Meeting documents

Tuesday, 18 September 2007


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MINUTES of the meeting held on 17July 2007 commencing at 2.00 pm and finishing at 4.45 pm.




Voting Members:          Councillor Keith R Mitchell – in the Chair (Items 95 to 101)


Councillor David Robertson – in the Chair (Items 89 to 94 and 102 to 107)

Councillor Roger Belson

Councillor Louise Chapman

Councillor Jim Couchman

Councillor Mrs J. Heathcoat

Councillor John Howell

Councillor Ian Hudspeth

Councillor C.H. Shouler

Councillor Michael Waine


Other Members in         Councillor Alan Armitage         (for Agenda Items 5 & 7)

Attendance:                   Councillor Jean Fooks               (for Agenda Items 11)

                                          Councillor David Turner  (for Agenda Items12, 13 & 14)

                                          Councillor Sue Haffenden          (for Agenda Item 14)

                                          Councillor Zoé Patrick                (for Agenda Item 15)

                                          Councillor Anne Purse                (for Agenda Item 18)




Whole of meeting:           Chief Executive;

                                          A.R. Cloke and M. Cooke (Legal & Democratic Services)  


Part of meeting:


Agenda Item

Officer Attending


S Skivington & M Petty  (Finance & Procurement)


L Arch (Finance & Procurement)


N Welch (Social & Community Services)


N Welch (Social & Community Services)


N Welch (Social & Community Services)


M Simm (Children, Young People & Families)


T Lea (Children, Young People & Families)


M Mill (Children, Young People & Families)


A Davy (children, Young People & Families)


D Waller (Environment & Economy)


J Jackson (Social & Community Services)


H Cox (Environment & Economy)


I Walker (Environment & Economy)


The Cabinet considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting, together with a schedule of addenda tabled at the meeting and decided as set out below.  Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda, reports and schedule, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.




Councillor Keith R. Mitchell for Item numbers 89/07 to 94/07 and 102/07 onwards.




Councillor Hudspeth declared a personal interest in relation to Agenda Item 9 on the grounds that he was a Director of Cottsway Housing Association.


91/07         MINUTES


The Minutes of the meeting held on 20 June 2007 were approved and signed, subject to amendments as follows:


In relation to Minute 72/02, insert as the second sentence:

Councillor Waine reported that the Option of the ‘New Secondary School’ will now include sharing the ’14-19 Facility’ between the three schools, namely the new co-educational school, St. Birinus School and Didcot Girls’ School, recognising the level of collaboration necessary in delivery.


In relation to Minute 75/07, the second paragraph now reads:

Councillor Alan Armitage, speaking as shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, expressed concern that any delays in Project Link would adversely impact on the timetable for delivery of Shared Services.  He asked that the monitoring and scrutiny of Project Link, SAP and Shared Services be better co-ordinated bearing in mind the interdependencies.


In relation to Minute 80/07, the last sentence of the second paragraph now reads:

Councillor Patrick expressed concern over Option C not being delivered in time for large housing development planned for Grove and the potential risk of not providing joint community facilities which are badly needed.




The following request to address the meeting had been agreed:-


Mr Neil Grady, Agenda Item 13 - Full time Admissions for All Reception Year



(Agenda Item 5)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA5) which covered the period ending 31 May 2007 for both revenue and capital.  As this was the first detailed report of the 2007/08 financial year there were no variances forecast for the outturn in April against which to measure.


Councillor Alan Armitage, speaking as the Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance stated that he had been under the impression that there would be a report considered at this meeting about the implementation of SAP in schools; he was concerned that schools would not now have enough time to prepare if a decision was taken that SAP would not be rolled out to schools in September.  Councillor Howell confirmed that he had informed the Audit Committee that he was minded to end the SAP in Schools project early, but the Cabinet would be asked to make a decision on the future of the use of SAP in schools at its meeting on 18 September 2007.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)         note the report;


(b)         approve the use of £0.350m saving in 2007/08 on the Street Lighting energy contract to invest in reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions in Street Lighting (paragraph 19);


(c)         approve the virements as set out in Annex 2a (paragraph 24 – and reproduced as an Annex (download as .doc file) to these Minutes); and,


(d)         approve the updated Capital programme as referred to in paragraphs 41- 53.



