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ITEM CG12(a)



Report by Head Of Human Resources


  1. This paper builds on the report given to this committee on 27 May 2004. It reflects feedback that has been received as the HR Strategy has been taken through the necessary communication/consultation processes.
  2. The key points contained in the report given on 27 May were:

    • outlining our commitment as part of Raising Our Performance 2 to develop and adopt a fresh approach to Human Resources (HR)
    • how we have taken that fresh approach
    • details of what the Strategy will mean
    • use of the Smarter2Partner brand for the HR service
    • wired working capacity
    • use of humour and mnemonics
    • consultation and communication plan
    • risk analysis undertaken
    • implementation plan

  1. The Committee raised some specific questions on the report at the meeting on 27 May. Most were covered at the time in the response to questions posed at the meeting but three specific points were taken away:
  2. Smarter2Partner Branding – why?

  3. The branding concept has been explored in some detail in the consultation/communication process. Whilst it does not appeal to all the balance of opinion sought and received has led to the branding to be retained. The requirement for partnership working at all levels to effectively deliver the key activities contained in the HR Strategy has been well understood and supported.
  4. Action Plans – when available?

  5. Each key activity in the HR Strategy has a high level plan included with the narrative. Separate, more detailed implementation plans have been developed for each of the key activities and these will be programme managed and monitored as the delivery of the HR Strategy unfolds.
  6. HR Strategy Document – can we see it?

  7. The Strategy document will be considered by the Executive on 20 July and will be circulated separately to scrutiny committee members.
  8. Communication/Consultation

  9. It has always been our intention to consult and communicate as widely as possible. This has been achieved through a variety of approaches being taken with different audiences:

    • presentation
    • informal briefings
    • discussion groups
    • email/intranet launch
    • hard copy on demand
    • workshop (Manager Seminar)

A summary of the HR Strategy Communication/Consultation Plan is attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).

  1. As would be anticipated from taking a variety of different approaches with a diverse population we have received a large amount of helpful but sometimes conflicting feedback. The challenge has been to grasp the emerging themes and to reflect these in the final version of the Strategy document. This work is still being completed, but Version 3 (final draft) of the Smarter2Partner document will be with Corporate Governance Scrutiny Committee Members in advance of this meeting.
  2. Key Messages

  3. The overwhelming message from the various parties consulted has been to make sure that we both listen to and work with the feedback given. As indicated earlier there has been a wide range of responses to the fresh approach we have taken and it has been possible to group these into main themes.
  4. There has been support for the partnership approach proposal – a recognition that both the HR community and line managers need to do things consistently better if we are to really make Oxfordshire County Council an outstanding authority. This will mean:

    1. improving and modernising our recruitment strategy, policies, practices and processes
    2. refreshing our corporate induction programme
    3. enhancing our performance management system
    4. increasing access to learning and development opportunities for all staff
    5. embedding diversity in how we work

  1. There has also been acceptance of the need to do things differently, which will include:
    1. changing our corporate image to help us attract people to come and work for us
    2. widening workforce planning so that we know what resources we need
    3. introducing succession planning and career management to provide opportunities for progression
    4. transforming our leadership as well as processes and systems

  2. There has also been recognition of the need to do things to support change, such as:
    1. providing support for managers and staff in embracing change
    2. creating a nurturing and innovative environment
    3. motivating and gaining commitment from all staff to improve our performance
    4. valuing, recognising and rewarding contribution more effectively

  3. There is recognition, however, that there are elements of the Smarter2Partner document that have not been so well received. These fall into two main groupings, style and content, and can be summarised as follows.


    • Considerable opposition to the use of mnemonics and excessive use of graphics.
    • Too long, too much jargon. Needs to be clear and concise.
    • Too much focus on presentation rather than substance.


    • No clear vision.
    • No summary of what the HR Strategy actually is.
    • Too many key facts (but keep the relevant ones).
    • Not clear on who is responsible for what.
    • More required on what we are already doing.
    • Clear implementation plans required.

  1. The Manager Seminars held on 14th June at Templeton College and attended by 150 managers and 6-8 members gave the opportunity to explore these concerns and formulate an appropriate response.
  2. A separate message has since been sent to all Managers who attended these events as below to reinforce the message that the feedback is being used:
  3. All,

    Just a brief note to say many thanks for taking the time to attend the Manager Seminar last week. As I indicated on the day, the HR Strategy was very much work in progress and I am working with the feedback you have provided to ensure that the final version of the strategy reflects the key points raised. For example, the desire to see a Vision and the key points of the strategy "upfront" were well made and will be incorporated in the published version which I believe will also deliver your wish for the whole thing to be clearer and more concise.

    That said, what has not changed is the overriding need for us all to work in partnership effectively (hence the retention of the overall Smarter2Partner brand) and for us to do things better, differently and to support change. I look forward to working with you as we deliver our fresh approach to Human Resources.

    Thanks again for your input and support.


    Kind regards,



  4. Version 2 of the Smarter2Partner document has been an excellent tool for teasing out feedback, including issues and concerns. This feedback has informed both the style and content of the final draft of the HR Strategy.
  5. The HR Strategy document is now structured around the following:

    • Vision Statement:

"Making Oxfordshire County Council a Great Place to Work"

    • Supporting comments from Richard Shaw, Keith Mitchell and Dermot Roaf
    • Brief statement outlining the strategy under the Head of HR name
    • Why we are doing this – the links to our aim as a County Council, our values and priorities.
    • Some key facts around internal/external and employee data.
    • Key activities we will initially focus on:
      • HR service plan 2004/05
      • Learning and Development for all
      • HR policies/procedures
      • Recruitment
      • Performance Management
      • Talent Management

Each activity will have a piece on why we are doing it, what we are currently doing, what else we are going to do and who and by when – including respective HR and line responsibilities (i.e. who does what in this partnership working).

    • Key measures/HR scorecard
    • Links to other sources of information

  1. The overall response reflects feedback to make the published document clearer and more concise.
  2. Deadline for Publishing the Document

  3. We are bringing the final draft strategy to the Executive on 20 July 2004. The document is to be published in its final version by the end of July 2004 for circulation to all managers.

  5. The Scrutiny Committee is invited to comment on the draft HR Strategy to the Executive now that the necessary communications/consultation processes have been completed.


Head of Human Resources

Background Papers:

Contact Officer: Steve Munn, Head of Human Resources Tel: (01865) 815191

July 2004

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