Issue - decisions

Responding to the Cost of Living Crisis

21/09/2022 - Responding to the Cost of Living Crisis

The following amendments were agreed:


In Table 2 on Page 11 of Addenda 2, delete “up to £50,000 per district / city authority” and replace with “up to a maximum of £380,000”.


Recommendation d) was replaced with the text below




a)                  Note the arrangements already in place to support residents in the cost of living crises, noted from paragraph 31;


b)                  Agree to the proposals for additional support for residents set out in Table 2 as amended;


c)                  Agree to the funding arrangements included in Table 2 as amended to bring forward the use of £200,000 from the COVID reserve originally agreed to be used for emergency welfare spending in 2025/26 to 2022/23;


d)                  Agree to contribute up to a maximum of £380,000 in matched funds to support Council Tax Hardship schemes in 2022/23, as described in paragraph 45, equitably dispersed between the City and District Councils.


e)                  Note the additional support being put in place for staff in Annex 1.