Meeting documents

Tuesday, 17 February 2009


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Report by Head of Sustainable Development




1.                  Cabinet in June and September 2008 considered reports on the Department for Communities and Local Government (CLG) initial proposals for eco-towns, including the proposed eco-town at Weston on the Green – Weston Otmoor. The Government has now published for consultation a draft Planning Policy Statement (PPS) on Eco-towns together with an initial sustainability appraisal (SA) of the shortlisted proposals. The draft PPS includes a revised shortlist of 12 potential locations including Weston Otmoor and North West Bicester.


2.                  A joint response to the PPS and draft SA, together with comments on the results of the assessments of the Weston Otmoor proposal, is being prepared with Cherwell District Council. The draft proposed joint report is attached (Annex 1).  This report recommends that the Cabinet endorses the comments in the joint report and authorises the Head of Sustainable Development, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development, to finalise the joint report with Cherwell District Council. The Executive of Cherwell District Council are to consider the issue in  March 2009


3.                  The Government’s consultation documents can be viewed at:   and the Cabinet reports at:   and 


(Annex 1 - Appendices A - D - download as .doc file)
(Annex 1 - Appendix E - download as .doc file)
(Annex 1 - Halcrow Technical Notes (part of Appendix E) - download as .pdf file)
(Annex 1 - Appendix F - download as .doc file)
(Annexes 2 - 4 - download as .doc file)


The Draft Planning Policy Statement


4.                  The draft PPS defines eco-towns as new settlements of between 5,000 and 20,000 homes, separate and distinct but well linked to higher order centres; which will act as exemplars of good practice and provide a showcase for sustainable and low carbon living.  Part 1 of the draft PPS sets out the Government’s policy background to the eco-towns programme.  Part 2 provides further detail of the proposed planning process for eco-towns and sets out what constitutes an eco-town, planning principles, “challenging and stretching” development standards (including that net carbon emissions from all energy use within buildings will be zero or below) and what is necessary for eco-towns to be delivered. Part 3 of the draft PPS includes a series of consultation questions covering the PPS, the SA and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) that consultees are invited to respond to. 


5.                  The draft PPS says that the Government remains committed to the plan-led system, and the preference is that the broad options for how best to meet housing need are explored in regional and local plans. The final PPS and the list of locations, which it will include, will however be a material consideration in determining planning applications.


6.                  A more detailed summary of the draft Planning Policy Statement is in Annex 2.


The Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)


7.                  The Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) are evidence-based documents, prepared by consultants Scott Wilson, which set out the strengths and weaknesses of the locations considered and issues which need to be addressed in proposals. The Government says that there remain some important outstanding issues, which need to be addressed before the PPS and list of locations can be finalised.


8.                  For each location, key strengths and weaknesses are identified and an overall rating is given. For Oxfordshire, the assessments cover the Weston Otmoor proposal and alternatives at Shipton on Cherwell Quarry (one of the original bids) and North West Bicester (which was suggested as an alternative for appraisal by Cherwell District Council).  Weston Otmoor is the only one of the 12 shortlisted locations graded C - only likely to be suitable for an eco-town with substantial and exceptional innovation.  North West Bicester and Shipton were rated as B - might be suitable for an eco-town subject to meeting specific planning and design objectives.


9.                  A more detailed summary of the SA and HRA documents, including details of the appraisal of the individual locations is in Annex 3.


North West Bicester


10.             Following the inclusion of North West Bicester in the SA process, Cherwell District Council commissioned consultants Halcrow to undertake an assessment of the potential for an eco-development of 5,000 homes as an urban extension to Bicester. The District Council commissioned the study to inform the Council’s response to the eco-towns consultation. The consultants are expected to complete their report for consideration by the Executive of Cherwell District Council in March 2009.


Next Steps


11.             Following this consultation, which ends in March 2009, the Government will consider the various assessments and the SA will be revised. A final PPS including a list of locations with the potential to be an eco-town is to be published later this year.


