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Report by Assistant Chief Executive

  1. On 18 May the Executive considered progress on Local Area Working initiatives and proposals for taking forward this element of the Councils work over the medium term. In providing services to the community and taking responsibility for local governance, the County Council needs to be responsive to local needs. This is reinforced by the requirements of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA), the Boundary Committee views about the future shape of local authorities in the context of regionalism and by the recent Home Office consultation paper ‘Building Civil Renewal’.
  2. Good progress has been made in local partnership working during the last year and work has been focused on four main themes:

    • Local political machinery

There has been a range of new initiatives to help join up governance and improve partnership working such as, bilateral meetings with each district council and a pilot exercise to support the implementation of the Chipping Norton Town Plan.

    • Improving customer service.

The Customer Service Strategy due later in the year will include a range of proposals for improving access to information via local access points, the internet and by phone.

    • Partnerships with other statutory bodies and the voluntary, community and faith sector

A Compact has been developed to improve partnership working between and with statutory agencies and voluntary organisations in the county

    • Managerial Action

A number of initiatives have been implemented including divisional visits to improve awareness of local community issues, a survey of town & parish councils and partnership working with the Association of Local Councils to support towns and parishes as the most local level of local government.

  1. The Executive has agreed:

    1. to a Five Year Action Plan (Annex 1). This includes arrangements to join in with local area forums in the City;
    2. to the creation of a small Communities Team in the Chief Executive’s Office to support local area initiatives. In the short term costs will be met from existing resources but funding for 2005/06 will need to be considered in the next budget round; and
    3. to review progress and consider next steps in Summer 2005.

Assistant Chief Executive

Background papers: Nil

Contact Officer: G. Davies Tel (01865) 810109

July 2004

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