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Connecting with Local Communities: 5 Year Plan

2004/05 Action

Lead Role

  1. Area Forums - continue with South Oxfordshire area forums (3 meetings a year) for 2004/05 and then review. These forums join up governance and focus on ‘well being’ responsibility by:
    • Giving a local perspective to service consultations and including the work currently undertaken by area traffic, area youth committees (if this is practical)
    • Briefing the Executive on the local impact of proposed policies
    • Addressing local issues of concern
    • Engaging with Scrutiny Committees to review issues of local concern and contribute a local perspective to countywide reviews.
    • Reviewing town plans and implementation requirements
    • Supporting local services in the locality (youth service, adult education, libraries)
    • Appointing lead county members (non Executive) and officers for each area and ensuring that there are half yearly reports to the Executive

Chief Executive’s Office

  1. Agree arrangements for County Council participation in Oxford City forums.

Chief Executive’s Office

3. Continue regular bilateral meetings with districts with a focus on key partnership projects and how to deliver well being/ sustainable communities.

Chief Executive’s Office

4. Further develop the Voluntary Sector Compact and consider the appointment of a County Co-ordinator to manage the interface with voluntary & community organisations and provide a more corporate approach for the County Council.

Chief Executive’s Office

5. Improve partnership with town and parish councils by:

  • Maintaining communications with town councils through periodic meetings with leaders and clerks and via bilateral meetings as necessary. Maintain a particular focus on the bigger towns (Banbury, Bicester, Kidlington, Henley, Didcot, Thame, Abingdon, Witney, and Carterton)
  • Encouraging Town Councils to take on a range of delegated functions for the market towns and surrounding parishes. Work with OALC to overcome obstacles/ promote a proactive approach, recognising that change may take 5 or more years.
  • Improving consultation arrangements with town & parish councils and by including City Area Committees within consultation arrangements.
  • Evaluate the Chipping Norton pilot exercise to support the implementation of the town plans and if possible extend the arrangements to other areas.


Chief Executive’s Office




Chief Executive’s Office



Chief Executive’s Office

E&E Directorate/ Chief Executive’s Office

  1. Survey county councillors to establish as clearer picture of existing community liaison/advocacy and gaps in support Include community advocacy in induction arrangements for county councillors elected in 2005 and encourage their involvement in local area forums or similar groups with support from a Community team

Chief Executive’s Office

7. As part of the Customer Service Strategy develop a long-term strategy for the creation of local service points/ mini contact centres. Work with WODC to trial a joint local access point in Witney during 2004.

Customer Service Manager, Resources Directorate

8. Improve the accessibility of information available on the website.

Communications & Marketing Unit, Chief Executive’s Office

9. Simplify telephone access to OCC.

Customer Service Manager, Resources Directorate

10. Create a small Community Team to support local area working (see Job description)

Assistant Chief Executive

11. Consider funding for local area working in the budget for 2005/06

The Executive

2005/06 Action

Lead Role

  1. Review progress with area forums and decide whether to extend into West Oxfordshire and Cherwell districts.

Assistant Chief Executive

  1. Consider the delegation of highway and other functions to Area forums or to area committees based on district boundaries

Assistant Chief Executive

3. Consider whether to experiment with budgets for local members

Assistant Chief Executive

4. Review and rationalise partnership groups to avoid duplication and bureaucracy

Assistant Chief Executive

2006/09 Action

Lead Role

  1. Review the organisational structure having regard to:
  • the need to reflect local community needs in the delivery of services (area management structures)
  • integrate the community governance role (area management)
  • recognise the front office back office roles (centre v area management)
  • changes in the procurement of services (support servicers)
  • changes flowing from the regional agenda.
  • The need for local facilities in market towns/ urban neighbourhoods (local access points)

Chief Executive

2. Ensure the review and rationalisation of property meets the changing organisational needs.

Head of Property, Resources Directorate

  1. Review and, if necessary, adjust scrutiny arrangements in the light of local area working

Head of Democratic Services, Chief Executive’s Office

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