Issue - decisions

The New Council Plan

22/05/2012 - Oxfordshire County Council Corporate Plan 2012/13 - 2016/17

The time being 4.10 pm the meeting was closed and  the Chairman directed that the item would be considered at the next Council Meeting on the 20th March.


22/05/2012 - Oxfordshire County Council Corporate Plan 2012/13 - 2016/17

The Council had before them a report by the Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Finance Officer (CC6) which set out the challenges facing the County Council, the rationale for our objectives, and identified the priority and activities on which it would focus.  It was also advised that the Strategy and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee had reviewed the draft Plan and had submitted comments to the Cabinet, who had approved the draft on 17 January 2011.


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Mitchell, seconded by Councillor Robertson and carried by 55 votes to 0, with 7 abstentions) to approve the Corporate Plan subject to the inclusion of a summary of the Medium Term Financial Plan and any changes in the text approved by the Chief Executive after consultation with the Leader of the Council.


25/01/2012 - The New Council Plan

Recommendations agreed.