(Agenda Item 6)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA6) which sought to review the Council's treasury management activity for the financial year 2006/07. In doing so, it fulfils a requirement of CIPFA's Code of Practice  'Treasury Management in the Public Services', adopted by this authority in April 2003, that the organisation will receive an annual report after the close of the year on its treasury management activities.


RESOLVED           to note the Council’s treasury management activity carried out in 2006/07.



(Agenda Item 7)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA7) which sought approval to the use of Prudential Borrowing to increase the capacity in a number of homes accommodating adults with a learning disability. In doing so this should enable revenue costs to be reduced as clients can be moved from more expensive placements to these more cost effective solutions. The Capital Steering Group recommended that the report be approved subject to there being a robust business case.


Councillor Alan Armitage, Speaking as the Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, welcomed the report: he felt it is a suitable way of using Prudential Borrowing and he endorsed the strategy.


RESOLVED:         to approve the use of Prudential Borrowing of £1.2m to fund an increase in the capacity of some of the supported living schemes, with the costs of borrowing being a first call on the savings arising from the project.



(Agenda Item 8)


The Cabinet considered a project appraisal (CA8) seeking approval to the Moorview Project so that it can proceed to tender stage.


This project consolidates three current different day services, currently in two other buildings and includes a fourth health trust service into one building.


It was acknowledged that developer-funded contributions could reduce the amount to be taken from unallocated capital resources.


RESOLVED:         to agree the project appraisal and agree that the funding shortfall of £355,000 be met from unallocated capital programme resources and from developer-funded financial contributions in respect of residential development in and around Witney, certain of which have already been collected and others of which are being actively sought by the County Council’s Developer Funding Team.



(Agenda Item 9)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA9) which described an Extra Care Housing (ECH) Strategy, the principles of which the Cabinet was asked to approve as a basis for further consultation with older people and key stakeholders in the public, private and voluntary sectors.


The report highlights the demographic changes ahead and in particular the increase in the ‘very elderly’ population and the implications this has for their housing, health and care needs. The report also describes the main ‘policy drivers’, both locally and nationality, that this Strategy both responds to and helps achieve.


The strategy contributes to the prime corporate objective of 'supporting older people to maintain their health and independence' by promoting various models of new housing which offer care, support and well-being services. These models may include care villages or different sized extra care housing schemes serving both urban and rural communities.  Such new initiatives offer more choice for older people as well as promoting stronger, safer and more sustainable communities.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)         approve the Extra Care Housing Strategy for Older People in Oxfordshire; and,


(b)         agree to consultations with older people and key stakeholders and partners on the best means of implementing the Extra Care Housing Strategy for Older People.



(Agenda Item 10)


Arising from a new statutory requirement to carry out an annual review and publish the outcome, the Cabinet considered a report (CA10) on Oxfordshire’s first Children and Young People’s Plan which had been produced in April 2006.


The aim of the review was to focus on the impact of the CYPP on outcomes and quality of services for children, young people and families and to inform the development of priorities for the Year 2 of the Plan.  The review focused on:


·        Strengths and achievements in Year 1 of the plan with a focus on improvements in outcomes and quality of services for children, young people and families;

·        Areas for further development to address needs

·        Priorities for Year 2 of the Plan


The review of the CYPP will be submitted to the DfES and form part of the self-assessment for the Joint Area Review (JAR) of services for Children and Young People in Oxfordshire in December 2007.


RESOLVED:         to approve the Review of the Children and Young People’s Plan.


99/07         YOUTH JUSTICE PLAN

(Agenda Item 11)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA11) on the annual Youth Justice Plan, which is one of the strategic plans subject to approval by Full Council following consideration by both the Cabinet and relevant Scrutiny Committee in accordance with the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules set out in the Constitution.


Councillor Fooks speaking as Shadow Cabinet Member for Children & Young People) gave her congratulations to everyone involved; she felt that the reduction of Young People entering the system and the reduction in the number of re-offenders was an excellent achievement. She expressed concerns regarding staffing levels and that the funding schemes are due to run out next April and offered her support for any representations from the Council to the Government for funding to continue beyond 31 March 2008.


Councillor Chapman reported that as a 4-star authority, the Council was not obliged to produce a Youth Justice Plan.  However, it was a worthwhile strategic document setting out the activities and responsibilities of partners.  She added that the issue of future funding had been raised with the local Members of Parliament.  The Cabinet mandated her to make representations on behalf of the Children’s Board.


