Issue - decisions

St Nicholas CE Primary School, Marston

22/10/2009 - St Nicholas CE Primary School, Marston

Cabinet considered a report (CA8) setting out a proposal to increase the school admission number at St Nicholas CE Primary School, Marston from 45 to 60 following an informal consultation in the Marston area and a decision was now required as to whether or not to proceed to issuing a statutory notice to expand the school.


Councillor Altaf-Khan supported expansion but highlighted a number of issues regarding traffic and highway repairs and called for an investigation into the admission process in other schools in order to relieve pressure on St Nicholas School.


Councillor Waine welcomed Councillor Altaf Khan’s comments regarding expansion at the school but added that pressure points for placements were not always places where numbers could be increased.  He had no objection in principle to the proposal but also referred to a number of issues including traffic levels, highway repair and provision of a new entrance off Marston Road.  Investigations were ongoing into the first two but provision of an additional entrance was contrary to policy.  There were also financial implications attached to the capital works should the proposals be approved which would need to be the subject of a future report.


Councillor Rose added that he would be happy to consider provision of a pedestrian crossing but much of the road repair work would need to be undertaken by the City Council as a Section 42 responsibility.


RESOLVED: to approve the publication of a statutory notice for the expansion of St Nicholas CE Primary School, Marston