Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15 January 2008


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Report by Head of Partnership Working and Corporate Strategies Manager


1.                  On 18 December 2007, the Cabinet agreed:

·        to circulate the draft Race Equality Scheme for final consultation; and,

·        to consider the final draft of the Race Equality Scheme on 15 January 2008.


2.                  The draft Race Equality Scheme had been prepared following wide-ranging engagement and consultation and focused on a clear set of prioritised outcomes.  The draft Race Equality Scheme was well received by stakeholders and consultees.


3.                  Oxfordshire County Council has a strong track record of producing equality schemes ahead of statutory deadlines and going beyond the requirements of statute to achieve real benefits for people through an integrated approach.


4.                  Whilst this scheme meets the requirements of the Race Relations Act 1976, as amended by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, more importantly it acts both as a clear sign-post to the council’s commitment to race equality and as a blueprint for its delivery.  It makes race equality central to the way the council works and puts it at the heart of planning, service delivery and employment practices.


5.                  The Race Equality Scheme forms part of a suite of equality schemes, providing the overall framework for achieving our objectives, including promoting fairness and delivering strong, cohesive and well-integrated communities based on equality of opportunity, good race relations and the elimination of unlawful racial discrimination.




6.                  The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to agree the Race Equality Scheme 2008-11 as set out at Annex 1 (download as .pdf file).



PAUL JAMES                                               ADRIAN HARPER-SMITH

Head of Partnership Working                      Corporate Strategies Manager

Corporate Core                                             Corporate  Core


Background papers:             Nil.


Contact Officer:                     Adrian Harper-Smith, Corporate Strategies Manager, Corporate Core - Strategy.  Tel: (01865) 810179.


January 2008


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