Meeting documents

Tuesday, 6 June 2006


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Division(s): Banbury Hardwick




Report by Director for Children, Young People & Families


  1. At its meeting on 6 December 2005 the Cabinet had before it a report on discussions about possible options for meeting secondary education needs in the Banbury area, with a specific focus on that part of the town currently served by Drayton School. The discussions had led to the conclusion that of all the options identified only one – the creation of an Academy on the Drayton School campus – would be viable. An extract from the report is attached (Annex 1). In the light of the report the Cabinet resolved:

    1. to proceed with the proposal to replace Drayton School with an 11-19 Academy; and
    2. to authorise the Director for Children, Young People & Families, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement, to take such further action as necessary to give effect to (a) above.

  2. This report updates the current position and outlines the outcome of the consultation by the proposal’s sponsors – the United Learning Trust - on the proposal to create a Banbury Academy and the Local Authority’s consultation on the proposed closure of Drayton School. The report identifies the next steps to be taken if it is decided, in the light of the consultation responses, to proceed with the proposal.
  3. Consultation Process

  4. The Directorate has been represented on the Banbury Academy Project Board and has participated in developing the proposals. At an early stage it was agreed to coordinate the consultation process for the two proposals. The United Learning Trust are required to carry out their own consultation and employed independent consultants for this purpose. They produced their own document alongside the County Council’s own consultation document required as part of the procedures necessary to close Drayton School. These documents were circulated in accordance with government guidance to Town and District Councils, neighbouring local authorities, local members and local schools as well as other interested parties. The documents were also sent to parents of those children attending Drayton and its partnership schools. Copies are in the Members’ Resource Centre.
  5. Three public meetings were held, two on 11 May and one on 18 May 2006. One of the meetings was specifically geared towards education professionals and the others for parents and the general public. The closing date for responses is 31 May 2006.
  6. The United Learning Trust’s consultants will publish a document on the outcome of the consultation and their findings will be reported to this meeting.
  7. The responses to the Local Authority consultation document will also be reported to the meeting. At the date of writing 39 responses have been received, of which approximately 50% support the proposals (plus 27 relating specifically to Frank Wise School only - see below). The main objections to the proposals fell into the following areas:-

    1. There was one objection to the proposed specialism for Drayton School of media and communications.
    2. One local resident objected to more pupils being on the school site.
    3. The funding and investment into the school should be carried out without the need for a change of status.
    4. 40% of those objecting felt that changing the name and the buildings would not make a difference.
    5. Some parents preferred the previous alternative suggestion of Blessed George Napier moving to the Drayton site.
    6. The view was expressed that the proposal would have a detrimental effect on other Banbury schools, particularly because of the potential disparity in the quality of the buildings, as would the proposed name.

  8. In addition, the United Learning Trust document made reference to discussions that had taken place about the potential for a re-location of Frank Wise School to the Academy site should funding become available. This proposal has received no support from governors or parents.
  9. A supplementary report will be circulated for the meeting summarising and commenting on the consultation responses received by the close of the consultation period. Copies of all the consultation responses are being placed in the Members’ Resource Centre.
  10. Next Steps

  11. Subject to decisions in the light of the outcome of consultation, and to the ensuing statutory processes, the objective is to implement the proposals for the 2007/08 school year. In order for the proposals and design work to be developed within this timescale and with minimum risk it is necessary to take the proposals forward with the publication of statutory notices in respect of the closure of Drayton School, conditional upon the creation of the academy. If the proposal is supported at this meeting the notices can be issued on 15 June with most of the period for objections and representations falling in term time. It is for this reason that this report is brought to this meeting, for a decision whether to proceed to that stage.
  12. If there are any objections in response to the statutory notices the proposals would need to go to the School Organisation Committee in early September. The Committee may approve the proposals, approve them with modifications (subject to consultation with the Local Authority), reject them or (in certain circumstances) refer them to the School Adjudicator. If there are no objections it is for the Local Authority to determine whether to implement the proposals.
  13. Financial and Staffing Implications

  14. Financial and staffing implications remain as stated in the December report (see Annex 1).


  1. The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:
          1. consider the outcome of the consultation on the basis of this and the supplementary report presented to the meeting and decide whether to proceed with the proposal to close Drayton School, conditional upon the creation of the academy in its place;
          2. subject to (a) above, authorise the publication of statutory notices, with the referral of the proposals to the School Organisation Committee should there be any objections;
          3. (without prejudice to the general authorisation agreed by the Cabinet on 6 December 2005) authorise the Cabinet Member for Schools Improvement to determine that the proposals should be implemented if no objections are received.

Director for Children, Young People & Families

Background papers: Consultation documents; consultation responses

Contact Officer: Michael Mill, Strategic Manager, Tel: 01865 826458

May 2006

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