a) Approval to remove 5 metres of existing ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) parking restrictions on Howard Street in place of existing ‘Permit Holders Only’ parking places.
b) Approval for the removal of the existing pedestrian guard railing adjacent to the dropped kerb by Flower Lane, with appropriate measures (including signing & lining) introduced to help mitigate the risk of conflicts between pedestrians and pedal cyclists, and a dropped kerb to be installed on the north side of Howard Street in line with the one on the south side.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Withdrawn
Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/08/2024
Decision due: 27 Feb 2025 by Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Transport Management
Lead director: Director of Environment & Highways
Contact: Anthony Kirkwood, Vision Zero Team Leader Email: anthony.kirkwood@oxfordshire.gov.uk Tel: 07392 318871.
Plan Reference: 2024/255
Reason No Public Access: None
Confirm that your SLT representative is aware of the item: Yes
Confirm scheduled for DLT/ELT/ SLT/ Informal Cabinet as appropriate: Yes