
Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Oxford: Howard Street - proposed amendment to a residents parking place to accommodate cycle access ref: 1031721/03/202429/03/2024Call-in expired
Cowley Centre East CPZ amendments - 2023 ref: 1031821/03/202429/03/2024Call-in expired
Market Street, Oxford: temporary public realm enhancement ref: 1031521/03/202429/03/2024Call-in expired
Petitions & Public Address ref: 1034021/03/202421/03/2024Not for call-in
Questions from County Councillors ref: 1033921/03/202421/03/2024Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 1033821/03/202429/03/2024Call-in expired
School Streets Phase 2 Programme ref: 1031421/03/202429/03/2024Call-in expired
Eynsham - Old Witney Road - Traffic Calming Scheme ref: 1031921/03/202429/03/2024Call-in expired
Bicester - Proposed Parking Restrictions 2023 ref: 1031621/03/202429/03/2024Call-in expired
Oddington: 20mph Speed Limit Proposals ref: 1032121/03/202429/03/2024Call-in expired
Proposed 20mph Speed Limits - Harwell ref: 1032021/03/202429/03/2024Call-in expired
Petitions and Public Address ref: 1033721/03/202421/03/2024Not for call-in
Questions from County Councillors ref: 1033621/03/202421/03/2024Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 1033521/03/202421/03/2024Not for call-in