Issue - decisions

Proposed 24hr Exemption for Hackney & Private Hire Vehicles through Westgate Bus Link, Oxford

01/10/2024 - Proposed 24hr Exemption for Hackney & Private Hire Vehicles through Westgate Bus Link, Oxford

The Chair invited speakers to address the meeting and responded to their points in turn.


Officers confirmed that this proposal was an extension of the experiment from 7am to 7pm which then became permanent, which allowed Taxi’s and Private Hire Vehicles to use the Westgate Bus Link as a through road.


Officers confirmed that the proposal, if approved, would be monitored to ensure any issues were addressed.


The Chair confirmed with officers that dropping off and picking up was not permitted.


The Chair noted that he felt Taxi’s were part of the solution to car traffic in Oxford and as part of the public transport offer.


The Chair referenced the objections from bus companies surrounding enforcement.


The Chair noted the support from the local Oxford City Councillor for Hinksey Park.


The Chair thanked speakers and officers and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




a)     Approve the removal of the existing ‘Prohibition of Motor Vehicles’ restriction on Hackney Carriage Vehicles (HCVs) & Licensed Private Hire Vehicles (PHVs) in & around the Westgate shopping centre in Oxford, as advertised.