Issue details

Boswell Road, Oxford - Proposed Traffic Calming and Waiting Restrictions

Part of the reserved matters application for the Plot 4200 of ARC Oxford include improvements to the pedestrian and cycle facility (effectively a crossing point) along Boswell Road, off Barns Road.


The cycle / pedestrian improvements are located in a public highway and adjustments to the arrangement is subject to a S278 agreement with the Local Highway Authority. The TRO is for the proposed Double Yellow Lines, which will be required to avoid blocking and congesting the proposed pedestrian crossing buildout.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/02/2025

Explanation of anticipated restriction:

Decision due: 27 Mar 2025 by Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Lead director: Director of Environment & Highways

Contact: Julian Richardson, Senior Engineer (Road Agreements Team C&W) Email: Tel: 07825 052736.


Standard traffic scheme consultation.

Plan Reference: 2025/001

Reason No Public Access: None

Confirm that your SLT representative is aware of the item: Yes

Confirm scheduled for DLT/ELT/ SLT/ Informal Cabinet as appropriate: Yes