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Minutes of the Meeting commencing at 2.00 pm and finishing at 4.20 pm


Voting Members:

Councillor Keith R Mitchell – in the chair

Councillor Tony Crabbe
Councillor Neil Fawcett
Councillor Janet Godden
Councillor Anne Purse
Councillor David Robertson
Councillor Don Seale

Other Members in Attendance:

Councillor John Power (for Agenda Item 5)
Councillor Jean Fooks (for Agenda Item 14)


Whole of meeting:

Chief Executive, J. Leverton and D. Mitchell.

Part of meeting:

Director of Environmental Services, R. Dix, N. Monaghan, S. Tharme and M. Winstanley; P. Gerrish and J. Hydari (Directorate for Business Support); Assistant Director of Cultural Services (Development); A. Sinclair (Social Services) and M. Smith (Oxfordshire Rural Community Council).

The Executive considered the matters, reports and recommendations contained or referred to in the agenda for the meeting and decided as set out below. Except insofar as otherwise specified, the reasons for the decisions are contained in the agenda and reports, copies of which are attached to the signed Minutes.


    Apologies for absence were received from Councillors John Farrow and Margaret Godden.

    257/02. MINUTES

    The Minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2002 were approved and signed.


    The Chair reported that the following request to address the meeting had been agreed:-

    Request from

    Agenda Item

    Mr Tony Joyce

    Chair of Oxford Civic Society

    13 – North Oxford Park & Ride Car Park

    The address on item 13 is recorded at Minute 267/02 below.


    (Agenda Item 5)

    The Executive considered a report (EX5) which set out the provisional revenue and capital outturn positions for 2001/02. The consolidated position on revenue balances and the committee carry forward reserve showed a net improvement of £3.123m on the position forecast at 30 April 2002, and the provisional capital outturn showed an underspending of £14.9m compared to a programme of £81.2m. it was anticipated.

    The Executive also considered a report by the Leader of the Council (EX5 Supplement) which gave an overview of the outturn figures and indications for the current and future years.

    Councillor Power urged the Executive to take advantage of the Committee carry forward reserve improvement and capital underspend to avoid previously identified savings, particularly in relation to the resource centres.

    The Leader of the Council stressed that the reported position provided only short term relief; the severe pressure on the Council’s finances remained, and moreover it was not yet clear how changes in government funding were going to affect Oxfordshire. In relation to Councillor Power’s comments about the resource centres, he reported that the Executive would be considering new proposals at a special meeting on 16 July.

    Executive members then highlighted issues from their respective portfolios.

    RESOLVED: to

    1. note the provisional revenue and capital outturn positions;
    2. note the creation of a budget reserve of £2m by utilising credit approvals to capitalise highways structural maintenance;
    3. approve the carry forwards/virements from the former committees outlined in the report, subject to review at a subsequent meeting of the Executive if this were to appear necessary in the light of the outcomes of the July 2002 budget meetings.


    (Agenda Item 6)

    The Executive considered a report (EX6) which set out the framework for producing the Capital Strategy and the Corporate Asset Management Plan and presented a draft version of the latter and a report on the performance of the Council’s Property Portfolio during 20001/02.

    The Leader of the Council expressed support for the additional resources outlined in a supplementary report tabled at the meeting by the Director of Environmental Services (a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes) in order to carry out the asset management process and stressed the need to address the £50 million backlog of repair and maintenance throughout Oxfordshire.

    Mr Monaghan undertook to provide a briefing on the advantages and disadvantages of leasehold as against freehold tenure of land and buildings.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. note the framework and the assessment criteria for the Capital Strategy and the Corporate Asset Management Plan;
    2. note the report on Performance of the Council’s Property Portfolio;
    3. agree the Corporate Asset Management Plan for submission to the Government Office subject to satisfactory compliance with the Capital Strategy and to further appropriate amendment in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council;
    4. request that officers carry out a moderate audit of facilities for staff throughout the council’s building stock and report back to the Executive;
    5. request officers to report to the Executive on options for addressing the repairs and maintenance backlog;
    6. allocate £50,000 in 2002/03 and a further £50,000 in 2003/04 for funding for asset management pressures, to be met from anticipated capital receipts.


