Issue - decisions

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford - Proposed Parking Restriction Amendments

27/02/2025 - Great Clarendon Street, Oxford - Proposed Parking Restriction Amendments

The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.


Officers confirmed that since the report was drafted, a car club in Oxford had shown interest in re-utilising the bay as a car club bay. Officers noted the support for this approach by the local County Councillor.


Officers noted that their recommendation would therefore change to recommend a deferral to allow further discussion with the car club.


The Chair thanked officers and agreed to defer the recommendations in the report.




To defer the recommendations:


a)    Approve the extension of the existing ‘Pay & Display’ parking bay (8.00am - 10.00pm Monday to Saturday all day Sunday) on Great Clarendon Street in Oxford, as advertised.