Meeting documents

The Executive
Tuesday, 14 May 2002


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Report by Chief Education Officer


  1. This report presents applications from two schools to open new Early Years Units from September 2002. They are The Blake CE Aided School Witney and Radley CE Primary School (jointly with Radley pre-school). Background information, including quality and premises reports and consultation papers for the proposals fromThe Blake CE Aided School and Radley CE Primary School are in the Members’ Resource Centre.
  2. A similar application is also pending for Sonning Common Primary School. However, on the basis of a recommendation from the Divisional Liaison Panel, they have asked for their application to be deferred to give more time for collaboration with the local pre-schools.
  3. The Blake CE Aided School, Witney

  4. The proposal is to open an Early Years Unit in September 2002. It will cater for up to 46 reception year children. The main purpose of creating this unit is to provide equality of access to early years education opportunities within the school, and to raise standards and provide high quality education and continuity for children in the foundation stage.
  5. Premises and Quality Issues

  6. Premises and quality assessment reports indicate that the proposal meets the space requirements and that the capacity of the school will be sufficient to accommodate predicted numbers – up to 46. However, were numbers to increase (the school’s standard admission number is 60), the accommodation would need to be extended. The current outdoor area meets the County guidelines of 9m sq. per child for only 30 pupils at any one time, and will need to be adapted and developed to ensure that it meets the County standards when the unit is full.
  7. Consultation

  8. The School has formally consulted with all schools in the local schools partnership, and has full support from these schools. The School has also consulted with voluntary pre-schools and private nurseries in the area and replies have been received from five of these: Cogges Under 5’s Association, Newlands Pre-school, The Kindgarten, Thorney Leys Park and the Farmhouse Nursery. All have expressed written concerns about the potential impact of this proposal on their numbers and future viability.
  9. Recommendations of the West Divisional Liaison Panel and the Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership

  10. After consideration of the quality and premises reports, the West Divisional Liaison Panel on 17 April 2002 gave the application its support on a 4 - 3 majority, with 3 abstentions. The Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership on 30 April 2002 recommended that a member of the LEA’s Early Years Team should be asked to report on the arrangements for outdoor learning and to advise the Executive on whether these arrangements satisfy the County standards for Early Years Units. A visit has been arranged and will be reported to the Executive at the meeting on 14 May.
  11. Joint Application for a Partnership Early Years Unit from Radley CE Primary School and Radley Pre-school.

  12. The proposal is to open an Early Years Unit in September 2002. It will cater for up to 22 reception year children on the roll of the school and 22 full time equivalent places for younger 4 year olds and 3 year olds within the voluntary pre-school. There will be separate but linked teaching areas, and staff will plan and work together across the whole foundation stage, under the guidance of the Early Years teacher, employed by the school. The main purpose of creating this unit is to raise standards and provide high quality education and continuity for children in the foundation stage.
  13. Premises and Quality Issues

  14. Premises and quality assessment reports indicate that the proposal meets the space requirements and that the capacity of the school will be sufficient to accommodate predicted numbers. The combined outdoor areas of the pre-school and school Early Years Unit are only sufficient to cater for 26 children at any one time under the County guidelines of 9m sq. per child. Currently the predicted numbers mean that this is sufficient for September 2002. However, the outdoor learning area will need to be expanded if numbers increase during the year. This has been costed and planned. All alterations will be undertaken on a self-financed basis. The provision of the external learning environment will not adversely affect the school’s hard play provision as the area to be used is currently unused space
  15. Consultation

  16. The creation of the joint early years unit will mean that children will be admitted onto the roll of the school from the September of their reception year. This will enable the pre-school to admit younger children, as they currently have a waiting list.
  17. The School and Pre-school have consulted with other schools, pre-schools in the school partnership area and also with parents. 5 responses have been received from schools and one from a local voluntary sector pre-school (Peachcroft Pre-school). There is strong support for the proposal and no objections.
  18. Recommendation of the Vale Divisional Liaison Panel and the Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership

  19. After consideration of the quality and premises reports, the Vale Divisional Liaison Panel on 11 April 2002 and the Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership meeting on 30 April gave the application unanimous support.
  20. Financial implications

  21. Approved schemes each receive £1500 start up allowance under the current Early Years Unit scheme. Any capital alterations will be undertaken on a self-financed basis. Increased revenue costs for younger reception aged children will be met from the allocation for funded nursery education places for four year olds on the basis of the standard nursery unit of resource.

  23. The Executive is RECOMMENDED:
          1. to approve the proposals for a new Early Years Unit at Radley Primary School from September 2002;
          2. subject to a satisfactory report from the Early Years Team with regard to outdoor provision, to approve an Early Years Unit at the Blake CE Aided School Witney from September 2002.

Acting Chief Education Officer

Background papers: Early Years Unit proposal and consultation papers for specific proposals; Oxfordshire County Council Early Years Unit Scheme 2001 - 2002

Contact officer: Annie Davy, Head of Early Years and Childcare Tel: 01865 815493

May 2002

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