Meeting documents

Tuesday, 15 July 2008



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CABINET – 15 JULY 2008







1.                  The Youth Justice Board (YJB) has introduced a new framework for Youth Justice planning, which is intended to be more analysis and outcome-focussed and less process driven.


2.                  The Plan is to be submitted to the YJB by mid-August 2008. As a partnership plan, it has been approved by all the Youth Justice senior partners, via the Youth Offending Service Steering Group, at its meeting on the 26 June 2008.


3.                  Whilst the new plan is not considered to be a statutory plan legally requiring council approval, it is good practice to approve an over-arching strategy for a key group of vulnerable children and young people and it has been included as a framework document in the Council’s Constitution. This is in view of the council’s investment, the priority that should be given to youth justice at a strategic level and the fact that it is a partnership led by the county council.


4.                  It is therefore recommended for Cabinet endorsement, followed by approval at the full meeting of Council on 9 September 2008.


Performance Highlights


5.                  It should be noted that the service performance is significantly bucking the national trend in all major indicators in relation to reducing new entrants, re-offending rates and overall offence levels. There is a clear link between early intervention and longer term positive outcomes and reduction in new entrants allows the service to focus more intensively on its most prolific and vulnerable offenders.


·                    Overall reduction in number of offences in 07/08 by 17.74% on 06/07 and 21.85% since 2000.

·                    Cumulative reduction in numbers of new entrants into youth justice system of 29.3% since 05/06; Oxfordshire is 23% better than the national average.

·                    Of 235 children and young people supported through the combined preventative services over 07/08, only 2.97% went onto offend and receive a youth justice disposal.

·                    Targeted preventative multi-agency work in Barton has seen a 41.2% reduction in court orders for under 18s on the estate since 2004.

·                    Re-offending rates are in the top 20% nationally (i.e. positive) at 34.9%.

·                    The Primary Care Trust are now contributing 1.5 dedicated and qualified nurses to the service.

·                    The service was awarded Chartermark status in December 2007, with a commendation for partnership working. This is groundbreaking for a service that is largely enforcement orientated in its core work.


Resource Implications


6.                  There are a number of services and posts which are funded in the short-term through pump-priming grants and reward monies, etc, which are ending in 08/09 and 09/10.


7.                  The most significant area where resources are ending is for the successful Diversion Scheme, which targets vulnerable groups and prevents them from entering the youth justice system. This is currently funded through a continuation of Public Service Agreement reward monies (contributed by Children’s Social Care); Local Area Agreement (LAA) pump-priming grant and prevention monies at a total cost of just over £140,000 per annum. It is a key scheme in support of LAA2 stretch targets to further reduce new entrants into the youth justice system. It has been funded through short-term monies over the last three years, which affects continuity and retention of staff.


8.                  We are seeking alternative, albeit further temporary, funding for other pressures beyond 2009/10, in order to maintain high performance levels, high standards of service and on-going reduction in offending levels and to support positive outcomes for young people in Oxfordshire.




9.                  The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               RECOMMEND that Council approve the Youth Justice (Capacity and Capability) Plan for 08/09; and.


(b)              note the budget pressure for the Diversion Scheme from April 2009.




Director for Children, Young People & Families



Annexes:                                Annex 1 – Youth Justice Plan 2008/9 (download as .doc file)

Annex 2 – Glossary of terms (download as .doc file)

Contact Officer:                     Tan Lea, Acting Head of Youth Offending Service,

Tel: (01865) 202218

July 2008


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