Meeting documents

Tuesday, 18 September 2007


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Cabinet - 18 September 2007






4.         Petitions and Public Address


The Leader of the Council has agreed the following request to address the meeting:-




8. Flooding Recovery

Councillor Zoe Patrick provided a written submission (below)  (for Councillor Patrick, leader of the Opposition)

9. Peers School, Littlemore: Creation of an Academy

Councillor Oliver McIntosh-Stedman (as Local Member)

14. Value for Money Strategy

Councillor Zoe Patrick provided a written submission (below)   (for Councillor Bill Bradshaw, Shadow Cabinet member for Change Management)

21.Planning Obligations (Developer Contributions) Scrutiny Review

Councillor Patrick Greene (as member of the review Panel)




CA8 Flooding Recovery


The Following Submission comes from Councillor Zoe Patrick:



I apologise for not being able to attend today, but with our conference in Brighton and my being on leave, it is not possible.


However, I should like to make the following observations.


Firstly, I regret that our very important and urgent motion on flooding was not taken on Tuesday at Council because the debate on Sustainable Communities so seriously overran its time.  There were a number of action points which that motion had sought to address and it is not clear if this will be covered by the review.

When I attended the E&E scrutiny committee and the co-ordinating group, I understood there was not going to be a scrutiny review on flooding.  It was thought (I believe) that as urgent action was needed a review may take too long.  However, I remain to be convinced on this.

It is with regret that there will be no further funds from government and I would hope that measures will be taken to put pressure on ministers regarding this.

I welcome action being taken to deal with flood defence measures.

I also welcome measures including land management, ditch and gully clearance.

I would however, urge the council to take firm measures regarding the impact of new development.  This is unclear in the Cabinet report and it is something which is worrying many members of the public.


CA11 Schools Business Systems (SAP) Project


Please see attached Annex 1 received from Irene Kirkman, Assistant Head of Educational Effectiveness Service.





It is with great concern that I read para. 4.8 Scrutiny

“Scrutiny plays a key role in helping the council to review our performance and policy framework to ensure value for money is maximised

Our Scrutiny work programme is developed in consultation with senior officers and Cabinet members to ensure it reflects areas of strategic importance for the Council and dovetails with our Fundamental Service Review programme.”


So what has happened to scrutiny being member led and where now is the role for backbench members of this council?  I find this statement a blatant disregard for what scrutiny is intended for, and holding Cabinet to account.

This is a very serious matter and needs to be urgently addressed.


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