Issue - decisions

Motion by Councillor Liam Walker

11/08/2022 - Motion by Councillor Liam Walker

The amendment by Councillor Duncan Enright was carried by 36 votes to 21.


The motion as amended was carried by 34 votes to 7 with 1 abstention




This council recognises the need to improve public transport in Oxfordshire to reduce emissions, tackle congestion and make sure our bus services are more sustainable.


Park and Ride sites are important transport hubs in Oxfordshire helping to reduce the need to drive into Oxford city.


To help meet the commitments as stated above this council calls on both the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Highways Management to:


·        Establish a cross-party task force to explore the viability of making parking at our P&R sites free.

·        Write to the Leader of Oxford City Council asking for the city council to join this new task force .

·        Work with public transport providers in Oxfordshire to establish a Park & Ride improvement plan


·        Continue working within the Enhanced Bus Partnership (EHP) to make Park & Ride (P&R) more attractive than driving into the city centre


·        Work with the public transport providers, City and District Councils through EHP to plan the future of P&R, including discussing freight consolidation, shared transport, bike and scooter hire, tourist coaches, and high frequency services beyond the city.