Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15 January 2008


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Report by Chief Executive





1.                  This report introduces the Council's proposed Medium Term Corporate Plan 2008-12, to be submitted to Council on 12 February 2007 as one of those plans and strategies that forms the policy framework and so requires full Council approval. The draft plan was considered by the Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee on 10 January 2008. The Committee’s advice will be reported to this meeting as part of the schedule of addenda.

(Corporate Plan 2008/09 to 2012/2013 - download as .doc file)

Corporate Plan


2.                  The Corporate Plan provides a medium-term focus on achieving the Council's priorities. It establishes the context in which the Council operates and the strategic challenges that it faces. It describes the role and structure of the Council, including its role as a community leader. It outlines the rationale for the priorities we have set across four themes and identifies the areas on which we will focus. Each priority is supported by Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-sound (SMART) targets, against which we will measure progress. The plan goes on to explain our strategic planning and performance management framework. A summary of the key elements of the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) is to be included and the MTFP will form an annex to the plan. A separate Annual Report will be produced in June, which will provide a review of the previous year, highlighting achievements and challenges faced and commenting on our performance.


Financial and Staff Implications


3.                  These are contained within the Medium Term Financial Plan.




4.                  The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED, subject to consideration of any advice from the Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee and to the inclusion of consequential and editorial changes in the text as agreed by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to RECOMMEND the Council to approve the Medium Term Corporate Plan 2008-12.



Chief Executive


Background papers:            Nil


Contact Officer:                     Paul Edwards, Corporate Performance Manager

Tel; (01865 815307),

Lorna Baxter, Principal Financial Planning Manager

Tel: (01865) 816087

January 2008


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