Comments of Head of Sustainable Development


a)   The draft Planning Policy Statement


12.             Comments on the draft PPS are in the attached joint report (Annex 1).  Responses to specific questions posed in the PPS are in Appendix A of the joint report.


13.             In commenting on the first round of consultation on the eco-town programme, both the County Council and Cherwell District Council expressed concern that the process would effectively by-pass the development plan system. I remain concerned about this aspect of the programme. Although the Government says that it is committed to the plan led process, it remains the case that the PPS is set to identify locations with potential to be an eco-town, outside the development plan process.


b)   The Sustainability Appraisal


14.             Comments on the SA /HRA are in Annex 1, Appendix A. I have a basic concern about the consistency and robustness of the SA process. The selection of alternatives for the short listed locations is not transparent. For Weston Otmoor two alternative locations have been appraised, whereas for many of the other short listed locations no alternatives have been assessed.  In any event, I think that it is questionable as to whether the government’s approach fulfils the statutory requirements for sustainability appraisal, in that the criteria for choosing options and alternatives to be tested seem both opaque and selective.


c)   Weston Otmoor


15.             Since the Weston Otmoor proposal was first proposed the scheme has evolved. The developers Parkridge submitted a Final Bid Presentation to CLG in August 2008. The proposals in the Final Bid Presentation are summarised in Annex 4.


16.             The previous reports to Cabinet outlined the various assessments that were being undertaken, which include a transport assessment, a financial assessment, a “deliverability” assessment and an assessment of the economic and social impacts on Bicester, Kidlington and other settlements. These assessments are either completed or nearing completion and detailed comments on them are in the joint report. Key points are outlined below.


i.                    Impact on Bicester and other settlements


17.             At the instigation of the local authorities, Arup were commissioned by SEEDA (funded by CLG) to assess the potential economic and social impact of the Weston Otmoor proposal. The independent conclusions in the Arup report support the local authorities’ original concerns about the potential impact of the Weston Otmoor proposal on Bicester.  The report concludes that “Although eco-credentials may generate some additional demand, existing activity and planned growth will need to be displaced to the Eco Town, displacing existing and planned future growth in Bicester and Kidlington”, and that “Bicester will fail to realise its vision and may be less sustainable as economic activities decline.”


ii.                  Transport implications


18.             A variety of assessments have been undertaken so that a strategic understanding of the transport impact of the proposals for Weston Otmoor can be developed.  Our analysis of the various assessments on the merits or otherwise of the Weston Otmoor proposals as they relate to transport are in the joint report (Annex 1, Appendix E).


iii.                Finance and deliverability.


19.             A key challenge for the proponents of the eco –town is the need to ensure infrastructure and affordable housing are delivered. I still have very significant concerns about the deliverability, practicality, timing and management, and how various elements of the scheme can be secured and/or enforced. The work that we have contributed to the financial assessment process points to a significant difference between what the developer has proposed, both in terms of the infrastructure required and cost, and our own assessment.


20.             Financial and viability work for the eco-towns programme is being undertaken by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) and by the Advisory Team for Large Application Sites (ATLAS) for CLG. This work will assess and rate each scheme according to its potential to generate sufficient value to cover the direct and indirect costs of delivering the scheme without public subsidy and its potential to meet the eco-standards in the draft PPS and address issues raised in the SA.  The outcome of this work is expected soon and if available in time comment on it will be incorporated in the final joint report prior to submission to CLG.


North West Bicester


21.             The County Council will need to consider its position on North West Bicester in the light of the assessments that are currently underway. The County Council has consistently expressed concern about the eco-towns programme potentially bypassing the development plan process. Whilst there may be merits in an eco-development as an urban extension to Bicester, it should be considered alongside other options for meeting housing requirements as part of the regional and local development plan process.




22.             The Cabinet in September 2008 reiterated that on the information available it would object strongly to the inclusion of the “Weston Otmoor” eco-town proposal in the final list of eco-towns locations, in particular because it felt the proposal is contrary to the policies in the South East Plan; it would have a significantly detrimental impact on Bicester; the Council was unconvinced about the deliverability of infrastructure; there was a lack of clarity about the overall eco credentials; and because of concerns about the proposals for affordable housing and employment.


