The Chair introduced the item to the meeting, invited speakers to make their addresses and responded to their points in turn.
The Chair pointed out that the Priory Lane issue was not the only one outlined in the report and noted that there were two admirable objectives pulling in opposite directions.
The Chair referred to several of the consultation responses, regarding business trade.
Officers confirmed what the existing Traffic Regulation Order covering Priory Lane was and stated that it was not a long-term solution.
Issues were raised around the bus school services and it was stated by the bus companies that recommendations a) & d) would affect these services, in terms of school trips.
The Chair confirmed that the Local Transport Connectivity Plan (LTCP) has a governing hierarchy of: pedestrians, active travel, public transport, trade vehicles and private cars, in that order.
The Chair agreed to recommendations b), c), e), f) & g), whilst deferring recommendations a) & d) to allow for further discussion with the explicit intention of finding a suitable solution. The Chair asked for officers to start discussions now with the Town Council, local representatives and all other stakeholders.
The Chair re-iterated that if it came down to it, then the safety of children would be prioritised over tourism.
The Chair thanked officers for their work, speakers for their contributions and agreed to recommendations b), c), e), f) & g), whilst deferring recommendations a) & d).
Approve the following recommendations:
b) ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (Double Yellow Lines) extended on the northern side adjacent to ‘The Rectory’
c) ‘No Loading at Any Time’ – will be introduced alongside the extended DYLs for 22 metres adjacent to the gated access to the ‘Burford Priory’,
e) Extend the existing ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (Double Yellow Lines)
restrictions on the eastern side of Barns Lane, northwards to the
southern property boundary of No.12 Barns Lane,
f) Introduce new ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (Double Yellow Lines) restrictions on the eastern side of High Street, leading northwards from the northern end of the bridge over the River Windrush,
g) ‘Humped’ Zebra crossing on the A361 The Hill, approximately 75 metres north of the junction with Windrush Court.
Defer the following recommendations:
a) Bus & Coach restriction along the entire length of Priory Lane, (with an exemption for ‘Permit Holders’),
d) Formalisation of existing ‘School Keep Clear’ markings on the northern side adjacent to the Burford Primary School, with ‘No Stopping 8am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday’ restriction,