RESOLVED:         to recommend the Council to approve the Youth Justice Plan for submission to the Youth Justice Board.



(Agenda Item 12)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA12) on proposed new school organisation arrangements.


Following its meeting on 15 May 2007, a limited consultation has taken place with key stakeholders as to their role in being involved in School Organisation issues following the implementation of the Education & Inspections Act 2006. The consultation ran until 29 June 2007 and centred on the remit, terms of reference and membership of the group. The report outlined the outcome of that consultation and discussed how the stakeholder group would operate.  The Cabinet was asked to approve the creation of a stakeholder group which will consist of 20 members (including opposition group Members, Members from the district councils, Learning & Skills Council, Catholic and Anglican dioceses, governors and head teachers) plus the Cabinet Members for Children, Young People & Families and Schools Improvement and officers.


The report also covered some of the procedural issues by which the Cabinet will exercise its new role as decision maker.  The Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement will normally exercise delegated authority to make a decision on school organisation matters, unless there are objections, in which case the Cabinet as a whole will be the decision maker.  In each case, where a decision is being taken, the provisions of the Constitution regarding petitions and public addresses will apply in the usual way.


Councillor David Turner, speaking as Shadow Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement referred to item 4 on page 3 of the report he had three questions regarding the make up of the committee itself:


·        Which Cabinet Members would be on the committee - all of them or just the relevant Members? Would they have a vote?

·        Should District Councils have the same number of Members as the County Council?

·        Is political balance required and how will this be addressed?


Councillor Waine answered Councillor Turner’s questions as follows:


·        Councillor Waine and Councillor Chapman would be non-voting observers who could be invited to speak.

·        The County Council’s membership would be proportionate to the Council’s political balance – 3 Conservative, 1 Liberal Democrat & 1 Labour; it would be up to the District Councils how they determined their representatives.


He thanked all who had participated in the consultation exercise.  He added that the stakeholder group would be chaired by a County Councillor and confirmed that at least two of the nominations from the Oxfordshire Governors’ Association would be parent governors.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)         agree the Membership and terms of reference of the proposed school organisation stakeholder group; and,


(b)         Agree the procedural arrangements for making school organisation decision as outlined in the report.



(Agenda Item 13)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA13) Full Time Admissions for all reception children. Oxfordshire schools are funded to offer half-time places for children from the September after their fourth birthday until the term after their fifth birthday, when the funding becomes full time. Many schools, however take children full-time earlier.


Councillor David Turner, Speaking as Shadow Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement generally welcomed the report, but wished to ask two questions:


·        In Schools where children were currently taken just for the morning or afternoon, what effect will them going full time have on the capacity of the school?

·        What ideas were being put forward to protect private providers, particularly in rural areas?


Mr Neil Grady, Speaking on behalf of the Association of Private, Voluntary and Independent (PVI) Providers told the meeting that the overwhelming majority of members were opposed to this policy. He welcomed the actions listed in the report aimed at mitigating the impact on the PVI Sector but felt the change in admissions policy is only one of many changes that combined to threaten the future of the PVI sector, such as price fixing, maternity leave and staffing ratios.  In his professional opinion as an operator of a nursery for 25 years, some 4-year olds were not ready, either emotionally or in terms of skills, to attend school on a full-time basis.


Councillor Waine acknowledged the concerns of the PVI sector and said that these had been at the forefront of Cabinet Members’ minds in considering this issue.  He added that the recommendations in the report, together with the additional recommendation (c), were as far as the Cabinet could go to try and meet the needs of children and parents on the one hand, and the PVI sector on the other.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)          approve a change to full-time admission for all reception aged children from January 2009;


(b)         instruct officers to work with the private and voluntary sector providers to implement actions outlined in the report; and,


(c)         request the Leader of the Council to write to the Secretary of State for Education to ask the Government to assess the impact of the principal existing and all new Early Years initiatives on the financial viability of Oxfordshire’s private, voluntary and independent nurseries, pre-schools and day-care providers before proceeding further with the initiatives, in view of the vital roles these play.



(Agenda Item 14)


The Cabinet considered the final review report (CA14) of the Children Services Scrutiny Committee. The aim of the review was to ‘undertake a wide ranging and systematic examination of the impact on head teachers, teachers, other relevant staff and pupils in Oxfordshire primary and nursery schools of the introduction of guaranteed professional time for Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) and make recommendations’.


