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Tuesday, 17 July 2007


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CABINET – 17 JULY 2007





Report by Interim Head of Children & Young People’s Service




1.                  Oxfordshire’s first Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) was produced in April 2006.  There is a new statutory requirement to carry out an annual review of the CYPP and publish the outcome.


2.                  The aim of the review is to focus on the impact of the plan on outcomes and quality of services for children, young people and families and to inform the development of priorities for Year 2 of the Plan.


3.                  This review of the CYPP has been led by the Children and Young People’s Partnership with engagement of a wide range of partners including children and young people, parents and carers, the County Council, district councils, voluntary sector, health, schools and police.


4.                  The review has been an ongoing process over the course of the year involving a wide range of stakeholders and has been informed by:


·        regular reports on progress in implementing the plan from CYPP leads;

·        regular reports on progress and feedback from the Children and Young People’s Partnership and Board.


5.                  The detailed analysis of needs undertaken as part of the development of the CYPP has been updated.


6.                  The review of the CYPP has been welcomed as an opportunity to secure greater engagement of different agencies, particularly schools, in the development and delivery of the plan.  Six workshop sessions have been organized for headteachers and chairs of governors as part of the CYPP review process.


7.                  There has been ongoing feedback from Children, Young People & Families Directorate about their needs and experiences of services throughout the course of the year.  This feedback has been collected to inform the review of the Plan and the priorities for Year 2.


8.                  In addition, there has been an extensive survey of the views and experiences of 5,000 children and young people in Oxfordshire.  Feedback from this survey has informed the review of the CYPP and will provide powerful feedback to shape the development of services over the coming year.

9.                  The review has focused on:


·        strengths and achievements in Year 1 of the plan with a focus on improvements in outcomes and quality of services for children, young people and families;

·        areas for further development to address needs;

·        priorities for Year 2 of the plan.


10.             The review of the Plan has to be submitted to the DfES on June 14 2007 and will form the self assessment for the Joint Area Review of Services for Children and Young People in Oxfordshire in December 2007.


11.             The Every Child Matters: Change for Children and Youth Matters programmes set out a challenging and ambitious vision for how services are to be provided for children and young people over the next 10 years.  In Oxfordshire a positive start has been made in implementing these changes in order to improve outcomes and quality of services for children and young people.


12.             A number of new joint services for children, young people and families have been developed in response to the needs identified, for example:


·        a new joint funded primary care child and adolescent mental health service was established in 2006;

·        a new drug treatment service specifically for young people was developed in 2006;

·        joint funded residential respite provision for disabled children is now provided through Barnardo’s;

·        the Connexions Service is now managed as part of the County Council’s integrated youth support service. 


13.             Children and families are continuing to be engaged in the development of services.  Two ‘Sounding Boards’ - one for children and young people and one for parents and carers – meet regularly with the Director of Children’s Services, lead member for children and other senior officers to inform decision making about Children’s Services in Oxfordshire.  A Children and Young People’s Involvement Network secures wide engagement of children and young people in decision making about particular issues of concern. 


14.             The strategies and services are having a demonstrable impact on outcomes for children and young people, for example:


·        educational achievement at secondary level has improved;

·        levels of offending and re-offending have reduced;

·        truancy and exclusions are reducing;

·        the number of homeless young people has reduced;

·        the achievement of vulnerable groups has improved;

·        special needs tribunals have reduced significantly;

·        the opportunities for young people to have “things to do and places to go” is increasing.


15.             However, there is much work still to so.  As the CYPP moves into Year 2, the following areas had been identified:


·        focus on a small number of cross cutting priority areas so there can be delivery of real improvements in outcomes for children and young people in these areas;

·        ensure locality teams work well and implement team around the child, lead professional, and common assessment arrangements;

·        develop a strong commissioning framework;

·        develop a joint approach to allocation of resources against priorities particularly in the context of efficiency savings and significant grant fall out in April 2008;

·        ensure secure greater engagement of schools and GPs in delivering the five outcomes with the necessary support from other agencies to do this;

·        workforce development;


16.             The feedback from Scrutiny Committee on 22 May 2007 has been incorporated into the Review.


17.             A copy of the Review of the CYPP is enclosed at Annex 1 (download as .pdf file).


This review is intended to complement the three-year CYPP 2006-09, which can be found on




18.       The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to approve the Review of the Children and Young People’s Plan.




Interim Head of Children and Young People’s Service

Children, Young People & Families


Background papers:             Oxfordshire Children and Young People’s Plan:

Review of Year One


Contact Officer:                     Mike Simm, Interim Head of Children and Young People’s Service, Tel (01865) 815125


July 2007


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