Meeting documents

Tuesday, 21 March 2006


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Division(s): N/A




Report by Head of Human Resources


  1. This report proposes a revised pay protection policy for Oxfordshire County Council "Green Book" employees following consultation with Unison.
  2. The revision is required so that the policy aligns better with forthcoming major organisational changes, such as the creation of the Shared Services Centre. It is anticipated that there will be significant movement of employees into new roles, and some of these are likely to result in redeployment to lower graded jobs. It is important that this movement works smoothly to maintain confidence and morale among the workforce and to avoid job losses and potentially expensive redundancy costs.
  3. The revised policy is attached at Annex 1. This no longer includes permanent pay protection but replaces it with a process which freezes pay at the level which applied at the date of redeployment, so that the employee does not suffer an actual drop in pay. The freeze applies unless and until the rate for the new job 'catches up' with the protected level of pay as a result of general pay awards.
  4. Suitable alternative employment at the protected pay level will continue to be sought where appropriate in order to minimise the need for such protection measures and to maintain the status of the employee where possible.
  5. The revised policy does not change the provisions relating to job evaluation which were agreed in 2003 and which will continue to apply in that particular case.
  6. Consultations with Unison have been positive and they have balloted their members on acceptance of the revision. The result was 340 - 40 in favour of the new policy.

  8. The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to agree the amended policy set out in Annex 1 to the report.

Head of Human Resources

Background Papers: Nil

Contact officer Sue Corrigan, County HR Manager Tel: (01865) 810280

March 2006

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