Councillor David Turner, speaking as Shadow Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement  acknowledged the hard work by the Scrutiny Committee, and agreed with Recommendation 7 that teaching assistants should not be left in charge of classes without appropriate training; he also welcomed Recommendation 11, whilst worrying that it could be underfunded.


Councillor Waine reported that this was a ground-breaking review in that it was a subject identified by all parties at the Oxfordshire County Council & Teachers’ Joint Committee as being worthy of examination.  There were three areas of responsibility in this subject: the County Council, school governors, and the Government.


RESOLVED:         to respond to the Scrutiny Review Report as set out in theAnnex (download as .doc file) to these Minutes.



(Agenda Item 15)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA15). During 2006 SEEDA developed the Regional Economic Strategy 2006-2016 and had now produced a draft implementation plan which they are consulting on until 24 August 2007.


Councillor Zoé Patrick, speaking as Leader of the Opposition, said what struck her the most whilst reading the report was the amount of time taken up by the various QuANGOs sitting in meetings trying to make decisions on the future of the region’s economy.  She had concerns about the overheating of the economy in the South East.  She was also intrigued to see that the question “Who else should be funding these arrangements alongside SEEDA?” had not been answered.


In response, Dave Waller, Strategic Policy and Economic Development Manager said that the reason no answer had been given was because he did not feel he had an answer to the question at this time.


RESOLVED:         to endorse the comments in paragraphs 15 to 27 and the detailed comments in Annex 2 of the report as the County’s response to the Regional Economic Strategy Implementation Plan and the Sub-Regional Partnership Arrangements Proposition.



(Agenda Item 16)


The Cabinet considered a report by the Director for Social & Community Services and Director of Public Health (CA16) on a proposal to create an effective Partnership Board.


The Board will need to operate with existing governance arrangements including the already agreed and effective operational partnerships and within the overall partnership approach agreed by the Oxfordshire Partnership.


The Board will consist of about 20 people reflecting the key stakeholders: the County Council, Primary Care Trust, City and District Councils, and users; the meetings will be co-chaired by the County Council’s Cabinet Member for Social & Community Services and the Chairman of the Clinical Executive Committee.


The first meetings of the Partnership Board will take place in September and it will meet quarterly thereafter. The Primary Care Trust and the County Council are discussing with relevant stakeholders how user representation will be determined so that nominations can be made in time for the first meeting.


These proposals have been agreed by the Oxfordshire LAA Public Service Board and Oxfordshire Partnership Board; they will be subject to formal approval by the Board of the Primary Care Trust.


RESOLVED:         to agree the creation of a Health & Well-Being Partnership Board as set out in the report.



(Agenda Item 17)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA17) which presented a summary of the developer contributions secured through the planning process for 2006/07, identifying the financial contributions negotiated, received and spent throughout the year.


The report shows that 86 planning obligations were completed in 2006/07 securing the largest annual financial contributions to the County Council for future infrastructure provision. The total secured was £19.449M. The report shows the actual amount of contributions received in the year to be £4.964M with £7.291M expended.


RESOLVED:         to:


(a)         note the information reported on the developer contributions negotiated and received through the planning process in 2006/07; and,


(b)         request a report from the Head of Sustainable Development on the findings and recommendations of the review by the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee of planning obligations in Oxfordshire and such report to coincide with that to be presented to the Cabinet by the Environment & Economy Scrutiny Committee.



(Agenda Item 18)


The Cabinet considered a report (CA18) on two related White Papers: Planning for a Sustainable Future and Meeting the Energy Challenge.


The Planning White Paper sets out a wide ranging package of reforms to improve and streamline the planning system, including for key national infrastructure proposals. Meeting the Energy Challenge, sets out a framework for tackling climate change and seeking source and affordable energy supplies. The report outlined the main points in the two papers and contained a recommended response to them. 


RESOLVED:         to endorse the comments in paragraphs 5 to 19 of the report (reproduced as Annex 2 (download as .doc file) to these Minutes) and detailed comments in Annex 1 of the report as the County Council’s response to the Government on the White Papers Planning for a Sustainable Future and Meeting the Energy Challenge.



(Agenda Item 19)


The Cabinet considered a list of items (CA19) for the immediately forthcoming meetings of the Cabinet


RESOLVED:         to note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings.



................................................................................... in the Chair


Date of signing.................................................................. 2007


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