Issue - decisions

Oxford - Highfield Traffic Management

13/02/2010 - Oxford - Highfield Traffic Management Scheme

The Committee considered the results of investigations carried out into the feasibility of a trial closure of the Highfield area to through traffic.


Mr Coulter welcomed the view put forward in paragraph 7 of the report TDC9 that officers recognised the benefits of closing or severely restricting the area to through traffic and highlighted 4 key issues. OCC Commitment to seeking an equitable reduction in traffic volumes; Scheme Success Criteria by achieving a 30% reduction in traffic volumes as one of the criteria; Status of Highfield’s Residential Streets; proper evaluation by the County Council of NHS objections in order to ensure even handedness. The Highfield Residents association were not just appealing for improved amenity for residents but firmly believed that there would be benefits for all as a result of increased use of public transport and car sharing and increased pedestrian and cycling activity.


City Councillor David Rundle endorsed those comments and emphasised the need to move this on with a clearer commitment and timetable.  However, he had some concerns that 5 options might be too many and that it was imperative to give sensible choices.  He asked the Committee to ensure that  developer contributions referred to in paragraph 23 of the report were recovered.


Mrs White confirmed that the County Council was keen to progress this scheme but could not guarantee a 30% reduction in traffic volumes. She could not comment on status of streets – for example Windmill Road was residential but was also a classified road.  Further discussions on what was equitable would recognise such issues as NHS concerns regarding emergency times.  The County Council would be actively pursuing the recovery of the developer contributions relating to Latimer Road.


Councillor Hudspeth recognised concerns about progressing this as quickly as possible and officers would endeavour to give a clear timetable. However, it was imperative to get the right solution and there would need to be further discussions on various options. 


RESOLVED: to authorise officers to develop a range of options for consultation on a traffic management scheme for the Highfield area, limiting those options only to those that did not involve closing the area to through traffic.