    (Agenda Item 7)

    The Executive considered a report (EX7) which outlined progress thus far on implementing the "Raising our Performance" Action Plan, and the key recommendations from the IDeA Peer Review which had been carried out in the previous year.

    The Leader of the Council reported that he would be meeting with representatives of Scrutiny Committees to look at building positive relationships with the Committees and developing constructive ways of working with them.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. commend the progress made in implementing the Raising our Performance Action Plan and the key recommendations of the IdeA Peer Review;
    2. note that further progress needed to be made in the areas described in paragraphs 7 and 8 of the report; and
    3. commission a further report in the autumn.

    262/02. OXFORD CASTLE

    (Agenda Item 8)

    The Executive considered a report (EX8) which updated members on progress with the Castle site thus far and sought agreement for the specific matters which had arisen in connection with implementation of the proposals.

    Mr Monaghan reported that officers were making good progress with the City Council with regard to securing the sites at Castle Street and Paradise Street, although there was a possibility that it might be necessary to invoke the Compulsory Purchase Order in respect of on one or more of the tenancies.

    RESOLVED: that:

    1. the site of the Electricity Sub Station at the rear of County Hall be included within the Castle redevelopment scheme and within the lease to be granted to Oxford Castle Limited;
    2. the site of 11-13 Tidmarsh Lane be disposed of to Oxford Castle Limited in accordance with Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 and the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 General Disposal Consents 1998 and other legal powers as described in the report;
    3. ask the Castle Member/Officer Working Group to take note of the success of the Common Hall Café as a facility for staff and members and to take this into consideration in any planning of the refurbishment of old County Hall.


    (Agenda Item 9)

    The Executive considered a report (EX9) which updated members on progress thus far on implementing the recommendations for improvement set out in the FINE report and in particular on setting the Social Services budget using a "bottom up" approach, linking budgets to activity and ensuring that there was a single budget holder for each budget.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. congratulate officers on the progress made to date on implementing the FINE recommendations;
    2. subject to (c) below agree in principle to the request for ongoing funding for a 0.5fte Finance Manager post (£20,000) and ongoing training costs (£10,000);
    3. consider these ongoing costs, totalling £30,000 from 2004/05, when updating the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan.


    (Agenda Item 10)

    The Executive considered a report (EX10) which summarised the work undertaken thus far on options for the configuration of services for adults with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire and the proposed actions to be undertaken.

    RESOLVED: to endorse the proposed specification and timetable for stage two of the project as set out in the report.

    265/02. VILLAGE HALL GRANTS 2002/03

    (Agenda Item 11)

    The Executive considered a report (EX11) which outlined the applications received for the County Council’s grant scheme for the improvement of village halls to date and the Oxfordshire Rural Community Council’s comments and recommendations.

    Ms Smith outlined the current position on the various grant applications. She thanked the Executive for the funding towards village halls at a time when there was national concern about the lack of funding.

    RESOLVED: to approve the grants proposed in Annex 2 of the Report.


    (Agenda Item 12)

    The Executive considered a report (EX12) which outlined the need for bridges across railway lines to be inspected and, where necessary, remedial action taken to prevent vehicle incursion onto railway tracks, and set out progress thus far in prioritising the risk on 64 road over rail bridges in the County.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. note the recommendations of the Health & Safety Report on the Selby incident as regards improving protection at road over rail bridges;
    2. approve development of improvement schemes identified by the ranking method including discussion with Railtrack to identify agreed proposals and cost sharing, with a view to inclusion of schemes in future years’ capital programmes.


