Issue - decisions

Thame Centre - Parking Review 2024

24/01/2025 - Thame Centre - Parking Review 2024

The Chair introduced the item, invited speakers to make their addresses and responded to their points in turn.


Officers confirmed that the restrictions proposed do not stop picking up or dropping off.


The Chair agreed that the issue of enforcement, raised by public speakers, was an extremely important one.


The Chair noted that the intention of controlled parking zones was to safeguard the amenity of residents.


The Chair noted a slight error in recommendation e), which should have read ‘on the east side of North Street only’, rather than ‘on the east side only North Street only’ – as shown in bold italics below.


Officers and the Chair discussed the exemptions that were rightly applied for funerals and weddings.


The Chair thanked officers for their work, speakers for their contributions and agreed to the recommendations as amended




Approve the introduction of parking controls in Thame as follows:


a) The introduction of no waiting at any time restrictions on sections of Church Road, Ludsden Grove and Lupton Road.


b) The removal of no waiting at any time restrictions to be replaced by an access protection marking between N.101 & 103 Chinnor Road.


c) The introduction of permit holder only bays (TH prefix), 8am – 6pm, Monday to Saturday on parts of Church Road.


d) The formalisation of an existing disabled bay on Church Road, in front of the access to St. Mary’s Church.


e) The introduction of Shared-use permit holders or 2 hour max stay parking bays (8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday) on the east side only of North Street only, to replace no waiting restrictions.


f) The extension of properties currently eligible to apply for residents permits to also be eligible for visitor permits in High Street, Cornmarket and Upper High Street.