercorn rent of those parts of the site required for the establishment of the Oxford Academy;


(d)          approve the disposal ‘off market’ to the Oxford Academy Sponsors;


(e)          authorise officers to undertake all necessary steps including affixing the common seal for the grant of a 125 year lease to the Oxford Academy Sponsors;


(f)            agree to retain the Mabel Pritchard School within the Academy facility; and


(g)          authorise the Head of Property and the Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer to finalise the funding details of the proposed Oxford Academy on the basis that the Authority’s capital contribution to the scheme is no more than £4.730m, and that the funding gap described in this Report is bridged by one of the three options described as A, B or C in the supplementary report.



(Agenda Item 9)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA9) that analysed the responses to the consultation requested by the Cabinet meeting on 16 October 2007. Annex 2 to the report set out the proposed changes to school age ranges. Formal Consultation would take place for a period of 6 weeks following Cabinet approval, followed by a further report to Cabinet on 18 March 2008 for a final decision.


Councillor Fooks expressed her support for the proposal, though reminded the Cabinet to ensure that the consultation was conducted carefully and that funds were available for the extension.


Councillor Legge asked whether young people transferring to college at 16 would keep their statements. She also requested that young people were given three years to transfer to college beyond the age of 16; that students would have access to the same transport facilities as they did currently; and believed that the temporary provision for the Kingfisher School as described in Annex 2 would be inadequate.


Councillor Waine responded that young people would retain their statements in Oxfordshire County Council schools and agreed with Councillor Legge that the transition would be difficult. The Cabinet reiterated the real choice benefits of the proposals and thanked CHOICE for their input.


The Cabinet estimated that funds should be available for three to four years under the current proposals, though the funding arrangements would require re-evaluation when the Government introduced the scheme for funds following individual pupils.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)         approve publication of formal proposals to extend the age ranges of schools as set out in Annex 2; and


(b)         consider the budgetary implications of accommodating the estimated costs as set out in paragraphs 24 and 25 as part of the budget-setting process.


7/08             RACE EQUALITY SCHEME

(Agenda Item 10)


The Cabinet considered a revised scheme, attached at Annex 1 to the report (CA10), which was intended to act both as a clear sign-post to the Council’s commitment to race equality and as a blueprint for its delivery.  The scheme proposed to make race equality central to the way the Council works and puts it at the heart of planning, service delivery and employment practices. This was the final version of the Race Equality Scheme that the Cabinet approved in draft form at its meeting on 18 December 2007.


Councillor Patrick thanked the officers for their work on the scheme and highlighted areas for further work, such as the levels of achievement and confidence of BME pupils and further work and information on employment.


Councillor McIntosh-Stedman suggested that the Cabinet change the name of the scheme to ‘Race Equality and Culture Scheme’, which would better represent the different areas of inequality that the scheme sought to address.


Councillor Howell noted the importance of cultural issues, but could not alter the name of the scheme at this stage, not least because it was a statutory document.


RESOLVED:          to agree the Race Equality Scheme 2008-11 as set out at Annex 1.



(Agenda Item 11)


The Cabinet considered the new Draft Local Code of Corporate Governance (CA11), which set out how the Council complies with the requirements of the Code and identified key documents that provided detailed information as to how the Council ensures these Corporate Governance principles are adhered to.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)         receive the report;


(b)         approve the Local Code of Corporate Governance; and


(c)         confirm that the Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee is the appropriate Committee to conduct an annual review of the Code of Corporate Governance for Oxfordshire County Council.


9/08             CORPORATE PLAN 2008 - 12

(Agenda item 12)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA12) that introduced the Council's proposed Medium Term Corporate Plan 2008-12. The draft plan had been considered by the Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee on 10 January 2008. The Committee’s advice was reported to the Cabinet as part of the schedule of addenda.


RESOLVED:         to RECOMMEND the Council to approve the Medium Term Corporate Plan 2008-12, subject to the inclusion of consequential and editorial changes in the text as agreed by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council.



(Agenda Item 13)


The Cabinet considered a list of items (CA13) for the immediately forthcoming meetings of the Cabinet.


RESOLVED:          to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.



(Agenda Item 8E)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA8E) that presented the results of the evaluation of proposed submissions for residual waste treatment facilities in Oxfordshire. The Cabinet was asked to ratify the selection of participants to be invited to submit detailed solutions.


Councillor Belson undertook to circulate to all councillors his response to the Council debate on waste treatment facilities that took place on 8 January 2008.


The Director for Environment & Economy outlined the report, reaffirming the Council’s commitment to the ‘waste hierarchy’ process, which waste treatment would work within. He confirmed the commitment of both bidders and Oxfordshire County Council to the process and was satisfied with the range of proposals that the Cabinet had available to them.


RESOLVED:         that the public be excluded during consideration of Annex 4 since it is likely that if they were present during that discussion there would be a disclosure of "exempt" information as described in Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, 1972 and specified below the item in the Agenda.






Councillor Belson gave his thanks to the officers for their hard work on the procurement process.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          note and support the progress made on the procurement of residual waste treatment for Oxfordshire’s municipal waste; and


(b)         endorse the selection of participants to be invited to submit detailed solutions as set out in Annex 4.



................................................................................... in the Chair


Date of signing.................................................................. 2008


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