    (Agenda Item 13)

    The Executive considered a report (EX13) which following tender returns for the construction contract for the extension of the Thornhill Park & Ride site, proposed a new Project Appraisal H152/3 for approval.

    Mr Joyce addressed the Executive on behalf of Oxford Civic Society and residents of the local area. Endorsing a note circulated by the Forest of Oxford Group (a copy of which is attached to the signed minutes), he welcomed the increased capacity afforded by the proposals and hoped that more would follow, including facilities to serve the needs of the hospitals and Brookes University. He commended the proposed "user friendly" facilities that were to be implemented at the extended Thornhill and new Water Eaton sites, such as proper waiting rooms and toilets. He urged the Executive to speedily extend such facilities to all sites and to ensure a high standard of supervision and management, so as to encourage people to use the Park & Ride car parks in preference to less appropriate alternatives.

    RESOLVED: to approve revised project appraisal H157/3.


    (Agenda Item 14)

    The Executive considered a report (EX14) which outlined proposals to introduce charging for parking at the new Water Eaton site and the expanded Thornhill now controlled by the County Council to fund security staff on site, and sought approval to purchase enhanced ticket machines to enable revenue collection when the sites became operational in October 2002.

    Councillor Fooks welcomed the extension to the Thornhill site and new Water Eaton Site. She urged the Executive to ensure that security was provided at the site between 6.00 am and 11.00 pm as a minimum, to ensure that people would be able to get on and off the buses at Summertown; and to consider providing a service from Peartree Park & Ride to Headington hospitals.

    Ms Thame reported that the management report due to be considered at the Executive on 23 July would look at levels and quality of service; and that the bus operators had agreed to provide a commercial service between Water Eaton and the centre of Oxford, and officers were looking at the possibilities of arranging some additional services to Headington.

    Councillor Robertson reported that the Headington and Marston Area Transport Scheme was looking at the issue of services to Headington hospitals from all the park and ride sites.

    RESOLVED to:

    1. authorise the promotion and implementation of a car park control and charging order in respect of the Thornhill and Water Eaton car parks on the basis set out in the report, including the charges specified in paragraphs 4 and 5, subject to consideration by Director of Environmental Services in consultation with the Executive Members for Transport and Strategic Planning & Waste Management of any objections and representations received as a result of publication of the draft order;
    2. approve the purchase and installation of ticket machines at an estimated cost of £70,300, to be funded from on-street parking surpluses.


    (Agenda Item 15)

    The Executive considered a report (EX15) which sought approval for proposals to alleviate kerbside parking and other parking issues within the village and on the Oakfield Industrial Estate.

    RESOLVED: to authorise the making of the Order as published.

    270/02. APPOINTMENTS

    (Agenda Item 16)

    In addition top the appointments specified on the agenda, the Leader of the Council asked the Executive to consider a temporary appointment to the South East Regional Assembly, to enable the Council to be represented at the SEERA meeting on 17 July, when neither he, as the appointed Ordinary Member, nor Councillor Dermot Roaf, as the nominated Alternate Member, were available to attend.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. appoint Councillor Biddy Hudson to take the place of Councillor Terry Joslin on the Association of Councils of the Thames Valley Region for the remainder of the 2002/03 Council Year;
    2. appoint Councillor Robertson to fill the vacant place on the National Parking Adjudication Service Joint Committee;
    3. appoint Councillor Purse as the Council’s "Alternative Member" on SEERA for 17 July 2002 meeting only, after which normal membership will resume.


    (Agenda Item 17)

    The Executive considered schedules (EX17) identifying amendments and additions proposed for the updating of the Forward Plan and proposals for business to be conducted at the September meetings.

    RESOLVED: to:

    1. agree the additions and amendments set out in Schedules 1 - 3 for the purpose of the Forward Plan for the ensuing four months;
    2. subject to (a) above, note the items currently identified for forthcoming meetings as set out in Schedule 4.

in the Chair

Date of signing 2002

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