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Report by Director of Environmental Services


  1. This report details the response to the consultation for a Pelican crossing outside St Mary’s School, Southam Road, Banbury and the progress made to introduce pedestrian phases on all legs of the Warwick Road/North Bar/Southam Road/Castle Street junction.
  2. Background

  3. The Headteacher and parents of St Mary’s School have raised concerns about the safety of the existing pedestrian crossing at the junction of Southam Road and Warwick Road and requested that a safer option be investigated. This had been previously reported to Highways and Road Safety Sub-Committee on 24 May 2001. The existing pedestrian crossing adjacent to the Warwick Road junction requires pedestrians to cross three lanes of traffic. There are also some safety concerns with that location associated with the possibility of vehicles failing to stop in time when turning left from Warwick Road. The introduction of the proposed Pelican crossing at St Mary’s School (see drawing No MP/4/001 Annex 1) will provide a safer alternative for pupils attending the school as it relocates them away from the potential conflict point at the junction.
  4. Currently there is a school Crossing Patrol Officer (CPO) at this location who helps pupils cross the road, however funding for the CPO was discontinued by Cherwell District Council on 31 March 2001. As result of this and the safety concerns raised over the existing crossing, the County Council has agreed to continue to fund the CPO post until a safer alternative can be provided.
  5. Consultation

  6. Letters were sent to the usual consultees and residents in the vicinity of the proposed Pelican crossing and street notices erected. The consultation period ran from 24 April to 24 May 2002.
  7. Of the eleven responses received from the consultation six raised the same concern: that the proximity of the Pelican to the signalised junction at Warwick Road would increase congestion at this location. Four offered support for the implementation of the Pelican and one offered no comment.
  8. The concern raised had already been recognised and it is for this reason that the Pelican will be linked to the Warwick Road signals to avoid increasing congestion in this area. This linking will prevent undue delay to motorists.
  9. Banbury Town Council, who did not object to the introduction of the Pelican, suggested that a Puffin crossing could be more appropriate at this location as it would minimise possible delays to vehicles. As explained in the paragraph above, this will be achieved by linking the crossing to the nearby traffic signals.
  10. Warwick Road/Southam Road/Castle Street/North Bar Signalised Junction

  11. As previously reported at the Highways & Road Safety Sub-Committee on 24 May 2001, the North Bar/Horsefair/South Bar accident remedial scheme was terminated at the Warwick Road junction to allow for further modelling work of this junction to be undertaken. This work has now finished and suggests that a scheme can be implemented that allows for additional pedestrian crossings on Warwick Road, Castle Street and North Bar without any increased delays to motorists at peak times.
  12. As the start of the accident remedial measures has been delayed to coincide with the maintenance scheme, there is now an opportunity to implement pedestrian improvements at this junction within the same contract. This will provide an overall cost saving, as the contractor’s establishment charge will be minimised. There will also be a significant reduction in disruption to the public by carrying out these works together with the main scheme rather than revisiting the same site at a later date.
  13. Financial and Staff Implications

  14. Additional funds are needed to implement both St Mary’s Pelican crossing (£40,000) and pedestrian crossings at the Warwick Road junction (£70,000). These improvements are not in this year’s Transport Capital programme as they were originally planned for 2003/04.
  15. The out-turn of the 2001/02 Transport Capital Programme has now been determined and some Supplementary Credit Approval (SCA) underspend has been identified. Allocation of those funds is under review in consultation with the Executive Members for Transport and Strategic Planning & Waste Management.
  16. The work can be accommodated within existing staff resources.

  18. The Executive is RECOMMENDED to approve the implementation of the St Mary’s School Pelican crossing and the Warwick Road junction improvements as described in the report, subject to the Director of Environmental Services, in consultation with the Executive Members for Transport and Strategic Planning & Waste Management (and in the case of (a) with the local member):
          1. making any detailed amendments appearing necessary as a result of safety audit of the proposals; and
          2. identifying funds to cover the cost of the respective schemes within the 2002/03 Transport Capital Programme.

Director of Environmental Services

Background papers: Nil

Contact Officer: Mike Wasley Tel: Oxford 810464

July 2002

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