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Engineering Measures List

CountryWays – Southern Chilterns


Measure (colour/surface type)


  • Creation of surface strips across carriageway to encourage speed reduction (Natural Red dressing)
  • Whole village designated as a quiet lane
  • Village entry signs

Ipsden Cross Roads

  • Application of surface treatment to enhance junction, plus ‘Slow’ carriageway markings on East/West approaches (Natural Red dressing)

Ipsden Church

  • Application of surfacing immediately outside church and bridleway (buff dressing)
  • Application of surface strip plus ‘Slow’ carriageway markings on approaches to houses in both directions

(Note – The speed review will be asked to revisit this area at an early stage to investigate if further measures are necessary/possible)

Cox’s Lane from A4074 to Ipsden & past Hailey

  • Erection of Quiet Lane style entry features, with the erection of temporary Quiet Lane signs. This will need to be closely monitored to ensure lane is conforming to emerging Quiet Lane standards. Incorporation into Quiet Lanes network if standards met


  • Village Entry signing
  • Surface carriageway treatment for section past recreation ground (Natural Red dressing)
  • Approach from A4074 – formalisation of some over running areas (with verge protection as either wooden bollards with reflective bands and/or tree trunks along sides of the carriageway acting as barriers enabling re-vegetation of protected section). Remaining sections, measures to be installed to ensure no further encroachment
  • School Zone treatment and narrowing to single carriageway working outside of Village Hall, School, and Church. (buff dressing for School Zone, light grey small cobble with faux kerb imprint pedestrian areas)


  • Village Entry Signs
  • Visual narrowing of carriageway by use of pointed cobble effect strips on both sides of carriageway (30cm approx width). (light grey, small cobble imprint)
  • Creation of path and surface treatment to indicate safest access to bus shelter and telephone call box (light grey dressing)

Stoke Row

  • Village Entry Signs
  • Creation of virtual footway along south side of main street (at road level) – visually narrowing carriageway, but enabling over running if necessary (eg for deliveries, passing of large vehicles etc). (light grey small cobble with faux kerb imprint)
  • Strips across carriage to reduce speeds (light grey dressing)
  • Footpath extensions across side roads (at carriageway level) (Light Grey dressing)

Uxmore Cross

  • Cross Roads with Stoke Row Road – switch priorities at junction to reduce speeds on approach to Stoke Row. (build out – as verge, with over run area in green/brown surface)

Gallowstree Common

  • Installation of gateways

Colliers Lane

  • Installation of modified junction arrangement at western end of Colliers Lane, and monitor effect.

(Note – this is outside the remit of the CountryWays project, however it will be funded through the same programme.)

Note - Installation of the imprint surface will be undertaken by the manufacturers of the surface to ensure application is of highest standard.

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