23.             There is nothing in the results of the various assessments so far that would justify the County Council changing its view. I remain of the view that the proposal is contrary to national and regional policies, in particular green belt and policies for Central Oxfordshire. The Secretary of State’s proposed changes to the South East Plan identify Bicester as a main location for growth. The Arup report confirms the local authorities’ concerns about the potential impact of Weston Otmoor on Bicester.


24.             The delivery of a major package of transport infrastructure underpins the delivery of the proposed settlement, as well as punitive, extremely high risk and potentially unworkable transport solutions to overcome the problems caused by the location. There is a very high risk that the developer’s overall strategy would fail to deliver the infrastructure that would be needed to support the development, unless there was significant support from Government.


25.             The developer’s proposal evolved through to the Final Bid Presentation in terms of the on site “eco” elements of the proposal. However, it appears that much of what is proposed is still aspirational, with the SA, for example, pointing to the need for more developed proposals for energy conservation and renewable energy generation, and further developed water cycle and waste strategies.  The SA has graded the scheme C at the lowest level possible - only likely to be suitable with substantial and exceptional innovation.


Financial and Staff Implications


26.             Notwithstanding significant financial support from CLG amounting to £120,000, the proposed eco town is having a major impact on staff resources and time.  It is affecting other work areas, for example input to the preparation of local development frameworks, which are a key aspect of the government’s housing delivery programme. This problem will become more acute with the continuing extension of the timetable for assessment of the eco-town proposal now running until at least March 2009, including any additional work in assessing North West Bicester.




27.             The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED:


(a)               to endorse the comments in paragraphs 12 to 25 above and in the attached draft joint report (Annex 1), and reiterate that on the information available the County Council would object strongly to the inclusion of the “Weston Otmoor” eco-town proposal in the final list of eco-towns locations; and


(b)              delegate to the Head of Sustainable Development in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development, finalisation of the joint report (Annex 1) with Cherwell District Council for submission to the Secretary of State as this Council’s response to the eco-towns consultation.



Head of Sustainable Development



Annex 1 – Joint Report by Cherwell District Council and Oxfordshire County Council – A) Response to Government Consultation on Draft Planning Policy Statement and Sustainability Appraisal on Eco-towns

-B) Progress Report on Eco-town Proposals at Weston Otmoor

Annex 2 – Proposed Planning Policy Statement: Eco-towns

Annex 3 – Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA

Annex 4 – Weston Otmoor: Summary of the Eco-town Proposal


Background papers:

·                    Draft Planning Policy Statement:Eco-Towns Consulatation . CLG Novemeber 2008

·                    Eco-towns Sustainabaility Appraiasl and Habitats Regulations Assement CLG. November 2008

·                    Weston Otmoor. Final Bid Presentation. Parkridge. August 2008.

·                    Economic and Social Impacts of a Potential Eco Town at Weston Otmoor, January 2009, Ove Arup on behalf of CLG, SEEDA, OCC and Cherwell DC

·                    SEEDA - News - Eco Town will damage economic and social development prospects. January 2009             

·                    Planning Policy Statement 1: Delivering Sustainable Development

·                    Planning Policy Guidance Note 13: Transport

·                    Planning Policy Statement 3: Housing

·                    Delivering a Sustainable Transport System (November 2008)

·                    Department for Transport Circular 2/07; Planning and the Strategic Road Network

·                    Eco-towns. Living a greener future: progress report.  DCLG July 2008

·                    DfT Building Sustainable Transport into new Developments, April 2008

·                    Regional Transport Strategy, 2004

·                    South East Plan

·                    Oxfordshire Structure Plan 2016

·                    Oxfordshire Local Transport Plan to 2011

·                    Non-statutory Cherwell Local Plan 2011

·                    What makes an eco-town? BioRegional and CABE, 2008


Contact Officer: Ian Walker 01865 815588


February 2009


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