Councillor Felix Bloomfield

Profile image for Councillor Felix Bloomfield

Party: Conservative Independent Alliance (Conservative Party Member)

Division: Benson & Cholsey

Parish: Benson Parish ; Cholsey Parish ; Crowmarsh Parish ; Ipsden Parish ; Moulsford Parish ; Nuffield Parish

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
c/o County Hall
New Road,

Phone:  01491 832690


Download Councillor Felix Bloomfield contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 10/02/2021 - 01/05/2025

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

I was born in Oxford, educated locally before university in London and have lived and worked in Oxfordshire most of my life.


I was a South Oxfordshire District Councillor for 20 years and was the District’s youngest ever Chairman.


My family have lived in the county for generations and were pioneers in modern day organic farming, I strongly advocate sustainable land management, good farming practices and a healthy environment for all.


I have been a professional photo - journalist for many years specializing in motorsport and the music industry which has allowed me to travel extensively.


I have always been passionate about Oxfordshire, it is my home and I understand it. I will do all I can to see this fantastic county continue to thrive and be the best place to live and work for us all.

Election Results